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Bases are decaying after force maintain



Hi guys,


Sorry for my ignorance but I've checked the sql database events and they're set to cause 0.1 damage each day and then to delete from database when it reaches 1. So that should mean 1- days but they're starting to decay after 3 days. Is there a script somewhere in the new epoch files that could be causing it?


Thank you so much in advance!

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3 hours ago, JakeQue said:

Hi guys,


Sorry for my ignorance but I've checked the sql database events and they're set to cause 0.1 damage each day and then to delete from database when it reaches 1. So that should mean 1- days but they're starting to decay after 3 days. Is there a script somewhere in the new epoch files that could be causing it?


Thank you so much in advance!


Check events are running in the database, mySQL ships with it disabled

You need to check if objects are actually being maintained correctly when you force maintain as well.

So force maintain a base, then go check in the database and sort by last updated, your recently maintained base should be top of the listing, if it isn't then you have issues.

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36 minutes ago, JakeQue said:

@salival just sent it Pm mate

Your infistar is breaking maintaining.

Check to see if you can update, I know this was an issue with infistar.

If anything, try disabling infistar and maintaining, if it works, you need to contact infistar for help

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the only maintain i find in AH.sqf is



if(!isNil 'server_maintainArea')then{
    server_maintainArea_original = server_maintainArea;
    server_maintainArea = {
        _input = _this select 1;
        _player = _input select 0;
        _targetObj = _input select 2;
        _log = format['%1(%2) maintained %3 (objid: %4) @%5 (%6)',name _player,getPlayerUID _player,typeOf _targetObj, _targetObj getvariable['ObjectID','0'],mapGridPosition _targetObj,getposatl _targetObj];
        ['MAINTAIN',_log] call fn_custom_log;
        _input spawn server_maintainArea_original;


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