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Trader Change Tool


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Hi, thanks for this great utility, it is exactly what i was looking for..


I can't make it works.. its really confusing, i'm pretty sure that i filled all form fields correct, so login data should be ok.

Also, im hosted by Vilayer and i have no problem to connect to my database trough f.e. HeidiSQL, so external connection to database is IMHO not problem.. 

If i try to connect to the database with same login data as i have in HeidiSQL, Trader Editor shows me this:

MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Open()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.CreateNewPooledConnection()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.TryToGetDriver()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
   at TraderEditor.DatabaseConnector.getTraders(String instance)

Here is screenshot of my database & trader editor together just for control that i don't mess up something..



I have Epoch ver. and map Chernarus


Can you help me please? Thank you..

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Are you sure all parameters are coorect ?


- the port is not the standard one, may its 3306 ?

- take care fore case sentitivity, may "Root" have to be "root" ?

- try to create another identity instead of root, in my case I had some kind of problem.

- are you using encryption in HeidiSQL?


Good luck.

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Tkanks for reply..

yes, i'm pretty sure that i filled correct host, password, port, database name and user name.. (because it works in HeidiSQL and Vilayer reports me that login data).

Unfortunetly, i don't know how to create another identity under Vilayer hosting :( I'll try to contact them if is it possible..)

And not, I dont use encryption in Heidi SQL...


Maybe is some problem on my server side by Vilayer.. I really don't know..

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Thanks for the nice tool!

I can get this to work just fine with my localhost server (Cherno with instance 17, not 11, some patches ago there was a revision of trader handling, but I haven't understood the whys or whats).


Trying to connect to our Vilayer DBs, however, does not work (the same error messages as shown by 2 people in the previous posts) even though I use the same connection parameters as in my working phpMyAdmin config.inc.php....


There seems to be a thing 'password hashing' that is mysql version dependent?....

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Where does it pull the currency types from? Is that hard coded into the program, or from a list somewhere?


Lots of servers have additional currency options, such as Topaz, Emerald, Ruby....So, if I add that to my my server, will they become selectable in the list?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Help, I can see the trader and the categories, but I can't see the items... I am 100 procent sure the settings are right, and I even rewrote the database once to see if that makes any difference... It does not. Help? :P

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I am wondering if this is intended or not; maybe vbAWOL will see this and chime in (or maybe someone else knows). It appears (I think I am looking at this right) the Epoch Chernarus 11 (the one I am using) is using the TID's of Epoch Chernarus 17. I put in the instance ID of 17 in the Trader Config Tool and all is well with the world.


Epoch Chernarus 11 server_traders.sqf (GITHUB)

// Aircraft Dealer
menu_Soldier_Sniper_PMC = [
	[["Airplanes",517],["Helicopter Unarmed",519]],

Epoch Chernarus 17 server_traders.sqf (GITHUB)


// Aircraft Dealer
menu_Soldier_Sniper_PMC = [
	[["Airplanes",517],["Helicopter Unarmed",519]],

Weird, same for me. I suggest anyone else having probs with empty menus tries instance 17 and edit away....lol

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I coded some new application because I couldn't find a (good) non web based one :)


All you need:

- MYSQL login data

- instance number (found in table Server_TRADERS)



Suggestions and bugs to [email protected].







Nice work dude! Works a charm, once I got my head round actually using instance 17...lol

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  • 6 months later...

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