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Collection of Getting Started Tips/Tricks?


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  1. http://opendayz.net/threads/resources-introduction-to-scripting.11313/
  2. http://killzonekid.com/category/tutorials/
  3. Use version control
  4. Setup a local development server
  5. Backup
  6. Look at other peoples code (dont steal it tho)
  7. Read through dayz_code
  8. Patience
  9. Backup
  10. Use Version Control!

I know backup/version control is on there twice but honestly it WILL save your life at some point!

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  1. http://opendayz.net/threads/resources-introduction-to-scripting.11313/
  2. http://killzonekid.com/category/tutorials/
  3. Use version control
  4. Setup a local development server
  5. Backup
  6. Look at other peoples code (dont steal it tho)
  7. Read through dayz_code
  8. Patience
  9. Backup
  10. Use Version Control!

I know backup/version control is on there twice but honestly it WILL save your life at some point!


Not really looking to code... just gameplay tips/tricks/etc. 

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  1. Head north
  2. Find a safe, wait for the owner to open it and kill him
  3. Wait for someone to get out of there vehicle, kill him take key
  4. Camp traders
  5. Sell vehicles like there going out of fashion
  6. You need to save enough gold for a Safe/Vault



This would be the, "How to be an ass to other players." version. Alternatively....

Check out the Wiki, especially the Trader section. It will tell you what the normal prices are for things and you might be surprised to see what they are. Orange Sherbert soda, for example, is worth 3 gold. You know that outfit that is for the opposite gender as your character, it's worth a gold. For a comparison a Stanag clip is worth 4 silver. That means that a skin is worth 7 1/2 Stanag clips. There are a lot of things you might otherwise leave laying around that are useful to trade in. You will have to find the right trader area though. 

When you go to a trader slip in quickly and quietly, trade,and GTFO if there is any sort of PVP on the server. I once had a plane scout the traders and a bunch of bandits fly in in a chopper while several of us more friendly types were trading at Klem. They only got one of us although they tried to chase us for a bit. When trading don't face the trader with your back to a doorway. You can trade from any angle so face the door so you can react when you need to. Be wary. 

Weight of objects is important. There is a fatigue and weight system in place. The more weight you carry the more likely you will get tired quickly to the point where I was carrying several cinderblock walls I had crafted to move them to a safe where I would in turn pull them out one at a time and craft them nearby. It was maybe 30 meters away. I made it about half way when I passed out. This is why Soda Cans and Skins and other light weight but high value items are good for trading. Also, you might get 4 gold for a gun but it takes up 10 slots, weighs more, and means you have to switch into that as you main gun when trading and thus be poorly armed for that period of time. 

Zombies drop useful things, unlike Vanilla. Lock boxes, briefcases, sledgehammer heads, combination locks(needed for bases), and hotwire kits. In most DayZ I just avoid zombies. When I have an abundance of ammo and it is unlikely other players are about I will sometimes ring the dinner bell with a loud gun and shoot then loot every zombie that comes running. 

You WILL need a vehicle if you want to build a base that isn't all wood and thus easily destroyed. Even if it is just an ATV which is pretty cheap. That will help you move around supplies that are too heavy to run around with. 

Hmmmm... what else?


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I was kinda trying to be ironic tbh. This is how i see most player seem to behave.



All too true!

It's annoying to play "Dodge the sniper" anytime you need to go to a trader. I actually think a few of them camp the Hero trader believing a Hero won't risk his status and shoot back. On one of the server I am on I actually decided to go bandit but my friend and I intend to do it with a little more class than popping someone from 800 meters away. He will approach and speak with them, giving them a chance to hand over some of their items/money while I cover him from afar with a long range weapon. We have decided NOT to camp bases/traders/vehicles. 

They have towing enabled on that server(not a good idea) so we towed a guy's vehicle to nearby another base. Once there we raided the base and left his vehicle off a little bit. Hopefully the owners come back, and blame it on him. 

