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I've noticed it's vary hard to line up foundations and other items with building objects. I understand the physx system and think it's a great idea. But i really miss the way building is in arma 2. Sure i'm not the only one to say so, or probably not the only one to make a post about it. Anyone know if there will be any future updates with the way bases are being built?

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Foundations are lined up automatically. You probably do it wrong and want to put a foundation on other foundation, which then doesn't snap and you get shitty results. Just put first foundation then move next foundation away in parallel until it automatically snaps in place (you don't even have to change the height either).

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From the videos I have seen of DayZ Epoch, building in A2 was cool. We need more building materials, half walls, windows and shit like that, which I am sure will be in the future. I am just very impatient.

We all want it but sad reality is we are given rock monsters, ferris wheels, pumpkin masks and caveman weapons instead lol...


I really hope the next patch is aimed at building because EPOCH is all about base building otherwise we'd all go play wasteland or some other game mod...

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We all want it but sad reality is we are given rock monsters, ferris wheels, pumpkin masks and caveman weapons instead lol...


I really hope the next patch is aimed at building because EPOCH is all about base building otherwise we'd all go play wasteland or some other game mod...


Yeah if we had more building choices, at least we'd have something to do WHILE we wait for epoch to be finished and polished.    Most bases are big boxy warehouses on stilts for the most part.... not enough building choices yet.   Would definately like to see a few more base item types added in the next patch or two.    Stairs that actually snap together properly and allow walls beside them or a single stair like we had in arma 2, block doors, metal floors.... heck even sandbags.  Those would give us a few more options building in the short term.

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Yeah and now it is pain in the ass to build a normal base from cinder even if you are not an admin or his friend. It takes 4 cinder and 2 mortar to build one half wall, and I have seen bases with at least 100 pieces in them, all from cinder. Every server has an admin abusing their powers and spawning themselves cinder and then building big ass admin base. Every single one of them. I mean, it is now pretty easy to know which base is admin's or admin's buddies.


I am ranting, I know, but can't wait to try patch 0.3 building, maybe it will be easier for lone wolfs.

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Every server has an admin abusing their powers and spawning themselves cinder and then building big ass admin base. Every single one of them. I mean, it is now pretty easy to know which base is admin's or admin's buddies.




And now you know why there are so many servers out there right now.  Everybody wants to be an admin.  And why wouldn't they?  With admin tools being offered free right along with the server files it's easier than ever for "badmins" to cheat.  At least with Infistar you have to pay for the tools which makes it prohibitive for only the most serious communities.  It's a double-edged sword for sure.  I love it that the Epoch team developed the tools and included them for free, but people taking advantage of the item spawning capabilities is definitely an unwelcome side effect.  


But as I've said many times before, all these types of servers will go away eventually.  Communities will get tired of paying for empty servers since players won't frequent servers with obvious admin abuse.  

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