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Boxes disappearing



I have a mission running with lots of boxes (container_epoch).

When a player gets near a box it just disappears before they can get the loot.

Has anyone else had this problem?

I don't see anything in my rpt for it...

Maybe an infistar thing?


Thank you.

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I had some players trying that mission again and got this in the server rpt:


21:49:56 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2815_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["bd3pc3hh4mbtlisow9w",["Square","76561198055444395","SLOG",[66,97,100,67,114,121,112,116,111,32,111,110,32,99,111,110,116,97,105,110,101,114,95,101,112,111,99,104,32,45,32,53,48,48,48]],"2:2541"]"
21:49:56 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2815_KICKLOGSPAWN> Square(76561198055444395) Token bd3pc3hh4mbtlisow9w - objByNetID B Bravo 1-2:1 (Square) REMOTE"
21:49:56 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 1h 5min | Square(76561198055444395) | BadCrypto on container_epoch - 5000 (v0239)"
21:49:58 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2815_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["bd3pc3hh4mbtlisow9w",["Square","76561198055444395","SLOG",[66,97,100,67,114,121,112,116,111,32,111,110,32,99,111,110,116,97,105,110,101,114,95,101,112,111,99,104,32,45,32,53,48,48,48]],"2:2541"]"
21:49:58 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2815_KICKLOGSPAWN> Square(76561198055444395) Token bd3pc3hh4mbtlisow9w - objByNetID B Bravo 1-2:1 (Square) REMOTE"
21:49:58 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2815_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["bd3pc3hh4mbtlisow9w",["Square","76561198055444395","SLOG",[66,97,100,67,114,121,112,116,111,32,111,110,32,99,111,110,116,97,105,110,101,114,95,101,112,111,99,104,32,45,32,53,48,48,48]],"2:2541"]"
21:49:58 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2815_KICKLOGSPAWN> Square(76561198055444395) Token bd3pc3hh4mbtlisow9w - objByNetID B Bravo 1-2:1 (Square) REMOTE"
21:49:58 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 1h 5min | Square(76561198055444395) | BadCrypto on container_epoch - 5000 (v0239)"
21:49:58 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 1h 5min | Square(76561198055444395) | BadCrypto on container_epoch - 5000 (v0239)"
21:49:58 Server: Object 2:2576 not found (message Type_92)
21:49:58 Server: Object 2:2574 not found (message Type_92)
21:50:06 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2815_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["bd3pc3hh4mbtlisow9w",["Square","76561198055444395","SLOG",[66,97,100,67,114,121,112,116,111,32,111,110,32,99,111,110,116,97,105,110,101,114,95,101,112,111,99,104,32,45,32,53,48,48,48]],"2:2541"]"
21:50:06 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2815_KICKLOGSPAWN> Square(76561198055444395) Token bd3pc3hh4mbtlisow9w - objByNetID B Bravo 1-2:1 (Square) REMOTE"
21:50:06 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 1h 5min | Square(76561198055444395) | BadCrypto on container_epoch - 5000 (v0239)"
21:50:08 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2815_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["bd3pc3hh4mbtlisow9w",["Square","76561198055444395","SLOG",[66,97,100,67,114,121,112,116,111,32,111,110,32,99,111,110,116,97,105,110,101,114,95,101,112,111,99,104,32,45,32,53,48,48,48]],"2:2541"]"
21:50:08 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2815_KICKLOGSPAWN> Square(76561198055444395) Token bd3pc3hh4mbtlisow9w - objByNetID B Bravo 1-2:1 (Square) REMOTE"
21:50:08 "<infiSTAR.de>SL| 1h 5min | Square(76561198055444395) | BadCrypto on container_epoch - 5000 (v0239)"

What would BadCrypto on container_epoch mean?

This is the loot spawn in mission:


//Spawn loot
    for "_x" from 1 to _treasure_total do {
        _treasure_pos = [_position, (random 40) + 10, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
        _Scenery_pos = [_position, (random 40) + 10, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
        // light
        diag_log(str _light);
        _Scenery=createVehicle[(_SceneryType call BIS_fnc_selectRandom),_Scenery_pos,[],0.1,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
        // Loot
        _mps setMass 205;
        _mps setVariable["Crypto",ai_crypto_bomb,true];
        diag_log(str _mps);
        // Loot2
        _mps setVariable["Crypto",ai_crypto_bomb,true];
        diag_log(str _mps);
        // Debug arrow
        //_Arrow attachTo [_mps,[0,0,0.5]];
        //diag_log(str _Arrow);

        _allTreasure     pushBack _mps;
        _allLight         pushBack _light;
        //_allArrow         pushBack _Arrow;
        _allScenery     pushBack _Scenery;

Anyone see anything wrong with it?



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Hux, I think I have this fixed in 3.9.0

These containers are actually technically vehicles so our Epoch vehicle token check is likely to blame. I have added this class to the safe vehicles array here: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/8f5867b4504061bb9f8ed37b9fc5da6d6e4666f0/Sources/epoch_server/system/server_monitor.fsm#L79


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He-Man got it.

I had crypto added to the container spawn:

// Loot
        _mps setMass 205;
        _mps setVariable["Crypto",ai_crypto_bomb,true];
        diag_log(str _mps);

So I removed the:

       _mps setVariable["Crypto",ai_crypto_bomb,true];
        diag_log(str _mps);

Now it works:happy:

Thanks for the help you guys.

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