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Plotpole Alternative Payment


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Hi all,

A few years back their was a script run from the mission for an alternative plotpole payment ie: energy

I've search my files and the forum just can't find it...

If anyone post a link or upload would be greatly appreciated

(yes I'm going to do away with Krypto and the traders all together for pure survival mode )




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I started something like this whereby you can pay with gold. I never finished the script but i'd be happy to send you what I have so far. The idea was to give players a reason to save gold or jewels beyond crafting new types of radios. You could use it to pull energy from the variable on the player character instead of converting gold to krypto, paying the rent and adding any remaining krypto the the player character. Send me a PM here or on Discord if you'd  like more info. You are welcome to share whatever code I have so far here as a new addon script.


Discord: https://discord.gg/rnKZvp3

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