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[SOLVED]R3F disable lift and tow for locked vehicles



Title says it all.  Anyone wanna help me take a crack at it?  We would be releasing the edits once we get it working.


Update 5/21 - This is now working on locked vehicles.  Replace your surveiller_conditions_actions_menu.sqf file contents with this:


* Evalue régulièrement les conditions à vérifier pour autoriser les actions logistiques
 * Permet de diminuer la fréquence des vérifications des conditions normalement faites
 * dans les addAction (~60Hz) et donc de limiter la consommation CPU.
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Team ~R3F~
 * This program is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

private ["_joueur", "_vehicule_joueur", "_cursorTarget_distance", "_objet_pointe", "_objet_pas_en_cours_de_deplacement", "_fonctionnalites", "_pas_de_hook"];
private ["_objet_deverrouille", "_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace", "_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace_deverrouille", "_isUav", "_usine_autorisee_client"];

// Indices du tableau des fonctionnalités retourné par R3F_LOG_FNCT_determiner_fonctionnalites_logistique
#define __can_be_depl_heli_remorq_transp 0
#define __can_be_moved_by_player 1
#define __can_lift 2
#define __can_be_lifted 3
#define __can_tow 4
#define __can_be_towed 5
#define __can_transport_cargo 6
#define __can_transport_cargo_cout 7
#define __can_be_transported_cargo 8
#define __can_be_transported_cargo_cout 9

sleep 2;

while {true} do
_joueur = player;
_vehicule_joueur = vehicle _joueur;

_cursorTarget_distance = call R3F_LOG_FNCT_3D_cursorTarget_distance_bbox;
_objet_pointe = _cursorTarget_distance select 0;

_isNOTlocked = locked _objet_pointe < 2;

if (call compile R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client &&
!R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou && _vehicule_joueur == _joueur && !isNull _objet_pointe && _cursorTarget_distance select 1 < 3.75
) then
R3F_LOG_objet_addAction = _objet_pointe;

_fonctionnalites = _objet_pointe getVariable ["R3F_LOG_fonctionnalites", R3F_LOG_CST_zero_log];

_objet_pas_en_cours_de_deplacement = (isNull (_objet_pointe getVariable ["R3F_LOG_est_deplace_par", objNull]) ||
{(!alive (_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_deplace_par")) || (!isPlayer (_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_deplace_par"))});

_isUav =  (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _objet_pointe) >> "isUav") == 1);

_usine_autorisee_client = call compile R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_creation_factory_on_this_client;

// L'objet est-il déverrouillé
_objet_deverrouille = !([_objet_pointe, _joueur] call R3F_LOG_FNCT_objet_est_verrouille);

// Trouver l'objet pointé qui se trouve derrière l'objet en cours de déplacement
_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace = [R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet, 3.75] call R3F_LOG_FNCT_3D_cursorTarget_virtuel;

if (!isNull _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace) then
// L'objet (pointé qui se trouve derrière l'objet en cours de déplacement) est-il déverrouillé
_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace_deverrouille = !([_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace, _joueur] call R3F_LOG_FNCT_objet_est_verrouille);

// Si l'objet est un objet déplaçable
if (_fonctionnalites select __can_be_moved_by_player) then
// Condition action deplacer_objet
R3F_LOG_action_deplacer_objet_valide = (count crew _objet_pointe == 0 || _isUav) && (isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet) &&
_objet_pas_en_cours_de_deplacement && isNull (_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par") && _isNOTlocked &&
_objet_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled");

// Condition action revendre_usine_deplace
R3F_LOG_action_revendre_usine_deplace_valide = _usine_autorisee_client && R3F_LOG_CFG_CF_sell_back_bargain_rate != -1 && _isNOTlocked &&
_objet_pointe getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_depuis_usine", false] && (count crew _objet_pointe == 0 || _isUav) &&
(R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet == _objet_pointe) && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") && !isNull _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace &&
!(_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_disabled", true]) &&
_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_side_addAction", side group _joueur] == side group _joueur && 
(abs ((getPosASL _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace select 2) - (getPosASL player select 2)) < 2.5) && _isNOTlocked &&
alive _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace && (vectorMagnitude velocity _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace < 6)

