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FuMs and Zombies and Demons



Has anyone figured out how to get Zombies and Demons to work with FuMs missions?

I made a new mission folder called it CityZeds

in there I have Horde.sqf


// Tinboye
// 3/25/16

["Zombies", 200], // Mission Title NOSPACES!, and encounter radius
["Zombies","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","Colorblack","FDiagonal",200],    // Map Markers ["MapText", "SHAPE", "COLOR", "FILL", size];
   // type is "mil_objective"
    [// NOTIFICATION Messages and Map display Control.
	false, "ALL",, // Notify players via Radio Message, radio channel, range from encounter center (0=unlimited.
    false, // Notify players via global message
    false,// Show encounter area on the map
    ,    // Win delay: Time in seconds after a WIN before mission cleanup is performed
           // Lose delay: Time in seconds after a lose before mission cleanup is performed
          //NOTE: the above delay must occur before the mission is considered 'complete' by the mission manager control loop.
    // Spawn Mission Message
    // Mission Success Message
["Mission Success",
    // Mission Failure Message
["Mission Failure!",
[  //  Loot Config:  Refer to LootData.sqf for specifcs
["None" , [18,-9] ], //[static loot, offset location] - spawns with the mission
["None" , [5,5] ], // Win loot, offset location - spawns after mission success
["None" , [,] ]  // Failure loot, offset location - spawns on mission failure
[//BUILDINGS: persist = 0: building deleted at event completion, 1= building remains until server reset.
//    ["Land_Device_disassembled_F",[0,0],0,0]   //type, offset, rotation, presist flag
// AI GROUPS. Only options marked 'Def:' implemented.

[["ZOMBIE","CARELESS","RED","LINE"],[[2,"Zombie0"],[2,"Zombie1"],[2,"Zombie2"],[2,"Zombie3"],[2,"Zombie4"],[2,"Zombie5"],[2,"Zombie6"],[2,"Zombie7"],[2,"Zombie8"],[2,"Zombie9"],[2,"Zombie10"],[2,"Zombie11"],[2,"Zombie12"],[2,"Zombie13"]],["Explore",[6,6],[,],[150] ]],
[["ZOMBIE","CARELESS","RED","LINE"],[[2,"Zombie0"],[2,"Zombie1"],[2,"Zombie2"],[2,"Zombie3"],[2,"Zombie4"],[2,"Zombie5"],[2,"Zombie6"],[2,"Zombie7"],[2,"Zombie8"],[2,"Zombie9"],[2,"Zombie10"],[2,"Zombie11"],[2,"Zombie12"],[2,"Zombie13"]],["BoxPatrol",[-6,-6],[,],[] ]],
[["ZOMBIE","CARELESS","RED","LINE"],[[2,"Zombie0"],[2,"Zombie1"],[2,"Zombie2"],[2,"Zombie3"],[2,"Zombie4"],[2,"Zombie5"],[2,"Zombie6"],[2,"Zombie7"],[2,"Zombie8"],[2,"Zombie9"],[2,"Zombie10"],[2,"Zombie11"],[2,"Zombie12"],[2,"Zombie13"]],["Zombie",[50,-50],[50,-50],[] ]],
[["ZOMBIE","CARELESS","RED","LINE"],[[2,"Zombie0"],[2,"Zombie1"],[2,"Zombie2"],[2,"Zombie3"],[2,"Zombie4"],[2,"Zombie5"],[2,"Zombie6"],[2,"Zombie7"],[2,"Zombie8"],[2,"Zombie9"],[2,"Zombie10"],[2,"Zombie11"],[2,"Zombie12"],[2,"Zombie13"]],["Zombie",[50,50],[50,50],[] ]],
[["ZOMBIE","CARELESS","RED","LINE"],[[2,"Zombie0"],[2,"Zombie1"],[2,"Zombie2"],[2,"Zombie3"],[2,"Zombie4"],[2,"Zombie5"],[2,"Zombie6"],[2,"Zombie7"],[2,"Zombie8"],[2,"Zombie9"],[2,"Zombie10"],[2,"Zombie11"],[2,"Zombie12"],[2,"Zombie13"]],["Zombie",[-50,-50],[-50,-50],[] ]],
[["ZOMBIE","CARELESS","RED","LINE"],[[2,"Zombie0"],[2,"Zombie1"],[2,"Zombie2"],[2,"Zombie3"],[2,"Zombie4"],[2,"Zombie5"],[2,"Zombie6"],[2,"Zombie7"],[2,"Zombie8"],[2,"Zombie9"],[2,"Zombie10"],[2,"Zombie11"],[2,"Zombie12"],[2,"Zombie13"]],["Zombie",[-50,50],[-50,50],[] ]]

