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after update 1.3


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Hello,  after putting beaten for 2 days with g-portal to get the server update, no more people can not play on it ... could you tell me if I have to do anything in my epoch.altis file?

i can join now on server
but its still not ok
im spawning on the salt lake and have no body
after few minutes i am kicked and get this message

server not ready (error 02)

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You need to replace the old epoch.altis file with the new one, along with the client files and the pbo files in @epochhive\addons, the battleye .txt files and update any changes in the epochconfig.hpp file.

That error most likely means that you have missed a file or two, look in the .rpt file and see what the error is.


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i will watch for spk


other bug, halv spawn doesn't work, players can spawn and are lock in the white room ...



22:36:01 "DEBUG: player auth token set [""zxzxwkphwuvwuwzoxfnhphvrhgbgyxaei"",B Alpha 1-3:1 (Djonny) REMOTE,""mbpvh""]"
22:36:01 Server: Object 2:4039 not found (message Type_121)
22:36:01 Server: Object 2:4066 not found (message Type_121)
22:36:02 Server: Object 5:116 not found (message Type_93)
22:36:02 Server: Object 5:115 not found (message Type_93)

22:36:02 Error in expression < _mode select 0;
        _reasonIndex = _mode select 1;
    _reason = '';
    _logName =>
22:36:02   Error position: <select 1;
    _reason = '';
    _logName =>
22:36:02   Error select: Type Number, expected Array,String,Config entry
22:36:02 Error in expression < _mode select 0;
        _reasonIndex = _mode select 1;
    _reason = '';
    _logName =>
22:36:02   Error position: <select 1;
    _reason = '';
    _logName =>
22:36:02   Error Generic error in expression


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If you mean a vanilla epoch.altis.pbo then that would be in the distribution zip file, if you mean a blank database that the server will start afresh from then you can either rename the current dump.rdb file (Redis will create a new file next time it starts up) or just  change the number on the DB = line in EpochServer.ini. Stop both the server and redis before doing either option.

The first way is probably preferable since it will lead to less memory usage.

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