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Ideas for epoch


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hello fellow forum mebers i'd creating a post for all my ideas for Epoch


1.new building items:


-vehicle ramps (i noticed these in the editor)


-vegie patches, constantly but slowy grow food

-ladder with lockable hatch




-weapon racks


2. farming

-animal pens


-fish farms

-buy livestock from the traders

-plow, irrigation, fertilizer

-livestock take s**ts harvest craft into fertilizer use on crops


3. new landscaping trader in mogilevka

-buy animals rocks, trees, farming items from traders


4.robert hammers weapon pack


5. radio SOS calls


6.better and more skins maybe ones with bonuses such as armour or more carry weight, ones for zombies


7.leather-use to craft into canvas or into backpacks


8.build a dock for your boats:


9.nissan 350z car pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8570


10.remove building limit within 30m


11.more harvestiable plants e.g pumpkin(mouldy), onion, add models for these it pisses me off having pumpkin looking like pistachios




13. ospreys fly around and very rarely drop care packages instead of them spawning


14.could some of your artwork guys work on interiors of buildings???? pretty plz


15. customizable weapons: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12077


16. re add the civy car pack plzzzzzzzzzzz


17. refuel fuel trucks with water refill water bottle from them


18. make garage doors higher so i can fit alol vehicls in cough MTVR cough


19. allow walls to be angled at 45 degrees


20. benches


21. civillian back packs and tents


22.sleeping bag( for healing)


23.permanent fire pit


24.buildable targets




26.1/4 walls (1/2 walls but 1/2 the length


27. lights, spotlights helipads and lamps


28.door with window


29."RUST" modular pieces lock on system


30.editable notes that you can leave around the world


this is what i would like in Epoch

post what you would like below

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Was talking last night with a server Admin, and I suggested to him…

High value jewellery on zombies, of course it would be rare, but nevertheless it would be another reason to kill zombies.

A river system carved into the Chernarus landscape to allow for more boat play.

Market places being placed in realistic places like the docks in the bigger towns.

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I'd like to see menu options for admins so that lost keys can be re issued, forgotten combinations can be changed, base parts can be removed etc... At the moment my map is becoming clogged up with locked vehicles that don't get used because players lose keys and can't be bothered , safes are lying around unused and half built bases litter the map.  Having more control as admins should be a feature, especially as all the major antihack tools have these features already built in lol

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@hayward- there was an sql query that would remove unused vehicles and stuff around here somewhere.... that did that... I'll see if I can find it


I have a player that LOVES anything boat based, so I wouldn't say no to a river system, but it's not on top of my list tbh


@spartan- some of yours, i like as well, but there are also some I would say no for my server though, but that's just me,


I like this idea, just gives a realism I like


13. ospreys fly around and very rarely drop care packages instead of them spawning- just instead of them appearing, is all




-vegie patches, constantly but slowy grow food


-ladder with lockable hatch


18. make garage doors higher so i can fit alol vehicls in cough MTVR cough


19. allow walls to be angled at 45 degrees


30.editable notes that you can leave around the world


15. customizable weapons: http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=12077 but maybe limited somehow but I'm kinda "meh" about it though, but it does a realism as well




29."RUST" modular pieces lock on system.. dunno about the RUST version of it, but maca was working on something that did this...


7.leather-use to craft into canvas or into backpacks


8.build a dock for your boats:


And anything that could use the radio as something useful....


Inclusion of something like the TENT HEALING script that KRIXES did on opendayz.net would be awesome... It brings another level of realism that I like


But I am also very happy with it as it is.. TBH





just my 2cents anyway

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I would like to see new skins and model for female characters.


And i like model bandit in mod origins.






I will be rotating videos out as they get uploaded. Here is the most recent. 


Woodcutting made simple



I think some idea.

If woodcutting have loot fruit. 

It good ?

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I'd like to see menu options for admins so that lost keys can be re issued, forgotten combinations can be changed, base parts can be removed etc... At the moment my map is becoming clogged up with locked vehicles that don't get used because players lose keys and can't be bothered , safes are lying around unused and half built bases litter the map.  Having more control as admins should be a feature, especially as all the major antihack tools have these features already built in lol


There is already an in-game admin tool out there made by DNightmare which allows you to cut keys for vehicles and find out door codes at the push of a button.

It is configurable to UID's so only the people you set can access it. 

IT also features anti-hack which works VERY well.

It does cost money but is worth it!


He also has a pretty nice PHP admin tool (free to download) which is pretty good, it features a vehicle key generator.