//Example: PatrolBehavior: ["BoxPatrol", [100,0], [0,0],0 ]  
// AI will spawn 100m east of encounter center, a 4 point patrol will be set up at 80% encounter radius. AI will move to this and start patrolling.
// spawnoffsetloc: [x,y] where x and y are offsets in meters from the encounter center.Sets the spawn location for the group.
// patroloffsetloc:[x,y] where x and y are offsets in meters from encounter center. Sets the center of the group's patrol zone,
//                     or where it should travel too before starting its patrol pattern.
// radius: in meters - used in establishing patrol geometry. If zero, then 80% of encounter radius will be used.
//###Patrol Options### 
//Def:   "Perimeter", spawnloc, patrolloc, radius: - 12 waypoints set at radius from loc, group goes from point to point
//Def:   "BoxPatrol", spawnloc, patrolloc, radius: - 4 waypoints set at radius from loc, group goes from point to point
//Def:  "Explore", spawnloc, patrolloc, radius: - 12 waypoints set up at radius from loc, group moves randomly from point to point
//Def:  "Guard", spawnloc, patrolloc, radius: - group patrols inside of buildings found within radius of loc.
//Def:  "Sentry", spawnloc, patrolloc radius: - group moves to nearest building and takes up station in highest points within the building
//     NOTE: if no buildings are located within 'radius' both Guard and Sentry will locate nearest buildings to the encounter and move there!
//  "Loiter", loc, radius: - group just hangs out, in an unaware mode in vicinity of loc-radius.
//  "Convoy", loc, data: group follows roads from startloc to stoploc, then loops back.
//  "XCountry", loc, data: group goes from startloc to stoploc, then loops back.

// Vehicles
      //Define all the triggers this mission will be using
	  // Trigger names must be unique within each mission.
	  // NOTE: "FuMS_KillMe" is a reserved trigger word. Do not use!!!
	  // NOTE: "OK" is a reserved trigger. Do not define it here.
	  //  "OK" can be used in the actions section to force an action to occur at mission start!	 
//	  ["PROX",["ProxPlayer",[0,0],80,1]  ],
//	  ["LUCNT",["LowUnitCount","EAST",5,0,[0,0]]  ],
//	  ["HUCNT",["HighUnitCount","GUER",6,0,[0,0]] ],
//	  ["Detect",["Detected","ALL","ALL"] ],
//	  ["BodyCount",["BodyCount",9] ]
//	  ["Timer",["TIMER", 1800] ],
	  //                            offset      radius    time(s)  Name
//	  ["Zuppa", ["ZuppaCapture",[ [ [-100,-100], 50,         90,  "Point 1" ],
 //                               [ [100,100],   50,         90,  "Point 2" ]   ]]  ],
//       ["VehDmg1", ["DmgVehicles", "1",0.8]  ],
//       ["BldgDmg1",["DmgBuildings","2,3,7",1.0]  ]
	  // Define what actions should occur when above trigger logics evaluate to true
	   // Note: a comma between two logics is interpreted as "AND"
//	  [["WIN"],["LUCNT"     ]],  // 
	//  [["CHILD","Help_Helo",[0,0]],["OK"      ]],  // 
	// [["Reinforce","Help_Vehicle","Trig4"]], 
//	  [["LOSE"],["TIMER", "OR", "VehDmg1", "BldgDmg1"]   ],
      [["END"],["OK"     ]]  





