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Looking for a Spawn script



I'm looking for a script to add to an AI mission,  That when An That AI dies dies he spawns A crate that can be customized. I was searching around and couldn't find anything or I over looked it. 



 So the way I really want it to work in Set an AI group with Just one Guy in it. And when He dies a Customized Crate spawns. 


  Any Idea's will be appreciated .



  Thank You in advance.



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I have never heard of any type of script that when the AI die the box spawns, but I use the Wicked AI missions and they are working very nicely. Has a bunch of different typed missions like chopper crashes,disabled MV-22's, convoy's, and weapon cache's and stuff. Apparently they can work with other mission you have on your server but I haven't tried any of that yet.  

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Yea thats what i'm using now also.I made a Custom AI city and have them spawn all over . so far working out good. Except them running through walls and buildings. But my Idea was to just spawn 1 guy and when he dies he drops a crate with a very nice loot..Kinda like killing a Boss in WOW or something. I'm going to put the base SQF up when i'm totaly done with it.  I thought maybe there was something that could be done on the bottom of the code so When the group or guy is killed (in that custom group) it will trigger a Spawn Crate/box at the spawn location.


it's just an idea that if someone knows how to do it or there was a script out there , it would bring a kool feature to a server. Right now I just have a crate/box at the end point where the most  AI is and made it  the hardest part to clear , the reward is great. It defently very hard to solo . designed to be a group mission. 


Thanks for the reply & stay safe



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Yea thats what i'm using now also.I made a Custom AI city and have them spawn all over . so far working out good. Except them running through walls and buildings. But my Idea was to just spawn 1 guy and when he dies he drops a crate with a very nice loot..Kinda like killing a Boss in WOW or something. I'm going to put the base SQF up when i'm totaly done with it.  I thought maybe there was something that could be done on the bottom of the code so When the group or guy is killed (in that custom group) it will trigger a Spawn Crate/box at the spawn location.


it's just an idea that if someone knows how to do it or there was a script out there , it would bring a kool feature to a server. Right now I just have a crate/box at the end point where the most  AI is and made it  the hardest part to clear , the reward is great. It defently very hard to solo . designed to be a group mission. 


Thanks for the reply & stay safe

You could always just put a backpack on them and beef up the stuff inside of it. 

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You could always just put a backpack on them and beef up the stuff inside of it. 

Thanks for the suggestion.  I was thinking that also , but I know on the other spawned AI that is set to random will get that loot on them if I make a seprate array .  And I only want it on that one guy. I guess I'll just play around with it for a bit.

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Also had another good idea about the service center script. It works great if you don't have it. 



 Every time someone pays to get car repaired the gold gets put in to a crate/box hidden somewhere on server. And if someone finds it they get a great payday. I'll just have to keep going to see if it gets empty , then i'll move it to another location. Or the gold just gets put into an Admin safe. :) 

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Not bad idea's they are just a a little odd. Idea I have would be for someone to make a script package. Like someone makes a package with certain things on it. then all they have to do is put the one file on the server and one line into the init.sqf and then bang. Just have people pay you for it like that. I know I would buy that shit.

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