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Dedicated Servers


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Hey so I'm thinking about switching to over to a dedicated server, possibly one that could easily handle a test server and a main server maybe 2 servers and a test one.


So I'm not familiar with any providers so could someone post some links to some good dedi boxes that hopefully don't cost more than like $60?

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I have This machine

We run an ArmA 3 custom wasteland server, Epoch sauerland and a test server when needed, usually have around 70 players over both games at any one time, it copes very well.

rarely use over 60% CPU and 50% Ram

ok well thanks for the help, still open to any other suggestions from anyone though

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I recommend a 2 core server if you're going for a 40 or less slot.

This will minimize cost, and at least you can run at full power without the stupid Arma multicore issues.

I currently rent an 8-core stocked with 32 gigs of ram and 2 ssds on a fast connection, along with a webserver and a dataserver to handle web and client interactions.

The dedi costs $120/month and the other servers I have since I work for a networking company (don't want to run a game server off of their servers for security reasons)

I've seen offers from places like VanquishVPS, Vortex, and some other hosts with $55 USD a month for a 2-core server.

Vanquish VPS has rather satisfactory prices for the performance. Great customer support, rented from them a few times too.

I would recommend searching for someone in your preferred area (if you're looking for most players, eastern Canada servers seem to attract both European and American players frequently) along with good reviews.

If you're looking for a web-site game control panel that you can use with DayZ, I recommend OpenGamePanel or using the PrivateHiveTools by Nightmare

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Thanks alot, Seems like VanquishVPS might be the way to go, they are local and they are hosting Quad Cores with SSD's for 45-55 dollars only they are not in stock at the moment, so I think im gona wait till one opens up. 


With VortexServers the lowest price that is comming up for me is 150 dollars unless im not clicking in the right spot. 


Ragency Host looks pretty shitty actually (sorry to storm on ur parade) because they Give you one GB of RAM and 80 gigs for 60 bucks.



I think I'm set but any other suggestions from people im defiantly willing to take.

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Hey what about these guys?

Seems fairly new, I am not getting many reliable reviews on them. Web Of Trust doesn't have an entry for them either.

I currently rent a Dedicated Server from Vanquish.

Contact them and see if they can set you up with a deal. Their customer service is phenomenal, lots of cool guys.

I haven't had experience with much other server hosts other than Vortex, but wasn't satisfied too much with Vortex.

If you find something, make sure to do some research and ask around before shooting them some money, as they may just take it and never give you the service.

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I'm currently renting from http://www.hetzner.de/

They have something of a market, or an auction for dedicated servers:



I got the 3770 i7 for 52€, 32gb of ram and currently beasting between 500 and 1gbit of upload.

~20€ a month for Windows 2012 

I'm very pleased with them so far.

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I'm currently renting from http://www.hetzner.de/


They have something of a market, or an auction for dedicated servers:



I got the 3770 i7 for 52€, 32gb of ram and currently beasting between 500 and 1gbit of upload.

~20€ a month for Windows 2012 

I'm very pleased with them so far.



I also rent my box with the exact same spec as above and i'm more than happy with the service decent hardware for decent prices love it....





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