// Tinboye but credit to Horbin
// 3/25/16
// Inputs: Theme Index
// Default AI Skill Array
// [.05, .9, .1, .1, .5, .5, .1, .1]
// AimAccuracy= .05 : target lead, bullet drop, recoil, how certain ai must be before opening fire
// AimShake = .9 : how steady AI can hold a weapon.
// AimSpeed = .1 : how quick AI can rotate and stablize its aim.
// SpotDistance = .05 : affects ability to spot visually and audibly and the accuracy of the information.
// Spottime = .05 : affects how quick AI reacts to death, damage or observing an enemy.
// Courge = .1 : affects unit's subordinates' morale.
// ReloadSpeed = .1: affects delay between weapon switching and reloading
// Commanding = .5 : how quickly recognized targets are shared with the AI's group.

// FlagWater = true: spawning over water will default to a "Diver" configuration (Frog suit and Rebreather!)
// FlagAmmo = true: ai will never run out of ammo.

_soldierData = 
        // requires installation of 'Zombies and Demons' Addon
        // http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28958
        // does not need to be commented out, but ensure missions are not attempting to build this
        // unit type unless the Addon is enabled!
        // **NOTE** Only Helmet, and General Inventory items are valid for Zombies.
        ["RyanZombieC_man_1medium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_man_polo_1_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_man_polo_2_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_man_polo_4_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_man_polo_5_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_man_polo_6_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_man_p_fugitive_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_man_w_worker_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_scientist_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_man_hunter_1_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_man_pilot_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_journalist_Fmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_Orestesmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
        ["RyanZombieC_Nikosmedium",1], // Uniform
        ["",], // Vest.
        [Hat_Civilian,], // Helmet
        ["",], // Backpack and chance.
        [RifleOtherPairs,], // PriWeapon and chance
        [ ,  , ], // scope, muzzle, flashlight:  percent chance of having one appropriate to the rifle.
        [PistolPairs,], // Secondary Weapon and chance
        [ 1, .05, .04, .03, .01],  // Map, Compass, GPS, Watch, Radio(1-9)
        [ .05, .02, .01 ], // Binoculars, RangeFinders, NVG's
        [ false, false, false], // DiverOverWater, UnlimitedAmmo
        [ [[Food_Canned,.05],[1,1]],[[Drink,.05],[1,1]]             ],
          // Crypto and Faction Rewards
            ["KRYPTO", 25]
FuMS_SOLDIERDATA set [_this select , _soldierData];




