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Hi, since the udpate to 0.3.9 I have been seeing these errors in my server.rpt:

"DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"


"DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: O_Heli_Light_02_F"

I'm guessing these are produced because I have added other Arma 3 vehicles to my server like you can see above and I'm not sure if the errors are a problem as the vehicles aren't being deleted but, can anyone throw some light on how to fix this? Do I need to add the additional vehicles into another list in the config somewhere?

I can confirm that I'm running the latest version 565 and using the 'out of the box' config for vehicle load. Not using the 038 vehicle load.


I am also seeing the following two errors since updating to 039 which are still prevalent in 565:

11:46:51 "EPOCH_LT_CfgMainTable_Trash_antagonists = [["UAV","Cloak","Sapper","SapperB"],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4]]"
11:46:51 Error in expression <"];
if (!isNull _target) then {
switch (_type) do {
case "UAV": {
"I_UAV_01_F" r>
11:46:51   Error position: <_type) do {
case "UAV": {
"I_UAV_01_F" r>
11:46:51   Error Undefined variable in expression: _type
11:46:51 File epoch_server\compile\epoch_antagonists\EPOCH_server_triggerEvent.sqf, line 17


11:46:51 Error in expression <selectRandom _weightedArray);
[_target, _triggerType] call EPOCH_server_triggerE>
11:46:51   Error position: <_triggerType] call EPOCH_server_triggerE>
11:46:51   Error Undefined variable in expression: _triggertype
11:46:51 File epoch_server\compile\epoch_looting\EPOCH_server_destroyTrash.sqf, line 55

Any help on these would be great! :)



Edited by ReDBaroN
added 2 more rpt errors
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Another similar error in rpt

23:49:19 Error in expression <selectRandom _weightedArray);
[_player, _triggerType] call EPOCH_server_triggerE>
23:49:19   Error position: <_triggerType] call EPOCH_server_triggerE>
23:49:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _triggertype
23:49:19 File epoch_server\compile\epoch_looting\EPOCH_server_lootContainer.sqf, line 62

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33 minutes ago, 82ndAB_Bravo17 said:

Another similar error in rpt

23:49:19 Error in expression <selectRandom _weightedArray);
[_player, _triggerType] call EPOCH_server_triggerE>
23:49:19   Error position: <_triggerType] call EPOCH_server_triggerE>
23:49:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _triggertype
23:49:19 File epoch_server\compile\epoch_looting\EPOCH_server_lootContainer.sqf, line 62

check 566 for the fixes to this: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/releases

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1 hour ago, 82ndAB_Bravo17 said:

Doesn't look like EPOCH_server_lootContainer.sqf has been modified yet, at least on github.

The error stems from the EPOCH_weightedArray function, and this is a reference to that function so it should be fixed. :smile:

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12:21:45 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F"
12:21:45 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:45 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:45 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: O_Heli_Attack_02_F"
12:21:45 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: O_Heli_Transport_04_EPOCH"
12:21:45 Unaccessible
12:21:46 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:47 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed
12:21:47 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:47 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"
12:21:47 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: O_Heli_Attack_02_F"
12:21:47 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: B_Truck_01_box_EPOCH"
12:21:47 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: I_MRAP_03_hmg_F"
12:21:47 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:48 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: O_Heli_Transport_04_box_EPOCH"
12:21:48 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: ebike_epoch"
12:21:48 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: B_T_Truck_01_ammo_F"
12:21:48 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:48 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F"
12:21:48 class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F
12:21:48 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: B_MBT_01_cannon_F"
12:21:49 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:49 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F"
12:21:49 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: O_Heli_Attack_02_F"
12:21:49 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:49 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:49 "DEBUG: vehicle destroyed already (1) or invalid vehicle class: I_MRAP_03_hmg_F"
12:21:49 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:49 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:49 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:49 "DEBUG: invalid vehicle data count: 0 != 8"
12:21:49 "Epoch: Vehicle SPAWN TIMER 20.871, LOADED 148 VEHICLES"
12:21:49 "Epoch: Spawning vehicles"


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