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Looking for help clearing up some client side errors



I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind helping me clear up some errors I'm seeing client side that don't seem to affect the server but are annoying for my players to be receiving. The first one is in the weapons attachment mod. Here's the error:

Error in expression <ng!";
diag_log >
  Error position: <DZE_CRV_DEPLOYABLE) exitWith {
diag_log >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: dze_crv_deployable
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\custom\wmod\addons\wmod\init.sqf, line 12

Here's the entire init.sqf mentioned in the error:


_version = "1.1.0";
diag_log text format["WMOD v%1: loading...",_version];
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\wmod\addons\wmod\config.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\wmod\addons\wmod\lib.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\wmod\addons\wmod\functions.sqf";
if(isServer) exitWith {};
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\wmod\overwrites\click_actions\init.sqf";
if (isNil "DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_BUILD") exitWith {
    diag_log text "WMOD: ERROR -- Click Actions Handler missing!";
    diag_log text format["WMOD: ERROR -- Click Actions Handler loaded build #%1! Required build #%2!",DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_BUILD,DZE_CRV_DEPLOYABLE];
"DZE_WMOD_LOAD_INVENTORY" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
    ((_this select 1) call fnc_wmod_setWeaponModInventory);
call fnc_wmod_combineWeaponMods;
call fnc_wmod_loadClickActions;
call fnc_wmod_loadPlayerInventory;

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Set it to anything to remove the error "" should do it.

Well not really.. It will expect a Boolean...

So, if you got ClickActions installed (just see, if you got a Folder called ClickActions) you'll want to set that to false;, that means you won't be using it.. Else set it to true.

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True != false will give a generic error in expression, at least in A3. Is it a bool the, surely if (var1 && var2) should be used..


Is an undefined variable, define it first! 


You're right.. Can't check, if true is not false..

Just do, like the master said:



In your variables.sqf


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