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winGrep replacement


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@Ghostrider-DbD- NP. BTW, in case you could use them, did you see my posts in the Lootspawner, SEM and WAI threads... I've only fixed the playableunits() calls... need to go back and deal with any other issues later but my two servers are now up and running 1.66 and seem to be okay so far (some issues it seems on player death for some players... investigating that one)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use wingrep and it's great, but honestly at this day and age almost all tools can do what wingrep do, even notepad++ searches files.

If you don't like n++, another much better tool that has grep integrated (and is my new favorite) is Visual Studio Code. This tool is great if working with specific folders like project.

For casual use, wingrep is still better if used for stuff like finding that one function or class name when extracting Arma's PBOs.

If looking for alternative, there's quite a few good ones out there.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/14/2016 at 1:05 PM, raymix said:

I use wingrep and it's great, but honestly at this day and age almost all tools can do what wingrep do, even notepad++ searches files.

If you don't like n++, another much better tool that has grep integrated (and is my new favorite) is Visual Studio Code. This tool is great if working with specific folders like project.

For casual use, wingrep is still better if used for stuff like finding that one function or class name when extracting Arma's PBOs.

If looking for alternative, there's quite a few good ones out there.


Finally gave Visual Studio Code a try. Thank you for that recommendation.

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