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M2StaticMG disappearing


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I have some M2StaticMG on my server that have suddenly disappeared.

I recently had the same problem with the frigate & destroyer being deleted by infistar but that has been fixed.

The M2StaticMG are still listed in database so I'm guessing this is another infistar thing.

Anyone had this happen & know how to fix?


Thank you.

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Maybe try adding them to the dze_safevehicles in your variables.sqf. Is it disappearing when you get in them?

Hmm...good idea...

I'm using a different class name M2 now (M2StaticMG_US_EP1) and so far it's staying put.

The original M2StaticMG disappeared from database too so I don't know what was going on.

Maybe a player destroyed it because there were other M2StaticMG at players bases that didn't disappear.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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are you using infiSTAR? follow this thread, I think it will help. Page 2, my post at the bottom. this will work with static weapons you add via the editor to your server.  This covers all the places you need to do so the static weapons won't vanish or explode if anyone tries to use them.

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