// Tinboye but credit to Horbin
// 3/25/16
// Based upon drsubo Mission Scripts

["Zombies", 200], // Mission Title NOSPACES!, and encounter radius
["Zombie Horde","mil_dot","ICON","Colorblack","FDiagonal",50],    // Map Markers ["MapText", "SHAPE", "COLOR", "FILL", size];
   // type is "mil_objective"
    [// NOTIFICATION Messages and Map display Control.
    false, "ALL",, // Notify players via Radio Message, radio channel, range from encounter center (0=unlimited.
    false, // Notify players via global message
    true,// Show encounter area on the map
    // Set the value above to false to remove dot/town indicators for zombie spawns.
    ,    // Win delay: Time in seconds after a WIN before mission cleanup is performed
           // Lose delay: Time in seconds after a lose before mission cleanup is performed
          //NOTE: the above delay must occur before the mission is considered 'complete' by the mission manager control loop.
    // Spawn Mission Message
    // Mission Success Message
["Mission Success",
    // Mission Failure Message
["Mission Failure!",
[  //  Loot Config:  Refer to LootData.sqf for specifcs
["None" , [18,-9] ], //[static loot, offset location] - spawns with the mission
["None" , [5,5] ], // Win loot, offset location - spawns after mission success
["None" , [,] ]  // Failure loot, offset location - spawns on mission failure
[//BUILDINGS: persist = 0: building deleted at event completion, 1= building remains until server reset.
//    ["Land_Device_disassembled_F",[0,0],0,0]   //type, offset, rotation, presist flag
[ // AI GROUPS. Only options marked 'Def:' implemented.
//   [["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],   [  [1,"Sniper"],[2,"Rifleman"],[2,"Hunter"]  ],   ["BoxPatrol",[0,75],[0,0],[0]   ]],
//    [["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],   [  [3,"Rifleman"]                                         ],   ["Guard",[-20,10],[0,0],[70] ]],
//[["ZOMBIE","CARELESS","RED","LINE"],   [  [15,"Zombie"]           ],     ["Zombie",[0,0],[0,0],[]     ]]
//[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],   [  [3,"Rifleman"],[1,"LMG"] ],   ["Explore",[6,6],[0,0],[150]     ]],
//[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],   [  [3,"Rifleman"]           ],   ["BoxPatrol",[-6,-6],[0,0],[0]     ]]
//Example: PatrolBehavior: ["BoxPatrol", [100,0], [0,0],0 ]  
// AI will spawn 100m east of encounter center, a 4 point patrol will be set up at 80% encounter radius. AI will move to this and start patrolling.
// spawnoffsetloc: [x,y] where x and y are offsets in meters from the encounter center.Sets the spawn location for the group.
// patroloffsetloc:[x,y] where x and y are offsets in meters from encounter center. Sets the center of the group's patrol zone,
//                     or where it should travel too before starting its patrol pattern.
// radius: in meters - used in establishing patrol geometry. If zero, then 80% of encounter radius will be used.
//###Patrol Options### 
//Def:   "Perimeter", spawnloc, patrolloc, radius: - 12 waypoints set at radius from loc, group goes from point to point
//Def:   "BoxPatrol", spawnloc, patrolloc, radius: - 4 waypoints set at radius from loc, group goes from point to point
//Def:  "Explore", spawnloc, patrolloc, radius: - 12 waypoints set up at radius from loc, group moves randomly from point to point
//Def:  "Guard", spawnloc, patrolloc, radius: - group patrols inside of buildings found within radius of loc.
//Def:  "Sentry", spawnloc, patrolloc radius: - group moves to nearest building and takes up station in highest points within the building
//     NOTE: if no buildings are located within 'radius' both Guard and Sentry will locate nearest buildings to the encounter and move there!
//  "Loiter", loc, radius: - group just hangs out, in an unaware mode in vicinity of loc-radius.
//  "Convoy", loc, data: group follows roads from startloc to stoploc, then loops back.
//  "XCountry", loc, data: group goes from startloc to stoploc, then loops back.

// Vehicles
      //Define all the triggers this mission will be using
      // Trigger names must be unique within each mission.
      // NOTE: "FuMS_KillMe" is a reserved trigger word. Do not use!!!
      // NOTE: "OK" is a reserved trigger. Do not define it here.
      //  "OK" can be used in the actions section to force an action to occur at mission start!     
      ["PROX",["ProxPlayer",[,],80,1]  ]
//      ["LUCNT",["LowUnitCount","GUER",1,0,[0,0]]  ],
//      ["HUCNT",["HighUnitCount","GUER",6,0,[0,0]] ],
//      ["Detect",["Detected","ALL","ALL"] ],
//      ["BodyCount",["BodyCount",9] ]
//      ["Timer",["TIMER", 1800] ],
      //                            offset      radius    time(s)  Name
//      ["Zuppa", ["ZuppaCapture",[ [ [-100,-100], 50,         90,  "Point 1" ],
 //                               [ [100,100],   50,         90,  "Point 2" ]   ]]  ],
//       ["VehDmg1", ["DmgVehicles", "1",0.8]  ],
//       ["BldgDmg1",["DmgBuildings","2,3,7",1.0]  ]
            // Define what actions should occur when above trigger logics evaluate to true
            // Note: a comma between two logics is interpreted as "AND"
            //      [["WIN"],["LUCNT"     ]],  // 
        [["CHILD",["Horde",[,], 2, 1200] ],["PROX"      ]]  // 
            // [["Reinforce","Help_Vehicle","Trig4"]], 
            //      [["LOSE"],["TIMER", "OR", "VehDmg1", "BldgDmg1"]   ],
            //      [["END"],["LUCNT"     ]]  




