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player_zombiecheck Kick



Quite a lot of people on our server keep getting a kick '<AntiHack>: *PLAYER* | *Time Played* | player_zombiecheck: {} (BAN)'


Ingame antihack = infiSTAR


I have managed to narrow this down to when players get in a vehicle in a safe zone and then get out of the vehicle outside the safe zone the kick happens.


Can anyone please give us a hand?

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Having this issue as well.  Running the same package.  I found the area in the AH where it's doing the ban.  If you search for the player_zombiecheck line and scroll a little ways below that (around line 1377) you will see a few entries for the traders, including bash, stary and klen.  It contains worldspace data.  On mine I changed them to all zeros, so it looks like [0,0,0];};  I don't know yet if that will be a viable fix as the server won't be up for auto-restart for another hour or so, but I will post an update once I know for sure.

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Do you use a custom Zombie_check ?

Do you use safe zone larger than 150 m ?

Or maybe more safe zone than Stary Klen or Bash ?

_USZ = true;

will only work if you use only safe zone for stary klen or bash and only if the safe zone are smaller than 150 m

Otherwise you have to modify the AH.sqf

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How did it go mdswish?


Im thinking about just reverting back to the older anti-hack script that runs fine & leave it for infiSTAR to fix up for the next release.



I can confirm that it works.  Players can enter trader areas with the safe zone script enabled and anithack running with altered coords without getting banned.  Your mileage may vary.


I've also started a thread on the AH forums including the safe zone script code for their review.

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If you are running the safe zone script, wouldn't you want to DISABLE the AH check for safe zones??  Set "_USZ" to "False" so that it does not try to do the work of the safe zone script and cause unnecessary bans?


No, it needs to be set to true. If not, players will get kicked upon entering the defined safezones. I'm running version 0312 (I think), and it works fine...not sure about the latest version that they released a few days ago.

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