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Is loot spawning working as supposed to?


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oh I noticed that now also not all furniture spawns in certain buildings, for instance, in hospital of Kavala, only blue cabinet spawned for me. Before it was whole hallway full of Epoch furniture, including medkit cabinets etc. Maybe it is for the better, though in my opinion the chance of spawning more furniture is too low currently.

Also wanted to ask how far this 180 degree arc extends? I hope it is not 1000 meters or something? Some towns are pretty big and if you enter at the center and loot starts spawning all around in farthermost (hope it's correct word) buildings it's not much fun running back and forth to check them out everytime. I need to do more testing with smaller towns though when I tried looting Frini, got only one house with loot with over 10 minutes of running back and forth constantly.

By the way, useless protip - if you have broken legs and slowly walk through town loot spawns more frequently :D I know it's an illusion since you spend more time getting from one place to another, but still. I now constantly have broken legs, thanks to Arma 3 damage system.

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Here a small explanation:

This following runs every 10 seconds:

	_playerPos = getPosATL vehicle player;
	_distanceTraveled = EPOCH_lastPlayerPos distance _playerPos;
	if (_distanceTraveled > 10 && _distanceTraveled < 200) then {

So if you run more then 10m and less then 200 meter in 10 seconds, the script goes on...

		_lootDist = 30 + _distanceTraveled;

The Loot distance is 30m + the traveled distance away from you.

		_lootLoc = player getRelPos [_lootDist, (random [-180,0,180])];

And this is the important line. The Loot location is in a random direction (-180° to +180°)


Before the changes it was:

	_playerPos = getPosATL vehicle player;
	_distanceTraveled = EPOCH_lastPlayerPos distance _playerPos;
	if (_distanceTraveled > 10 && _distanceTraveled < 200) then {
		_travelDir = [EPOCH_lastPlayerPos, _playerPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
		_lootDist = 30 + _distanceTraveled;
		_xPos = (_playerPos select 0) + (_lootDist * sin(_travelDir));
		_yPos = (_playerPos select 1) + (_lootDist * cos(_travelDir));
		_lootLoc = [_xPos, _yPos, 0];
		_objects = nearestObjects[_lootLoc, ['building'], 40];

You can see, that the loot location was always in your traveling direction.

So KPABATOK, the loot distance is always between 40m (10+30) and 230m (200+30).

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