// Tinboye but credit to Horbin
// 3/25/16
// Inputs: Theme index into which to store this data.
// Outputs: none
 //  Options , Mission List, Points List
_themeData =
    [  // *******Options*********
        "CityZeds", // Needs to match the folder name!
        4,  //Mission Selection: 1=Random, 2=In order, 3=Random:once only until all missions run
             // 4=Static: All missions in 'Mission List' will be created at server start!
             // 5=Static: with no respawn. Use option 5 for 'create once' type missions.
             // Using option 4 will permit mission to run and re-spawn based upon the respawn delay below.
             //  option 5 will let the mission only spawn once per 6 hours (ie server reset)
        60, // Respawn delay in seconds
        true, // use Global Loot Data (GlobalLootData.sqf)
        false,  // use Global Soldier Data file (GlobalSoldierData.sqf)
        true, // ThemeAutoStart: Setting this to 'false' will prevent normal start-up of the Theme! See \Docs\AdminControls.txt
            1,  // Player minimum to launch missions from this theme.
        100   // Player maximum above which missions will not launch
    [  //***** Mission List *****
    // List of Missions. 
        // The below missions MUST be in the same folder as this file! 
    [   //***** Locations ***** !! 2D coords ONLY !!
        //Location format ["keyword"] or [[x,y],"optional name"] or [x,y]
        //  Where the 'optional name' is found, it will be used in place of the MissionName defined in the mission file.
        // Urban locations will always use their location instead of the mission name.
        // List of Encounter locations to be used if Global random locations are not desired
        // If keywords "Villages", "Cities", "Capitals" found as entries, the appropriate
        //  locations from the mission map will be added to the list.
        // Specific cities can also be included, if not all of a type are desired:
        // Ex: ["Charkia"], ["Neochori"]
        ["Villages"],["Cities"],["Capitals"]  //Encounter will only spawn in urban areas!
        //Encounter will spawn in all urban areas as well the other points provided.
         // Note these points are NOT offsets, but points specific to ALTIS !!
    [ //***** Radio Chatter *****
        [ // AI Radio Chatter configuration
             0, // radio channel used by AI - "ALL"= messages heard w/o radio (other options 0-9)
    //0=Quartz, 1=Garnet, 2=Citrine, 3=Amethyst, 4=Topaz, 5=Sapphire, 6=Onyx, 7=Emerald, 8=Ruby, 9=Jade
            true, // silent Check-in =true: AI squads will NOT check-in with BaseOps when they spawn.
            true, // AI death messages enabled.
            1500, // Radio Range (for AI. BaseOps's high power radio has unlimited range)
            "Zeds",    // AI callsign, groups will be numbered..ie Bear01, Bear02
            "Closeout" // BaseOps call sign
        //**Do not remove or change order of these items. 
        // The 'chat text' can be changed to meet your theme's needs.
        // For the 'chat text', < and > are reserved characters. DO NOT use them for anything but
        //  for identifying one of the keywords!
        // Keywords: <DIST>, <DIR>, <MSNNAME>, <POS>, <#ALIVE>, <#DEAD>, <STATUS>
        [  // AI to Base Chatter 
            ["CheckIn", "On station. <DIST> meters <DIR> of FOB <MSNNAME>."],
            ["Position", "Currently at <POS>."],
            ["Detected", "Clones detected within perimeter of <MSNNAME>."],
            ["Less50", "We are taking heavy casualties! Request reinforcements!"],//<--this message initiates a call for reinforcements.
            ["SitRep", "On station. <#ALIVE> souls, <#DEAD> dead. <STATUS>."],//<--this is the response to Base's '99' call.
            ["Done", "Roger Out."],
            ["Death", "We are taking casualties!"],
            ["DetHostileAI", "Human Mercenaries have been spotted in the area of <MSNNAME>."]
        [   // Base to AI chatter
            ["CheckIn", "Base copies all."],
            ["Position", "Say your current position."],
            ["Detected", "Roger. Weapons Free. All clones hostile."],
            ["Less50", "We have you Lima Charlie. Stand bye!"],
            ["SitRep", "99 pass SITREP."], //<-- This is broadcast every 30 minutes.  All groups will respond.
            ["HELP", "Support is on its way!"],
            ["Death", "Copy all. Keep us advised of your status."], 
            ["DetHostileAI", "Roger. Weapons Free, Capture as many as you can."]
FuMS_THEMEDATA set [_this select 0, _themeData];