Also using a database tool (like MySQL Workbench which is free) you can find out codes for doors etc. if you know a little about databases.


I think they are both the admin tools talked about on this forum somewhere but I can't find the link sorry.

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There is already an in-game admin tool out there made by DNightmare which allows you to cut keys for vehicles and find out door codes at the push of a button.

It is configurable to UID's so only the people you set can access it. 

IT also features anti-hack which works VERY well.

It does cost money but is worth it!


He also has a pretty nice PHP admin tool (free to download) which is pretty good, it features a vehicle key generator.

Also using a database tool (like MySQL Workbench which is free) you can find out codes for doors etc. if you know a little about databases.


I think they are both the admin tools talked about on this forum somewhere but I can't find the link sorry.


I already use the database method, but when you've got hundreds of door codes to sift through and your players are dumb as ****, you're at it all day. Alt Tabbing to find a key code etc.. When it should be possible in-game, out of the box without having to rehack your code everytime Epoch is updated just so the feature works again.  Any other admins here find that's all you seem to do these days , is tweak the Epoch/DayZ code to do shit it should already have an option to do anyway ? I speak for other admins that I know when I say this, but any dayz mod that comes out that has self bloodbagging, bandit / survivor AI's , Tow / Lift etc as options to enable or disable in the init will gain the biggest private hive user base over night, guaranteed .. I reckon it would be a bigger hit than the standalone to be honest, whenever that finally surfaces :p


As for DNightmare, I'm not having a go at him but there are several threads I've seen so far where he says that his arma coding skills aren't that great (words to that effect).  So don't get me wrong when I say this, but for someone to write a antihack , surely their skills need to be exceptional to start with.  If the hackers are better coders than you, then what's the point? lol .. Anyways, I've not found this code and I'm certainly not paying for it upfront, I'll gladly donate as I have for other products in the past.  But as I can't find the product anyway, maybe he's dropped it ? 


Like I said in my original post, this stuff should be part of Epoch now anyway.  

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I already use the database method, but when you've got hundreds of door codes to sift through and your players are dumb as ****, you're at it all day. Alt Tabbing to find a key code etc.. When it should be possible in-game, out of the box without having to rehack your code everytime Epoch is updated just so the feature works again.  Any other admins here find that's all you seem to do these days , is tweak the Epoch/DayZ code to do shit it should already have an option to do anyway ? I speak for other admins that I know when I say this, but any dayz mod that comes out that has self bloodbagging, bandit / survivor AI's , Tow / Lift etc as options to enable or disable in the init will gain the biggest private hive user base over night, guaranteed .. I reckon it would be a bigger hit than the standalone to be honest, whenever that finally surfaces :P


As for DNightmare, I'm not having a go at him but there are several threads I've seen so far where he says that his arma coding skills aren't that great (words to that effect).  So don't get me wrong when I say this, but for someone to write a antihack , surely their skills need to be exceptional to start with.  If the hackers are better coders than you, then what's the point? lol .. Anyways, I've not found this code and I'm certainly not paying for it upfront, I'll gladly donate as I have for other products in the past.  But as I can't find the product anyway, maybe he's dropped it ? 


Like I said in my original post, this stuff should be part of Epoch now anyway.  


Well keep waiting for the features while they are already available by other means, while your server will continue suffer  :blink:


jfyi: blur's antihack provides this functions too...


That's what I was referring too sorry, infiSTAR.de anti hack ... My bad  :wacko:

DNightmare does the admin PHP tool and Stats.

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Well keep waiting for the features while they are already available by other means, while your server will continue suffer  :blink:



Well then, you keep missing the point of what someone was originally trying to say (while they continue to suffer with your comments).  For your information, had you read my post properly at the start. I do use various scripts and hacks to achieve this, my point was that this should already be included , so that when a new version of Epoch is released I don't have to spend f'ing hours and hours redoing it all again.  I'm sick of seeing people trying to push these crappy antihacks that convince gullible people they're invulnerable to hacks, hahaha! Not to mention the majority of these antihacks are made by the people who write the other hacks anyway, so you're buying a clever con.. Good for you ;)

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jfyi: blur's antihack provides this functions too...


Several posts on your forums from people asking what the difference between the $10 and $50 versions are, and all you and the devs seem to do is advise them to buy the pro version (you've not once given a straight answer, why?).  Any chance you can answer the question being asked instead of laughing your ass off at gullible kids who can't think for themselves and buy anything they're told to buy instead on the promise that "it's the best" hahaha.  Seriously, stop pushing something unless you're willing to answer the grown up questions.

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