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Plot pole / building


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Is it possible to make the building stuff tied to my players UID instead of their Character ID?


Because my players have to buy a plot pole every time when they die because they can't continue building on their already built base, all they can do is remove but then they lose their 60 gold worth plot pole, which is quite annoying ..


Thanks in advanced,



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On the server i play on, which i can confirm does NOT have BB of any version, you CAN remove the plot pole..but its destroyed in doing so.

To test, i had an admin give me the gold (since it was for a test). Placed it down, waiting 5 minutes (just cause) then removed it. It removed successfully but did not show up in my inventory.

I had not died or done anything. So the feature has a problem with it.

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We don't have BB activated and I have never been able to get any menu from the pole.


Version now is and the problems even occur with a pole freshly set. But they have been present for the last versions, too.


On character death you seem to lose the link to the pole (can't build because you 'need a plot pole in xx m') and you can't place a new one because the old one is still detected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cypher, I'm having the EXACT same problem. And yes Aliveman, I am running v1.0.1.5 . No idea why this happens.



Edit:  I am running Bungle's custom Server Pack 1.2.1 though.  I don't think it has BB in it to my knowledge.

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im waiting for the price/crafting of poles to be implemented before i mess with them...  the devs mentioned a few days ago in the server they were going to tweak it so more people will be inclined to want to build and craft... most people arent alive long enough to get enough gold to purchase a plot pole let alone the massive time it takes to start building...

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No major programs taking down poles on my my server running, though it is a little quirky. Some people do not get the option to remove the pole immediately, but we just do like we would do when we do not get the option to give someone a transfusion, walk away like 10+ meters, then come back. Sometimes you have to look at the sign part to get the "remove plot pole" option.

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to dig up an old topic but i have an issue on my new 1.0.3 pathera server, i'm unable to see the plot pole model, its completely invisible, the only addons i'm running are Blue Pheonix Admintools, SarAI and R3F towing script (which doesn't work at the moment)

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