// Edited By Tinboye, Credit to Horbin
// 3/25/16
// For use in customizing AI in Fulcrum Mission System.
// NOTE: If you create any of your own custom 'Arrays', make sure the name of the array is also included in the
//     : ListofVar names list at the bottom of this file.
// NOTE: If you do not include the name, the HC will never learn of the new variable's data!!!

#include "BaseLoot.sqf";

Outfit_Military = ["U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo","U_O_PilotCoveralls","U_OG_Guerilla1_1","U_OG_Guerilla2_1",

Z_outfit_slowZs = ["RyanZombieC_man_1slow", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_1_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_2_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_4_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_5_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_6_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_man_p_fugitive_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_man_w_worker_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_scientist_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_man_hunter_1_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_man_pilot_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_journalist_Fslow", "RyanZombieC_Orestesslow", "RyanZombieC_Nikosslow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_fslow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_f_1slow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_f_1_1slow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_03_fslow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_03_f_1slow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_03_f_1_1slow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_fslow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_f_1slow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_f_1_1slow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_lite_Fslow", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_lite_F_1slow"];
Z_outfit_mediumZs = ["RyanZombieC_man_1medium", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_1_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_2_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_4_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_5_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_6_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_man_p_fugitive_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_man_w_worker_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_scientist_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_man_hunter_1_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_man_pilot_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_journalist_Fmedium", "RyanZombieC_Orestesmedium", "RyanZombieC_Nikosmedium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_fmedium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_f_1medium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_f_1_1medium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_03_fmedium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_03_f_1medium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_03_f_1_1medium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_fmedium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_f_1medium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_f_1_1medium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_lite_Fmedium", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_lite_F_1medium"];
Z_outfit_fastZs = ["RyanZombieC_man_1", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_1_F", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_2_F", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_4_F", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_5_F", "RyanZombieC_man_polo_6_F", "RyanZombieC_man_p_fugitive_F", "RyanZombieC_man_w_worker_F", "RyanZombieC_scientist_F", "RyanZombieC_man_hunter_1_F", "RyanZombieC_man_pilot_F", "RyanZombieC_journalist_F", "RyanZombieC_Orestes", "RyanZombieC_Nikos", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_f", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_f_1", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_f_1_1", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_03_f", "RyanZombieB_Soldier_03_f_1","RyanZombieB_Soldier_03_f_1_1","RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_f","RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_f_1","RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_f_1_1","RyanZombieB_Soldier_lite_F","RyanZombieB_Soldier_lite_F_1"];
Z_outfit_spiderZs = ["RyanZombieSpider1", "RyanZombieSpider2", "RyanZombieSpider3", "RyanZombieSpider4", "RyanZombieSpider5", "RyanZombieSpider6", "RyanZombieSpider7", "RyanZombieSpider8", "RyanZombieSpider9", "RyanZombieSpider10", "RyanZombieSpider11", "RyanZombieSpider12", "RyanZombieSpider13", "RyanZombieSpider14"];
Z_outfit_demonZs = ["RyanZombieboss1","RyanZombieboss2","RyanZombieboss3","RyanZombieboss4","RyanZombieboss5","RyanZombieboss6","RyanZombieboss7","RyanZombieboss8","RyanZombieboss9","RyanZombieboss10","RyanZombieboss11","RyanZombieboss12","RyanZombieboss13","RyanZombieboss14"];

