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Suggestion: Towable cars using road assistance vehicle

Merle Dixon

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I recently bought a road assistance vehicle and i went to test it,i found a car that was whole and added some gas,i parked it on top of the road assistance vehicle but the car was moving back down slowly like it was on a hill .can this be fixed?I believe the road assistance vehicle would be awesome if besides repairing damaged cars could also transport them..would be a nice add on for RP and making some money in epoch selling the trash around.what i want to ask is this :can it be fixed to work like this?thank you

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IMO and from my experience the problem with towing is quite complicated. The addition of tow-able vehicles presents many problems, and I've yet to find a solution for it. If a server admin wants to add stock towing, where large vehicles can tow smaller and similar sized vehicles, then anyone who finds a Ural or Humvee could theoretically farm vehicles and become rich in a few hours time. Stock towing also creates the issue of being able to tow away a players owned vehicle even though it's locked, which is an even bigger issue.


Creating a vehicle that can tow but can only be found by purchasing it is something I've also explored, but again it creates a problem with farming where anyone able to afford the vehicle that can tow already has a significant amount of currency and is able to exponentially expand on that as well as tow other players locked vehicles.


I've been experimenting with taking some variants of vehicles out of the dynamic vehicle list so they don't spawn and then having them only accessible through purchasing one or more at a trader but that still leaves the biggest issue of towing other players owned vehicles unsolved.

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You are spot on Gucci.


Its about the right balance.. I love the tow ability as its present in Real Life.. however there needs to be limitations and it needs to be an ability that everyone can get but not anyone can get.. if you get my drift.


Having this limited to one vehicle and a need to carry the correct tools would help. But the rich will get richer..unless we remove selling of vehicles.. however then its just a glorified grieving tool.


Balance will be found I think in the end.. but there needs to be a start and a finish mapped out.



What classes to people feel should be able to tow and what should be tow-able?

Should this require not just the right vehicle but also tools to accompany the action?

Should it be a group effort rather than a job do-able via a single individual?

Should there be a lift function for Larger Transport Helicopters?

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well yes but i know the complications about people exploiting but on a server that has a maximum spawn vehicles it is a relief for the server to remove excess cars ,where i play not many use the towing vehicle,they just fly over with choppers and get them or other survivors that are not in a clan are getting them and selling them for cash so i havent heard any complaints concerning people loosing money i speak for my server of course but the idea to save time driving two cars when a friend ran out of fuel to tow it is awesome as well.Hope it can be fixed in the next patch or near future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why not make the road assinstance work as in, putting a car on his "back"..?


( know, this is possible right now, but when you drive off, the car stays behind, hovering in mid air, or just rolls off.)


This way you solve the problem with towing locked cars arround, but you can still pick up cars, as long as they are not locked and can drive...


As for the argument, that someone can use it for farming cars, the road assistance is slow, horrible offroad and steers really bad....

i think that will compensate very well for that special abillity....


Futher more, if you remove the option to sell or lock the road assistance, everybody can use the vehicel, but as you can't sell it back to the trader it will remain on the map as long as it doesn't get destroyed.

Giving everybody the same chances...

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In my server it is buyable but no one buys it due to the two problem it has,the first you mentioned and the second that after the road assistance vehicles repairs a car from all damage  the car reverts to its damaged state after server restart!personaly i would love when and if wbol comes from his hiatus will manage to fix these two issues...lets hope he will look at it!

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