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Client Crash After a Minute



Hi, i am trying to play on my Esseker Epoch server, however whenever i join the game i get about 1 minute before my game crashes, i dont know whether it is a problem with my client or the server but it has only just started becoming an issue.


Client RPT: http://pastebin.com/SnsuFCCT


Server RPT: http://pastebin.com/LDika00G


Any help is appriciated!


EDIT: It happens to my friend to so i think its a server problem.

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I have a similar problem too:


Only my game is crashing everytime after 25-30minutes.

Others can play hours, no problem.

It doesnt matter what i do ingame, i also can stand still for this time and then the arma3.exe is crashing with the following things:

(picture is german language :) )



and the client rpt is showing this:

3:01:22 "0h 15min | $p4rkY(76561xxxxx) | T1 did not update in 11.8699s (old time 2661.02, new time 2672.89). FPS: 59.0406. activeSQFscript: 2231   (KICKED)"
 3:01:22 "0h 15min | $p4rkY(76561xxxxx) | T15 did not update in 11.78s (old time 2661.11, new time 2672.89). FPS: 59.0406. activeSQFscript: 2232   (KICKED)"
 3:01:25 Error: can't resize AutoArray to negative size!
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 01193871
graphics:  D3D11
resolution:  1920x1080x32


I updated both (server and client), i also tried it without startingparameters or with them...

I tried it with starting the game with the arma3.exe and i tried it with arma3battleye.exe...

Also i checked the arma files for errors through steam, doesnt helps.


Dunno what i can do more to fix this...



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Thanks for the info, I would suggest reporting this information in either a new feeback bug tracker at BIS or looking for one already started.

Alrighty, I did a quick glance over and did not see any new feedbacks that mention this into.

Please goto feedback.arma3.com and login and post this great info for them to review and hopefully fix for us.

Come back here and reply with your link to the feedback tracker so we can upvote it and get it assigned asap.

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Yes ok, i can/will do that.

But at first i will do some attempts more to fix it at my computer this evening because this happens only for me afaik.

If i dont can figure out the problem, i will go to the feedbacktracker, thx Sanchez.


I will keep informed you. ;)

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No sparky, I'm pretty sure your issue is the same memory leak we have had since 1.46 release June 8th.

they have made 8 attempts to fix this 1 hotfix June 10th, 5 being dwardens performance executables, 1 full 1.48 update and now another hotfix yesterday......

This is truly getting old 7 weeks of the same problems and they can't recreate it in house lolz

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Ok i believe you, but how can it be that iam the only person who gets this crash and others dont ? :)

Thats what makes me confused... I had never such problems.... But ok, before i get stuck in hours of fixing and whing :D i will do a report, i think its better now :)

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Ok i believe you, but how can it be that iam the only person who gets this crash and others dont ? :)

Thats what makes me confused... I had never such problems.... But ok, before i get stuck in hours of fixing and whing :D i will do a report, i think its better now :)

You aren't the only one sparky, my second client computer has seen it since 1.46 and just got it yesterday not an hour after the rc update.

As well as those that were frustrated since June have left arma until they get bored with what they went to...

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Robio, yes, i think this issue had everyone... but thats the only improvement i mentioned with 1.48, its no more crashing at closing the game or disconnecting.

Perhaps it is related to Esseker 0.75, dont can say excactly when the disconnect crash had stopped at me :P


But now the major crash-problem is like i posted ingame after 25-30mins.

Please go to the feedback link and vote UP !



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Yes, this also can happen.... I noticed that this bug dont happens for everyone... but like DirtySanchez said, there should be many known issues with it. Be happy i would say, for me i dont can "be" at the server for longer than the time i was telling...

Let´s see what the report brings to the daylight :)

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