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Is the 'move button' back to move build objects ?


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Function move is back only for physical objects (shelfs, jammers, lockboxes and safes) and only as timer is ticking (when it runs out you can only remove item). Due to how ghostsnapping works, the initial built object isn't physical (as I call it) until timer runs out, that's why you can not move it. Don't know if this is what developers intended, but I am not complaining.

Edited by KPABATOK
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Physical building was really tedious job to do, there is currently no need to move an item after you placed it as you can move these items anyway you want in free mode (well except rotate, which kinda sucks and I hope it will be implemented in a future) and make that it does not have gaps. So for example, if you snapped your floors correctly, any wall built on top won't have gap (specifically talking about cinder walls), though stud walls seem to have a tiny few millimeter gap between them when snapped together, but that can be fixed using ghost snapping with "free mode" (press number 2 on your keyboard), where you can build a wall and it won't snap until you press number 2 on your keyboard again, so it won't re-adjust automatically. If you are worried by those few millimeters, just move a stud wall closer to each other (or even make them overlap if that's your thing) and press 2 again. That's how you can place them in a right spot without a gap.

People also complained a lot that they used to die when they were building bases and that was mainly because move function for physical objects was possible, the build an object, decide to move object and rotate it and forget to use "END" button to move it further from them. Rotating object killed them almost instantly since it was the same as getting hit by a car. Physical building (except for shelfs/lockboxes) was removed entirely and building itself will be redefined again in upcoming patches but for now you can build a base almost safely.

I would expect the "move" function to be implemented for ghost snapping (like it is in Exile currently for example), so that even if you snapped a wall, you can pick it up again whenever you want and move to different spot. But again, it all depends on the vision that Epoch developers have with how their mod needs to be. Being able to remove a wall or any other object offers almost same stuff as being able to just move it to different spot, since by removing you still get some of the materials back and starting from scratch isn't as hard.




Edited by KPABATOK
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I would expect the "move" function to be implemented for ghost snapping (like it is in Exile currently for example), so that even if you snapped a wall, you can pick it up again whenever you want and move to different spot.


Thats just what i liked from the old 'move' function sometimes u need to alter its position or function as 'blindwall' 

And the gaps with the studwalls r anoying coz peeps on the ground can spot things or players easely  ,but 'build 2' resolves that problem

So i only need to find a Bob the builder outfit , few trees and we gonna fix this :D 


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