Outfit_WetSuit = ["U_O_Wetsuit","U_Wetsuit_uniform","U_Wetsuit_White","U_Wetsuit_Blue","U_Wetsuit_Purp","U_Wetsuit_Camo"];
Outfit_Civilian = ["U_C_Poloshirt_stripped","U_C_Poloshirt_blue","U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy","U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour","U_C_Poloshirt_salmon",
Outfit_Ghillie = ["U_O_GhillieSuit","U_ghillie2_uniform","U_ghillie3_uniform"];
Outfit_Female = ["U_CamoRed_uniform","U_CamoBrn_uniform","U_CamoBlue_uniform","U_Camo_uniform"];

Outfit_Any = Outfit_Military + Outfit_Civilian + Outfit_Female + Outfit_Ghillie;
Outfit_AnyMilitary = Outfit_Military + Outfit_Female;
Outfit_AnyZombies = Z_outfit_slowZs + Z_outfit_mediumZs + Z_outfit_fastZs + Z_outfit_fastZs + Z_outfit_spiderZs + Z_outfit_demonZs;

// ECH's
Helmet_ECH = ["H_2_EPOCH","H_1_EPOCH","H_3_EPOCH","H_4_EPOCH","H_6_EPOCH","H_7_EPOCH","H_8_EPOCH",
Helmet_Combat = ["H_5_EPOCH","H_12_EPOCH","H_13_EPOCH"];
Helmet_SF = ["H_19_EPOCH","H_20_EPOCH","H_21_EPOCH","H_22_EPOCH"];
Helmet_Mich = ["H_23_EPOCH","H_24_EPOCH","H_25_EPOCH"];
Helmet_Crew = ["H_26_EPOCH","H_27_EPOCH","H_36_EPOCH","H_37_EPOCH","H_38_EPOCH"];
Helmet_Pilot =["H_29_EPOCH","H_30_EPOCH","H_31_EPOCH","H_32_EPOCH","H_33_EPOCH","H_35_EPOCH"];
Hat_Military = ["H_61_EPOCH","H_86_EPOCH","H_87_EPOCH","H_88_EPOCH","H_89_EPOCH","H_90_EPOCH","H_91_EPOCH","H_92_EPOCH","H_104_EPOCH"];
Helmet_Military = Helmet_ECH + Helmet_Combat + Helmet_SF + Helmet_Mich + Hat_Military;
Helmet_Aviator = Helmet_Crew + Helmet_Pilot;
Helmet_Any = Helmet_Military + Helmet_Aviator;

Hat_Boonie = ["H_39_EPOCH","H_40_EPOCH","H_41_EPOCH","H_42_EPOCH","H_43_EPOCH","H_44_EPOCH","H_45_EPOCH","H_46_EPOCH"];
Hat_Ballcap = ["H_47_EPOCH","H_47_EPOCH","H_49_EPOCH","H_50_EPOCH","H_51_EPOCH","H_52_EPOCH","H_53_EPOCH","H_54_EPOCH",
Hat_Bandanna = ["H_62_EPOCH","H_63_EPOCH","H_64_EPOCH","H_65_EPOCH","H_66_EPOCH","H_67_EPOCH","H_68_EPOCH","H_69_EPOCH"];
Hat_Brimmed = ["H_78_EPOCH","H_79_EPOCH","H_80_EPOCH","H_81_EPOCH","H_82_EPOCH","H_83_EPOCH","H_84_EPOCH","H_85_EPOCH"];
Hat_Binnie = ["H_74_EPOCH","H_75_EPOCH","H_76_EPOCH","H_77_EPOCH"];
Hat_Civilian = Hat_Boonie + Hat_Ballcap + Hat_Bandanna + Hat_Brimmed + Hat_Binnie;

Helmet_Racing = ["H_93_EPOCH","H_94_EPOCH","H_95_EPOCH","H_96_EPOCH","H_97_EPOCH","H_98_EPOCH","H_99_EPOCH","H_100_EPOCH","H_101_EPOCH","H_102_EPOCH","H_103_EPOCH"];
Hat_Other = ["H_70_EPOCH","wolf_mask_epoch","pkin_mask_epoch"];
// reserve Beret's for special targets
Hat_Beret = ["H_11_EPOCH","H_28_EPOCH","H_34_EPOCH","H_71_EPOCH","H_72_EPOCH","H_73_EPOCH"];