// Si l'objet est un objet remorquable
if (_fonctionnalites select __can_be_towed) then
// Et qu'il est déplaçable
if (_fonctionnalites select __can_be_moved_by_player) then
// Condition action remorquer_deplace
R3F_LOG_action_remorquer_deplace_valide = !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") && (count crew _objet_pointe == 0 || _isUav) && _isNOTlocked &&
(R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet == _objet_pointe) && !isNull _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace && 
(_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace getVariable ["R3F_LOG_fonctionnalites", R3F_LOG_CST_zero_log] select __can_tow) && alive _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace && _isNOTlocked &&
isNull (_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par") && isNull (_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace getVariable "R3F_LOG_remorque") &&
(vectorMagnitude velocity _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace < 6) &&
_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled")

// Condition action selectionner_objet_remorque
R3F_LOG_action_remorquer_direct_valide = (count crew _objet_pointe == 0 || _isUav) && isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet && _isNOTlocked &&
isNull (_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par") && isNull (_objet_pointe getVariable ["R3F_LOG_remorque", objNull]) &&
_objet_pas_en_cours_de_deplacement && _objet_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") &&
_x != _objet_pointe && (_x getVariable ["R3F_LOG_fonctionnalites", R3F_LOG_CST_zero_log] select __can_tow) &&
alive _x && isNull (_x getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par") &&
isNull (_x getVariable "R3F_LOG_remorque") && (vectorMagnitude velocity _x < 6) && locked _x < 2 &&
!([_x, _joueur] call R3F_LOG_FNCT_objet_est_verrouille) && !(_x getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") &&
private ["_delta_pos"];

_delta_pos =
_objet_pointe modelToWorld
boundingCenter _objet_pointe select 0,
boundingBoxReal _objet_pointe select 1 select 1,
boundingBoxReal _objet_pointe select 0 select 2
) vectorDiff (
_x modelToWorld
boundingCenter _x select 0,
boundingBoxReal _x select 0 select 1,
boundingBoxReal _x select 0 select 2

// L'arrière du remorqueur est proche de l'avant de l'objet pointé
abs (_delta_pos select 0) < 3 && abs (_delta_pos select 1) < 5
} count (nearestObjects [_objet_pointe, ["All"], 30]) != 0

// Condition action detacher
R3F_LOG_action_detacher_valide = (isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet) && _isNOTlocked &&
!isNull (_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par") && _objet_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled");

// Si l'objet est un objet transportable
if (_fonctionnalites select __can_be_transported_cargo) then
// Et qu'il est déplaçable
if (_fonctionnalites select __can_be_moved_by_player) then
// Condition action charger_deplace
R3F_LOG_action_charger_deplace_valide = (count crew _objet_pointe == 0 || _isUav) && (R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet == _objet_pointe) &&
!(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") && !isNull _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace && _isNOTlocked &&
(_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace getVariable ["R3F_LOG_fonctionnalites", R3F_LOG_CST_zero_log] select __can_transport_cargo) &&
(abs ((getPosASL _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace select 2) - (getPosASL player select 2)) < 2.5) && _isNOTlocked &&
alive _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace && (vectorMagnitude velocity _objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace < 6) &&
_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe_autre_que_deplace getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled")

// Condition action selectionner_objet_charge
R3F_LOG_action_selectionner_objet_charge_valide = (count crew _objet_pointe == 0 || _isUav) && isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet &&
isNull (_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par") && _isNOTlocked &&
_objet_pas_en_cours_de_deplacement && _objet_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled");

// Si l'objet est un véhicule remorqueur
if (_fonctionnalites select __can_tow) then
// Condition action remorquer_deplace
R3F_LOG_action_remorquer_deplace_valide = (alive _objet_pointe) && (!isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet) &&
!(R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") && (R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet != _objet_pointe) &&
(R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet getVariable ["R3F_LOG_fonctionnalites", R3F_LOG_CST_zero_log] select __can_be_towed) &&
isNull (_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par") && _isNOTlocked &&
isNull (_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_remorque") && (vectorMagnitude velocity _objet_pointe < 6) &&  
_objet_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled");

