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[WIP] Building custom bases


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one question bro...


how to use   setVectorUp[0,0,1]  working in A3  in this for inclination?


_vehicle_91 = objNull;
if (true) then
_this = createVehicle ["Land_i_Barracks_V1_F", [9415.6357, 11039.367, 0.00012207031], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehicle_91 = _this;
_this setDir 269.561;
_this setPos [9415.6357, 11039.367, 0.00012207031];
i know in A2 but in A3 dont work..
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I love the addons this script allows me to build and so do my players :D The coastal cities of Chernrus and places of intrest now have lootable, enterable buildings.

Cheers BlackPlague, one of the best scripts for A3 Epoch



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What are you trying to do?


Take the Bolota airfield I made in the editor and put it in, it looks exactly the same as its just a map addition from the editor :)


Also, If I wanted to put another base in how would I do that, say I added mainbase in and I made a mainbase2 for example and wanted to add that as well.


agreed, this is a good script

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Take the Bolota airfield I made in the editor and put it in, it looks exactly the same as its just a map addition from the editor :)


Also, If I wanted to put another base in how would I do that, say I added mainbase in and I made a mainbase2 for example and wanted to add that as well.


agreed, this is a good script


So in your buildings folder, put your script in there. Go back to the init folder -> fn_init.sqf.


Add another line like so:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "x\addons\a3_epoch_server_building\buildings\building_Name_file.sqf";



That's all :]

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one question bro...


how to use   setVectorUp[0,0,1]  working in A3  in this for inclination?


_vehicle_91 = objNull;
if (true) then
_this = createVehicle ["Land_i_Barracks_V1_F", [9415.6357, 11039.367, 0.00012207031], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehicle_91 = _this;
_this setDir 269.561;
_this setPos [9415.6357, 11039.367, 0.00012207031];
i know in A2 but in A3 dont work..


the solution for inclination in A3  is :

put in 3d editor inside field of object  "init"  "this setVectorUp [0,0,1];"


or manually add

_initCodes set [count _initCodes, [_this,"this setVectorUp [0,0,1];"]];

to the code above

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if you wanna save bases to the sqm its quite a performance eater...


Pro Tip:


create a init in your mission pbo


do a


if (isServer) then {

execVM "path\to\your\external\server.pbo\map.sqf";



do the map.sqf the same way as in arma 2 (there is guide on the forums)


go to your battleyefolders

search for the scripts.txt


open it and search for execVM


then add


!="execVM "path\to\your\external\server.pbo\map.sqf";"


behind everythings thats allready there

Just like arma 2 -

do the map.sqf the same way as in arma 2 (there is guide on the forums)

 were is this guide.. i cant find it.. any link to it would be great-

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My server is not calling the custom base, I have followed the instruction and read the entire thread to see if anyone else is having the issue but it is as if the server is just ignoring the pbo, has anyone else had this problem and if so how did you get round it? Thanks.


Found the problem, ignore this post please.

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