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Changing map markers?



Could anyone shed some light on changing the map markers so there not the vanilla ones, anyone know of any tutorials or anything that could help me out, basically I just want to change the markers for trader zones (black dots) so it's not the standard vanilla map...



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mission.sqm under class markers.


class Item4
position[] = {8713.72,0.16426,20057.5};
text="North Spawn-Safe Zone";
List of markers
Let me know if you need more help.


Thanks it worked but how could I get the position to put the markers because atm there way off on Altis haha? also is there anyway of getting rid of the standard black dot?


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Thanks it worked but how could I get the position to put the markers because atm there way off on Altis haha? also is there anyway of getting rid of the standard black dot?


You are using the standard Altis spawn points?  Also what marker would you like to show?

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I see you're not having luck with markers. Below is my mapMarker process, you might know some/all of this but it might help others so I'm putting here all the info I have on the matter...


The information below is for creating markers from scratch so if you only want to edit existing ones, this will be a little extra effort.

If your other methods are not working, this should be still superior to what you have however :)


You could simply disable the existing ones [and make a note of their name & coordinates] then you can go ahead and re-create them from scratch. If it's the 3 black dot traders only, shouldn't take you more than 15-30 minutes anyway.




I do all map markers in server-side SQF script files, easier to backup/restore/git version control etc

1 file per 1 marker simplest way I could find. These SQF files are execVM'd in initServer.sqf like this:

// Create Taxi Corp. HQ Map Marker
[] execVM "custom\mgmTfA\mgmTfA_scr_server_initCreateMapMarkerHQ.sqf";

This method is working fine for me - perhaps you can use the same?



As per BIKI page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createMarker

all you need in the createMapMarker.sqf file is the following code:

_markerstr = createMarker ["markername",[_Xpos,_Ypos]];
_markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
_markerstr setMarkerType "DOT";

Example above is 2-dimensional, you can add the 3rd dimension (altitude) which won't matter in the 2D map of course.


To create the MapMarkers you of course will need to obtain the coordinates (without much effort, ideally).

To do this, I join the game (in singleplayer mission editor = fastest) and teleport myself to the desired spot using the method:


copy & paste & execute the command:

onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos; true;"

from this moment onwards, simply open the map, single click and you will be teleported.



next, to obtain the coordinates, copy & paste & execute the command:

_pos = str getPos player; diag_log format ["Player's current position is: %1", _pos]; hintSilent str getPos player;

This way you can simply copy & paste coordinates, which will be in Position3D array format, just like this:

1:29:59 "Player's current position is: [13304.7,14571.5,0.00140858]" 

I don't remove the 3rd dimension (extra effort), and game simply ignores it - we are both happy.



Hope this helps... That timestamp reminds me I need to sleep...

It worked thanks, but how could I change the colour of the marker and how do I delete the little black dots because I don't know what file they are located in, thanks for the help guys.

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It worked thanks, but how could I change the colour of the marker and how do I delete the little black dots because I don't know what file they are located in, thanks for the help guys.

To change a marker's colour, you need to issue setMarkerColor command


"MarkerOne" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";

BIKI: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMarkerColor


How to delete the 'black dot' default marker icons >> I guess you will need to find them in Epoch files and comment out (or delete) the whole line, sorry can't help any further as I never needed to delete default markers.

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To change a marker's colour, you need to issue setMarkerColor command


"MarkerOne" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";

BIKI: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMarkerColor


How to delete the 'black dot' default marker icons >> I guess you will need to find them in Epoch files and comment out (or delete) the whole line, sorry can't help any further as I never needed to delete default markers.

Do you have to put anything where it says "MarkerOne" because I put it in and changed the colour but it didn't work? Mine looks like

"MarkerOne" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";

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There are many markers on the map, how else would the game know which marker are we trying to modify.

The first bit is the marker name. You need to find out and use the correct name.


It's just like the real life...

In real life, if you are in a environment with many people in, one would [& should] clarify who he is talking to, for example "Joe, get in the car!"

In programming likewise you need to make the system understand who you are talking to "MarkerOne, changeColour to Red!"

The above being the basic idea... You need to find the marker you are instructing and use its correct name.

How you would do that I have no idea as I have not messed with default Epoch markers - sorry!



To provide a visual example, in the example I provided earlier (and recopied below),

first we create a new marker, and give it the name "_markerstr" thus any future instructions to it must start with "_markerstr".