// Si l'objet est un véhicule transporteur
if (_fonctionnalites select __can_transport_cargo) then
// Condition action charger_deplace
R3F_LOG_action_charger_deplace_valide = alive _objet_pointe && (!isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet) &&
!(R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") && (R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet != _objet_pointe) && _isNOTlocked &&
(R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet getVariable ["R3F_LOG_fonctionnalites", R3F_LOG_CST_zero_log] select __can_be_transported_cargo) && 
(vectorMagnitude velocity _objet_pointe < 6) && _objet_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled");

// Condition action charger_selection
R3F_LOG_action_charger_selection_valide = alive _objet_pointe && (isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet) &&
(!isNull R3F_LOG_objet_selectionne) && (R3F_LOG_objet_selectionne != _objet_pointe) &&
!(R3F_LOG_objet_selectionne getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") && _isNOTlocked &&
(R3F_LOG_objet_selectionne getVariable ["R3F_LOG_fonctionnalites", R3F_LOG_CST_zero_log] select __can_be_transported_cargo) &&
(vectorMagnitude velocity _objet_pointe < 6) && _objet_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled");

// Condition action contenu_vehicule
R3F_LOG_action_contenu_vehicule_valide = alive _objet_pointe && (isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet) && _isNOTlocked &&
(vectorMagnitude velocity _objet_pointe < 6) && _objet_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled");

// Condition action ouvrir_usine
R3F_LOG_action_ouvrir_usine_valide = _usine_autorisee_client && isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet &&
!(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_disabled") && alive _objet_pointe && 
_objet_pointe getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_side_addAction", side group _joueur] == side group _joueur;

// Condition action revendre_usine_deplace
R3F_LOG_action_revendre_usine_deplace_valide = _usine_autorisee_client && R3F_LOG_CFG_CF_sell_back_bargain_rate != -1 && alive _objet_pointe &&
(!isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet) && R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_depuis_usine", false] &&
!(R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") && (R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet != _objet_pointe) &&
(vectorMagnitude velocity _objet_pointe < 6) && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_disabled") && 
_objet_pointe getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_side_addAction", side group _joueur] == side group _joueur;

// Condition action revendre_usine_selection
R3F_LOG_action_revendre_usine_selection_valide = _usine_autorisee_client && R3F_LOG_CFG_CF_sell_back_bargain_rate != -1 && alive _objet_pointe &&
(isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet) && R3F_LOG_objet_selectionne getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_depuis_usine", false] && 
(!isNull R3F_LOG_objet_selectionne) && (R3F_LOG_objet_selectionne != _objet_pointe) && !(R3F_LOG_objet_selectionne getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") &&
(vectorMagnitude velocity _objet_pointe < 6) && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_disabled") &&
_objet_pointe getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_side_addAction", side group _joueur] == side group _joueur;

// Condition action revendre_usine_direct
R3F_LOG_action_revendre_usine_direct_valide = _usine_autorisee_client && R3F_LOG_CFG_CF_sell_back_bargain_rate != -1 &&
_objet_pointe getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_depuis_usine", false] && (count crew _objet_pointe == 0 || _isUav) && _isNOTlocked &&
isNull R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet && isNull (_objet_pointe getVariable ["R3F_LOG_est_transporte_par", objNull]) &&
_objet_pas_en_cours_de_deplacement &&
_objet_pointe distance _x < 20 && !(_x getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_disabled") && _isNOTlocked &&
_x getVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_side_addAction", side group _joueur] == side group _joueur
} count R3F_LOG_CF_liste_usines != 0;

// Condition déverrouiller objet
R3F_LOG_action_deverrouiller_valide = _objet_pas_en_cours_de_deplacement && !_objet_deverrouille && !(_objet_pointe getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled");
R3F_LOG_action_deplacer_objet_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_remorquer_direct_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_detacher_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_selectionner_objet_charge_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_remorquer_deplace_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_charger_deplace_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_charger_selection_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_contenu_vehicule_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_ouvrir_usine_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_selectionner_objet_revendre_usine_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_revendre_usine_direct_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_revendre_usine_deplace_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_revendre_usine_selection_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_deverrouiller_valide = false;

// Si le joueur est pilote dans un héliporteur
if (call compile R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client &&  _isNOTlocked &&
!R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou && _vehicule_joueur != _joueur && driver _vehicule_joueur == _joueur && {_vehicule_joueur getVariable ["R3F_LOG_fonctionnalites", R3F_LOG_CST_zero_log] select __can_lift}
) then
R3F_LOG_objet_addAction = _vehicule_joueur;