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Camping is boring... I dunno how people do it.


And towing lol, i did have it on my servers but ended up bagging it off. I agree, bad idea!


Well, they do have it so Plot Poles disable towing for all vehicles within their radius, but I see a lot of people spending their money on fancy things like Little Birds instead of a well hidden plot pole and a simple vehicle. 

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If you're new to Arma or vanilla DayZ, by all means, learn the inventory system early on.  Learn about the quirks and how you can lose stuff when you add something to a container that's full (so that you can hopefully avoid doing it too often).


Same goes for learning how to ditch zombies.  Surely you realize that they walk while inside of a building but run while outside, but you may not know:


1) You can lose them by running through the branch area on the shorter evergreen trees.

2) You can lose them by getting out of their line of site (though they will still come to where they last saw you and if they can still here you or see you they will continue).

3) You are safe from zombies inside the front window area of the hospital (it's a safe zone).

4) They won't follow you onto the docks (or any area that is over water I think).

5) You can put some distance between them by vaulting (v) over short fences.

6) You can usually outrun them when running up a steep hill if you angle a little bit so that you are running while they end up trying to go straight up and have to walk.


Learn how to use the waypoint system on your map (basically shift-click to mark a spot and see it in your normal 3D view along with it's distance).  It's invaluable and a total game changer for anyone who doesn't know how to use it.


Your first major purchase should be a Safe (default price is 1 Briefcase).  If you're lucky and you get a lockbox off of a zombie (not a combination lock) then maybe you can delay this purchase until later.  I can't tell you how many people I've seen rage about how they filled up a Ural with loot only to come back on and find it stolen or destroyed.


Some guns can use SD ammo and when you fire them, the zombies won't "hear" it, but you and other players will.  For this reason, I never use a non-suppressed weapon with suppressed ammo unless nobody else is on the server.  I know this was true in DayZ, but someone please correct me if it's not true in Epoch.


Research/explore the wood base building system and plan out your base before you start.


Don't eject out of an air vehicle unless you're high enough (75m or so) to get the chute to deploy.  :) 


Morphine Autoinjector:  Don't leave home without it.  Painkillers, food, drink... all really important to keep on you.


Figure out what you favorite weapon is.  Sell everything else.  Fine if you want to keep your favorite assault rifle, favorite sniper rifle, favorite suppressed assault rifle, etc...


Don't use your vehicle as a means of disposing Zombies.  I can't tell you how many times I've seen someone crash their vehicle doing this... Triple /facepalm for the time it was a full fuel truck.


Don't discount the Mozzie.  That is one awesome flying machine and (by default) only costs 4 Gold.  It's loud and there's pretty much no protection, but it's a great little chopper for the price.

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It holds you....and a whole bunch of fuel.  No storage.


I bought one last night once I was able to log in. You are technically incorrect. It holds a backpack. What that means is that if I have two different types of backpacks I could throw one in the Mozzie and tool around with it. Once at a location I could swap out of my normal backpack, load stuff into the alternate, then swap back and use that as "storage". I believe things in backpacks in vehicles vanish on server restarts though so it would be limited and they HAVE to be different types of backpacks. Still I could put a lot of Cinderblocks/mortar buckets/lumberpacks into even a gunbag. ;)

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I bought one last night once I was able to log in. You are technically incorrect. It holds a backpack. What that means is that if I have two different types of backpacks I could throw one in the Mozzie and tool around with it. Once at a location I could swap out of my normal backpack, load stuff into the alternate, then swap back and use that as "storage". I believe things in backpacks in vehicles vanish on server restarts though so it would be limited and they HAVE to be different types of backpacks. Still I could put a lot of Cinderblocks/mortar buckets/lumberpacks into even a gunbag. ;)


I remember seeing that it had one backpack storage when you do a cargo check but I don't think I could get the gear menu to come up.  Maybe I'm wrong though.  Definitely not a bad idea though... if you're very careful.  :)

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