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How to update SQL when entry is not showing up



I decided to add some Lumber and Plywood to my neutral traders with below SQL code:

INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlankPack",1]', 50, '[4,"ItemSilverBar",1]', '[3,"ItemSilverBar",1]', 508, 'trade_items');
INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlankPack",1]', 50, '[4,"ItemSilverBar",1]', '[3,"ItemSilverBar",1]', 530, 'trade_items');
INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlankPack",1]', 50, '[4,"ItemSilverBar",1]', '[3,"ItemSilverBar",1]', 662, 'trade_items');
INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlankPack",1]', 50, '[4,"ItemSilverBar",1]', '[3,"ItemSilverBar",1]', 678, 'trade_items');
INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlankPack",1]', 50, '[4,"ItemSilverBar",1]', '[3,"ItemSilverBar",1]', 680, 'trade_items');

INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlywoodPack",1]', 15, '[5,"ItemSilverBar",1]', '[4,"ItemSilverBar",1]', 508, 'trade_items');
INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlywoodPack",1]', 50, '[5,"ItemSilverBar",1]', '[4,"ItemSilverBar",1]', 530, 'trade_items');
INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlywoodPack",1]', 50, '[5,"ItemSilverBar",1]', '[4,"ItemSilverBar",1]', 662, 'trade_items');
INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlywoodPack",1]', 50, '[5,"ItemSilverBar",1]', '[4,"ItemSilverBar",1]', 678, 'trade_items');
INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlywoodPack",1]', 50, '[5,"ItemSilverBar",1]', '[4,"ItemSilverBar",1]', 680, 'trade_items');

I now would like to modify the price on them however when I run the query again, navicat says that there is a duplicate entry

OK So I go into Traders_Data table and look for PartPlankPack or PartPlywoodPack but there is nothing there...?

How can I edit the price on this if it's not displaying in my SQL database? I can still buy it in traders tho... Isn't this strange?

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When I run the SQL query again the same as above I get the below answer from Navicat:

1062 - Duplicate entry '["PartPlankPack",1]-508' for key 'item'
1062 - Duplicate entry '["PartPlankPack",1]-530' for key 'item'
1062 - Duplicate entry '["PartPlankPack",1]-662' for key 'item'
1062 - Duplicate entry '["PartPlankPack",1]-678' for key 'item'
1062 - Duplicate entry '["PartPlankPack",1]-680' for key 'item'
1062 - Duplicate entry '["PartPlywoodPack",1]-508' for key 'item'
1062 - Duplicate entry '["PartPlywoodPack",1]-530' for key 'item'
1062 - Duplicate entry '["PartPlywoodPack",1]-662' for key 'item'
1062 - Duplicate entry '["PartPlywoodPack",1]-678' for key 'item'
1062 - Duplicate entry '["PartPlywoodPack",1]-680' for key 'item'

I cannot find the Plywood or Plank packs anywhere in my SQL after searching in every single table...
Also I cant see entry "1062" so there is no way that there is a duplicate in there...


How can I remove these "INVISIBLE" entries from my SQL database? The price is incorrect and it needs to be modified.

Please help someone :(

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Seems like your original insert was missing the display order. Not sure if that's the cause but here's how I added some lumber packs:


INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES ('["PartPlankPack",1]','1000','[1,"ItemGoldBar",1]','[1,"ItemSilverBar",1]','0','680','trade_items');
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Yeah, I wasn't sure if the order was mandatory or not. Seems like it works fine without it. As for why you can't find any entries in traders_data, I'm not sure. 


So something like:


select * from traders_data where item like '%PartPlankPack%'


select * from traders_data where item like '%PartPlywoodPack%'


return no values?

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I tried your way now and still the same "Duplicate Entry" message...


I ran :

select * from traders_data where item like '%PartPlankPack%'


select * from traders_data where item like '%PartPlywoodPack%'

and no values returned.


Yes Revoplay, I use navicat :)



Is there any command to REMOVE specific item from trader within the SQL?

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Maybe try this query to show the last 10 entries in traders_data and set the database name also in case navicat has no DB selection you won't get any results but should show an error idk (don't use navicat myself)?? 

SELECT * FROM epoch.traders_data ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10;

replace "epoch" with your database name.


BTW: You can't insert the same items again, because the item name has to be unique! :)

You can also try this tool, if you are not fluent in SQL http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2807-private-server-toolscurrently-only-trader/

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Maybe try this query to show the last 10 entries in traders_data and set the database name also in case navicat has no DB selection you won't get any results but should show an error idk (don't use navicat myself)?? 

SELECT * FROM epoch.traders_data ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10;

replace "epoch" with your database name.


BTW: You can't insert the same items again, because the item name has to be unique! :)

You can also try this tool, if you are not fluent in SQL http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2807-private-server-toolscurrently-only-trader/



Hey Axe Cop.

I am using this Private Server Tools for Database but it doesn't have Stary Sobor traders...


Anyway, In Klen for example, I see my Lumber packs and Plywood in the tool that you mentioned. I can modify the price with no problems but I want to do it in Stary aswell.

Since the tool does not have stary parts in it... I'm stuck :P

I've just tried your query and here are the results:


| 7405 | ["DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",1] |  50 | [2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] | [1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] |     0 | 496 | trade_backpacks |
| 7404 | ["DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",1] |  50 | [2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] | [1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] |     0 | 632 | trade_backpacks |
| 7403 | ["DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",1] |  50 | [2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] | [1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] |     0 | 538 | trade_backpacks |
| 7402 | ["PartPlywoodPack",1]    |  50 | [3,"ItemGoldBar",1]     | [2,"ItemGoldBar",1]     |     0 | 680 | trade_items     |
| 7401 | ["PartPlywoodPack",1]    |  50 | [3,"ItemGoldBar",1]     | [2,"ItemGoldBar",1]     |     0 | 678 | trade_items     |
| 7400 | ["PartPlywoodPack",1]    |  50 | [3,"ItemGoldBar",1]     | [2,"ItemGoldBar",1]     |     0 | 662 | trade_items     |
| 7399 | ["PartPlywoodPack",1]    |  50 | [3,"ItemGoldBar",1]     | [2,"ItemGoldBar",1]     |     0 | 530 | trade_items     |
| 7398 | ["PartPlywoodPack",1]    |  15 | [3,"ItemGoldBar",1]     | [2,"ItemGoldBar",1]     |     0 | 508 | trade_items     |
| 7397 | ["PartPlankPack",1]      |  50 | [2,"ItemGoldBar",1]     | [1,"ItemGoldBar",1]     |     0 | 680 | trade_items     |
| 7396 | ["PartPlankPack",1]      |  50 | [2,"ItemGoldBar",1]     | [1,"ItemGoldBar",1]     |     0 | 678 | trade_items  

Thanks for help...

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Ok since you can't do it yourself (lol) I just checked the IDs of all Building Supplies traders: 508, 530, 662 (see server_traders.sqf in your MPmission), seems like you got them (and 2 more?? maybe removed with latest Epoch patch idk), anyway should work in stary, I don't see any errors from here.

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Should work in Stary? It does work everywhere. I can buy all I want.


The problem is... I can't change the price on it.

Well I can if I use this small tool to change prices but of course, it does not have Stary building trader included.


This tool is no good for me and SQL rejects my queries due to duplicate data which is not visible...


Is there any similar tool which actually has Stary Building supplies?

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Guys that is no prblem, thats a feature you can't add the same items again. Remove them first or just change the price :)

It's not that hard to do that without a trader tool, but maybe someone makes a better toold someday.. seems like the epoch community is lazy haha

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