// Note : pas de restriction liée à R3F_LOG_proprietaire_verrou pour l'héliportage

// A partir des versions > 1.32, on interdit le lift si le hook de BIS est utilisé
if (productVersion select 2 > 132) then
// Call compile car la commande getSlingLoad n'existe pas en 1.32
_pas_de_hook = _vehicule_joueur call compile format ["isNull getSlingLoad _this"];
_pas_de_hook = true;

// Condition action heliporter
R3F_LOG_action_heliporter_valide = !(_vehicule_joueur getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") && _pas_de_hook && _isNOTlocked &&
isNull (_vehicule_joueur getVariable "R3F_LOG_heliporte") && (vectorMagnitude velocity _vehicule_joueur < 6) &&
(_x getVariable ["R3F_LOG_fonctionnalites", R3F_LOG_CST_zero_log] select __can_be_lifted) &&  
_x != _vehicule_joueur && !(_x getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") && locked _x < 2 &&
((getPosASL _vehicule_joueur select 2) - (getPosASL _x select 2) > 2 && (getPosASL _vehicule_joueur select 2) - (getPosASL _x select 2) < 15)
} count (nearestObjects [_vehicule_joueur, ["All"], 15]) != 0

// Condition action heliport_larguer
R3F_LOG_action_heliport_larguer_valide = !isNull (_vehicule_joueur getVariable "R3F_LOG_heliporte") && !(_vehicule_joueur getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled") && _isNOTlocked &&
(vectorMagnitude velocity _vehicule_joueur < 25) && ((getPosASL _vehicule_joueur select 2) - (0 max getTerrainHeightASL getPos _vehicule_joueur) < 40);
R3F_LOG_action_heliporter_valide = false;
R3F_LOG_action_heliport_larguer_valide = false;

sleep 0.4;



Thanks, Halv!

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Got it working!!  YAY!!  Add the following code to surveiller_conditions_actions_menu.sqf, line 37

        _isNOTlocked = locked _objet_pointe < 2;
	if (!_isNOTlocked) then {
		(_objet_pointe setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true, true])
	if (_isNOTlocked) then {
		(_objet_pointe setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, false])

This check will see if a player's cursor target is locked, and if so, will turn off ALL R3F functions for that vehicle.  If the vehicle becomes unlocked, then all R3F functions are re-enabled.  This should work nicely to prevent base glitching where players can lift a target vehicle through the roof of a base.  Since locked vehicles can't be lifted or towed at all, then the glitch becomes a moot point, since 99% of vehicles found in bases will be locked anyway.  Thanks goes to Halv for helping me think smaller again.  :)  


Halv, I tried your method of placing the locked check in all of the addAction sections in the lower part of the script, and that worked fine for contents checking and towing, but for some reason it didn't work for lifting.  I built those if statements shown above and it works globally for all cases, which ends up being way simpler.   It must just be some difference between your older version and the current version I'm using. 

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Got it working!!  YAY!!  Add the following code to surveiller_conditions_actions_menu.sqf, line 37

        _isNOTlocked = locked _objet_pointe < 2;
	if (!_isNOTlocked) then {
		(_objet_pointe setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true, true])
	if (_isNOTlocked) then {
		(_objet_pointe setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, false])

This check will see if a player's cursor target is locked, and if so, will turn off ALL R3F functions for that vehicle.  If the vehicle becomes unlocked, then all R3F functions are re-enabled.  This should work nicely to prevent base glitching where players can lift a target vehicle through the roof of a base.  Since locked vehicles can't be lifted or towed at all, then the glitch becomes a moot point, since 99% of vehicles found in bases will be locked anyway.  Thanks goes to Halv for helping me think smaller again.   :)


Halv, I tried your method of placing the locked check in all of the addAction sections in the lower part of the script, and that worked fine for contents checking and towing, but for some reason it didn't work for lifting.  I built those if statements shown above and it works globally for all cases, which ends up being way simpler.   It must just be some difference between your older version and the current version I'm using. 


i dont think you thought this one through ... if a vehicle is unlocked it will now automaticly be allowed to tow (even if it is disabled), not to metion you are setting the variable to not be networked after ....

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