_markerstr = createMarker ["markername",[_Xpos,_Ypos]];
_markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
_markerstr setMarkerType "DOT";
_markerstr setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";

If you are trying to modify an existing marker, you need to find its CORRECT name and use it for any instructions to the marker.

Such as: _centralTraderMarker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";

I do not have the actual names for default Epoch markers though...

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There are many markers on the map, how else would the game know which marker are we trying to modify.

The first bit is the marker name. You need to find out and use the correct name.


It's just like the real life...

In real life, if you are in a environment with many people in, one would [& should] clarify who he is talking to, for example "Joe, get in the car!"

In programming likewise you need to make the system understand who you are talking to "MarkerOne, changeColour to Red!"

The above being the basic idea... You need to find the marker you are instructing and use its correct name.

How you would do that I have no idea as I have not messed with default Epoch markers - sorry!



To provide a visual example, in the example I provided earlier (and recopied below),

first we create a new marker, and give it the name "_markerstr" thus any future instructions to it must start with "_markerstr".

_markerstr = createMarker ["markername",[_Xpos,_Ypos]];
_markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
_markerstr setMarkerType "DOT";
_markerstr setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";

If you are trying to modify an existing marker, you need to find its CORRECT name and use it for any instructions to the marker.

Such as: _centralTraderMarker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";

I do not have the actual names for default Epoch markers though...

Thanks alot for the help mate, got it all working now just need to delete the black dots but I will find out how to do that by myself, thanks for all the help guys appreciate it!

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I put marker in the SQM? is that wrong, always worked for me

Nothing wrong with SQM method, they are both text files engine reads and implements so whatever floats your boat.


In some cases one might want to modify the marker; in which case I think SQF method is superior to SQM (which I read is not run-time modifiable). I have not tested this myself so I may be wrong.

One other superiority (at least for me) of SQF method is: it is logically easier for me to manage markers; such as carRepairShopMarker.sqf, AIbanditCamp.sqf and so on.

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Thanks alot for the help mate, got it all working now just need to delete the black dots but I will find out how to do that by myself, thanks for all the help guys appreciate it!

just a quick question.. did u manage to delete the black trader dots? doing my head in

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Well I totally messed it up, it was making people spawn out at sea so I had to revert to the backup.

I see you're not having luck with markers. Below is my mapMarker process, you might know some/all of this but it might help others so I'm putting here all the info I have on the matter...


The information below is for creating markers from scratch so if you only want to edit existing ones, this will be a little extra effort.

If your other methods are not working, this should be still superior to what you have however :)


You could simply disable the existing ones [and make a note of their name & coordinates] then you can go ahead and re-create them from scratch. If it's the 3 black dot traders only, shouldn't take you more than 15-30 minutes anyway.




I do all map markers in server-side SQF script files, easier to backup/restore/git version control etc

1 file per 1 marker simplest way I could find. These SQF files are execVM'd in initServer.sqf like this:

// Create Taxi Corp. HQ Map Marker
[] execVM "custom\mgmTfA\mgmTfA_scr_server_initCreateMapMarkerHQ.sqf";

This method is working fine for me - perhaps you can use the same?



As per BIKI page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createMarker

all you need in the createMapMarker.sqf file is the following code:

_markerstr = createMarker ["markername",[_Xpos,_Ypos]];
_markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
_markerstr setMarkerType "DOT";

Example above is 2-dimensional, you can add the 3rd dimension (altitude) which won't matter in the 2D map of course.


To create the MapMarkers you of course will need to obtain the coordinates (without much effort, ideally).

To do this, I join the game (in singleplayer mission editor = fastest) and teleport myself to the desired spot using the method:


copy & paste & execute the command:

onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos; true;"

from this moment onwards, simply open the map, single click and you will be teleported.



next, to obtain the coordinates, copy & paste & execute the command:

_pos = str getPos player; diag_log format ["Player's current position is: %1", _pos]; hintSilent str getPos player;

This way you can simply copy & paste coordinates, which will be in Position3D array format, just like this:

1:29:59 "Player's current position is: [13304.7,14571.5,0.00140858]" 

I don't remove the 3rd dimension (extra effort), and game simply ignores it - we are both happy.



Hope this helps... That timestamp reminds me I need to sleep...

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