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Simple Green Zone (safe zone) for Altis



hi All. My simple safe zone (Green Zone) for Altis Epoch. Using Sensors and Markers on mission.sqm


Step 1: Clear Markers block on you mission.sqm

Step 2: Change Sensors and Markers block on this code

	class Sensors {
		items = 3;
		class Item0 {
			name = "bazar1_m";
			position[] = {13321.2,-0.127439,14504.7};
			a = 150;
			b = 150;
			angle = -130.966;
			activationBy = "ANY";
			repeating = 1;
			interruptable = 1;
			age = "UNKNOWN";
			expCond = "(vehicle player) in thislist;";
			expActiv = "titleText [""YOU ENTERING IN GREEN ZONE (150 m radius not killing! Admin BANNED!!!)"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
			expDesactiv = "titleText [""GEEN ZONE EXIT!!! (PVP zone entering) "", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
			class Effects{};
		class Item1 {
			name = "bazar2_m";
			position[] = {18454.9,0.148972,14272.8};
			a = 150;
			b = 150;
			angle = -130.966;
			activationBy = "ANY";
			repeating = 1;
			interruptable = 1;
			age = "UNKNOWN";
			expCond = "(vehicle player) in thislist;";
                        expActiv = "titleText [""YOU ENTERING IN GREEN ZONE (150 m radius not killing! Admin BANNED!!!)"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
                        expDesactiv = "titleText [""GEEN ZONE EXIT!!! (PVP zone entering) "", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
class Effects{};

}; class Item2 { name = "bazar3_m"; position[] = {6193.35,-0.210175,16834}; a = 150; b = 150; angle = -130.966; activationBy = "ANY"; repeating = 1; interruptable = 1; age = "UNKNOWN"; expCond = "(vehicle player) in thislist;";               expActiv = "titleText [""YOU ENTERING IN GREEN ZONE (150 m radius not killing! Admin BANNED!!!)"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
             expDesactiv = "titleText [""GEEN ZONE EXIT!!! (PVP zone entering) "", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 3];";
class Effects{}; }; }; class Markers { items = 6; class Item0 { position[] = {14939.9, 0.0534991, 15083.3}; name = "center"; type = "Empty"; }; class Item1 { position[] = {23600.6, 3.19, 18000.7}; name = "respawn_east"; type = "Empty"; }; class Item2 { position[] = {23600.6, 3.19, 18000.8}; name = "respawn_west"; type = "Empty"; }; class Item3 { position[]={13321.2,-0.127439,14504.7}; name="GREEN ZONE1"; text="GREEN ZONE"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="respawn_unknown"; colorName="ColorGUER"; a=150; b=150; }; class Item4 { position[]={6193.35,-0.210175,16834}; name="GREEN ZONE2"; text="GREEN ZONE"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="respawn_unknown"; colorName="ColorGUER"; a=150; b=150; }; class Item5 { position[]={18454.9,0.148972,14272.8}; name="GREEN ZONE3"; text="GREEN ZONE"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="respawn_unknown"; colorName="ColorGUER"; a=150; b=150; }; }; };

3. Сhange in taste my message for you players:  You have 3 GREEN ZONE (150m around) on the Altis map (3 Green solid Circle)  and message on Entering or Exit Safe zone 150m around.




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