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Retrieving Crypto off body


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Still an ongoing issue.. Is this going to be resolved or should admins/owners be looking at their own 3rd party solution?




You die.. You go back to your body and your crypto is not there.


Some said it's under the body but the body vanished after a short period of time and there is no device to be found.



Ongoing glitch still I suspect.



Can you put it on your "to look into list?"




On a side note I heard on Exile you will never loose your money cuz it's tied directly into the bank and you draw off that so they apparently fixed it or realized it as an issue and were able to resolve it.



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I've had my krypto land like 25m away from my body. I'd def look around the area. You can also switch it to night if you dont have any other players on and you will see it glow. NVG picks it up pretty good.


yeah, but if you are in your base and die - good lcuk finding the crypto. Impossible. It is either glitched in somewhere or I don't know.

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