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Plot Pole Upgrades



Hey I'm looking for a script that allows you to upgrade your plot pole. I would like to give players the option to upgrade their plot radius from 30m to 60m for X amount of coins and be able to make their plot radius zombie free for X amount of coins. I know there are ways to set this up so plots are always 60m and zombie free but I want players to have the option to upgrade the plot pole for bigger radius or zombie free for X amount of coins.

Any help is appreciated!

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// put this in your variables im showing you my virtual garage edit as well.

BuildDonor = [
	// Add UIDs above, don't forget the comma

GarageDonor = [
	// Garage Limit Upgrade
	// Add UIDs above, don't forget the comma

//add this to your custom buildables files.

if (getPlayerUID player in BuildDonor) then { DZE_BuildingLimit = 500;} else {DZE_BuildingLimit = 300; };

//for plot management edit the plotobjects.sqf to look like this

private ["_newWealth","_missing","_missingQty","_proceed","_itemIn","_countIn","_target","_objectClasses","_range","_objects","_requirements","_count","_cost","_option"];

_range = DZE_PlotPole select 0;
_count = count(nearestObjects [player,DZE_maintainClasses,_range]);

_colour = "#ffffff";
if (getPlayerUID player in BuildDonor) then { DZE_BuildingLimit = 500;} else {DZE_BuildingLimit = 300; };
if(_count / DZE_BuildingLimit * 100 < 40)then{
_colour = "#00ff00"; 
if(_count / DZE_BuildingLimit * 100 > 75)then{
_colour = "#ff0000"; 

_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getVariable "PlotManagement") displayCtrl 7014);
_result =  format["<t color='%3'>%1 / %2</t>" , _count, DZE_BuildingLimit,_colour];
_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _result;	


Edited by rentiger1112
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