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Friendly guys thread


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Hehe. So, loving this mod! One of the best yet for Arma 3. But, I have a question. Are there any friendly players out there? Seriously, feel like I'm holding the fort alone :) I never shoot first, but this is hardly a problem when everyone tries to gun me down. I haven't met one friendly player, save from people in the safe zones. What are your experiences?

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I'm part of a small group who sets up Linux based Epoch servers to test and get a feel for everything Epoch.  We never shoot each other.  Well, I did have a friend shoot me in the foot so I could test first aid kits inside of vehicles for [VB]AWOL.  We just learn about base building, how best to kill the AI soldiers, sappers, and cultists, and most importantly (to me anyway): flying helicopters!!!

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OP, when I started playing epoch, I was mostly playing in PVE servers, though keep in mind, that pretty much all of them have A3EAI which sucks and is harder to kill sometimes than any real player, so keep in mind that you will be dying a lot. My suggestion would be to join a simple Vanilla Epoch server (there are like only 5 of them in a whole world) which do not have players or have very little players. I have few vanilla servers in my favourite list, so if you want IP address, please PM me, from time to time I play in those too.

Friendly people do not exist in Epoch. What I mean is that when you loot a town and you have a gun and see a guy with a gun looting same area, you are not gonna shout "friendly", your instinct will be to kill or be killed. You can meet friendlies sometimes in safezones, but keep in mind, the more players server has the more dicks hang around safe zones.

So to repeat myself, just join any normal small server if you do not want to be killed right outside safezone or look into PVE servers (which usually have AI and as I said, A3EAI is hackers).

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