Vest_Any = Vest_Bandolier + Vest_Carrier + Vest_ChestRig + Vest_Tactical + Vest_LBV + Vest_Rebreather;

RifleSniperPairs = [
    ["srifle_GM6_F", "5Rnd_127x108_Mag"],
    ["srifle_DMR_01_F", "10Rnd_762x51_Mag"],		
RifleLMGPairs = [

RifleAssaultPairs = [
RifleOtherPairs = [
RifleWaterPairs = [
PistolPairs = [
    ["hgun_Rook40_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag" ],

//This array used by AttachMuzzle to locate proper attachment, based upon the AI's gun.
Muzzles =[
["muzzle_snds_H",RifleSniper65+RifleLMG65+RifleAssault65], // 6.5mm
["muzzle_snds_M",Rifle556Lnchr+RifleAssault556], // 556mm
["muzzle_snds_B",RifleSniper762+RifleAssault762], // 7.62mm
["muzzle_snds_H_MG",RifleLMG65], // 6.5 LMG
["muzzle_snds_L",["hgun_PDW2000_F","hgun_P07_F","hgun_Rook40_F"]],// 9mm
["muzzle_snds_acp",["hgun_ACPC2_F","hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","1911_pistol_epoch"]] // 45 cal

//Push data to the HC
// NOTE: If you create any of your own custom 'Arrays', make sure the name of the array is also included in the list below.
// NOTE: If you do not include the name, the HC will never learn of the new variable's data!!!
FuMS_ListofGlobalItems =

FuMS_ListofGlobalGear =



the mission loads, but the spawns do not use the skins from the mod.

i added     "ryanzombies", "ryanzombiesfunctions" to my mission.sqm but no go.


i would love to get this to work.  anyone able to tell me what i am missing?

i Know there is a FuMs Exile version which allows Zombies and Demons. And I tried to make it work on epoch by comparing files between the 2, server will start up, but no missions spawn.

i checked the HC RPT and it has this

"<FuMS> HC_Init: Starting FuMS!"
Error in expression <> HC_INIT: Script List size = %1",count FuMS_HC_ScriptList];
private ["_code">
Error position: <FuMS_HC_ScriptList];
private ["_code">
 Error Undefined variable in expression: fums_hc_scriptlist
 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\HC\HC_Init.sqf, line 56

in the servers rpt

"<FuMS> HeartMonitor: Waiting for HC:HC_HAL initialization to finalize with signature FuMS_HC_isAlive3"

"<FuMS:any> HasAdminAceess: []"
"<FuMS:any> HasAdminAccess: C Alpha 1-1:1 (Tinboye) REMOTE is not in AdminData.sqf. Found C Alpha 1-1:1 (Tinboye) REMOTE"
Error in expression <AdminData.sqf. Found %1",_player,_pData,FumS_Version];}
_dataUID = _pData>
Error position: <FumS_Version];}
_dataUID = _pData>
Error Undefined variable in expression: fums_version
File FuMS\Menus\HasAdminAccess.sqf, line 15
Error in expression < format ["<FuMS:%1> HasAdminAceess: %2",FuMS_Version,_pData];

if (!isNil "_pDat>
Error position: <FuMS_Version,_pData];

if (!isNil "_pDat>
Error Undefined variable in expression: fums_version
File FuMS\Menus\HasAdminAccess.sqf, line 11
"<FuMS> HeartMonitor: Waiting for HC:HC_HAL initialization to finalize with signature FuMS_HC_isAlive3"


Edited by tinboye
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Thanks. There isn't much for epoch these days. The only client based mod I could find was an old outdated one blkeagls zombies. I've read about people taking Wai and adding zombies to that. Just have not dug into that route. And I was looking more for an hc option.

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Try Ryan's Zombies - there's a tutorial in the forum on it (which will be updated this week ;)). With a mix of native spawners, the civilian occupation system and other things it works really well IMO. Especially with the new walker types for COS and faster Zs for the set-location spawners

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