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Prevent Buildables Cleanup (deleting bases), still deletes doors..



I'm using the SQL event below to prevent bases from being deleted after x number of days. But for some reason doors are still getting deleted and I just can't seem to pinpoint the reason.  Any ideas? 

      SET    Datestamp   = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
      WHERE  ObjectUID   <> 0
      AND    CharacterID <> 0
      AND  ((Inventory IS NULL) OR (Inventory = '[]'))
                  FROM   Character_DATA c
                  WHERE  c.PlayerUID = (SELECT p.PlayerUID
                                        FROM   Player_DATA p,
                                               Character_DATA c2
                                        WHERE  p.PlayerUID = c2.PlayerUID
                                        AND    c2.CharacterID = Object_DATA.CharacterID)
                  AND    c.Alive = 1
                  AND    c.LastLogin   > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK)
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Not sure if this helps but I asked a similar (if not, the same) question myself. Not sure if it helps with your doors issue though.




Hi Crystal, thanks for the response.  Unfortunately that's not the answer for my problem though.  It's only doors that are being deleted.  I've got all the sql events set up to prevent deletion of buildables for players that log in at least once every 7 days etc.. So this issue will probably just remain unsolved :)


Maybe a dev can shed some light on this ? 

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Why dont you just turn the function off?


CleanupPlacedAfterDays = -1
in ur HiveExt.ini in your instance folder



Won't that just leave a server full of junk? If you've got indestructible bases on that would cause issues no?


As for the doors thing, is it happening with doors that have combo locks on them? Or all doors? Wondering if it's something to do with ownership conflicting with a standard object.

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Won't that just leave a server full of junk? If you've got indestructible bases on that would cause issues no?


As for the doors thing, is it happening with doors that have combo locks on them? Or all doors? Wondering if it's something to do with ownership conflicting with a standard object.


Yeah, I agree. Don't want loads of junk on my server that is never cleaned up.  I like the idea that items are cleared after the user hasn't logged in for a set number of days, makes it more convenient for me as an admin. I'd rather play the game than spend all my spare time fixing and clearing up :)


It's only happening with combo lock doors as far as i know, but then any door that goes up on my server gets combo lock upgraded , so it's hard to tell . sorry

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Locked doors have no ownership recorded as the characterID field is used for the door lock code.


If you install a mod like my A Plot for Life (see my sig for the link) or one of the other mods that allow you to keep ownership after character death then you should be able to work around that.


As Epoch should (pull request awaiting merge) be having A Plot for Life included (can be turned on or off) and APfL stores the ownership details of the player regardless of whether it is turned on or not, it should be pretty easy to link owned items back to their owner. 

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