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[WIP] Building custom bases


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so on standard editor without zues + mcc how do u spawn buildings etc not sure on this and wanna try it to see if it gives me the right coding


do you use drens editor upgrade? lets you place arma 3 buildings?


ok can now place the buildings in normal mode of editor but still does not give you the BIEDI file quite annoying

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The mission file is running about 100% of the time.

Player logs in? Load mission file.

Player disconnects? update mission file


Player makes a new base? (Database AND Mission file are updated)


Performance issues? Too large of a mission file


Mission file should NOT be changed, unless the mission.sqm file is being changed itself for addressing addons.

This Sir, is BS :) The Missionfile is Read-Only and is downloaded by every client(and server) on connect, then executed once, the missionfile doesnt get "updated" by the server or any client, there are only JIP-Requests, but these have nothing todo with code inside the missionfile.

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follow these steps for the correct coding..the guy helps you make .biedi files and saves correct coding


just a lack of buildings sadly 


_vehicle_1 = objNull;
if (true) then
_this = createVehicle ["Land_BagBunker_Tower_F", [2491.5908, 5665.8174, 0.00012207031], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehicle_1 = _this;
_this setPos [2491.5908, 5665.8174, 0.00012207031];
_vehicle_2 = objNull;
if (true) then
_this = createVehicle ["Land_BagBunker_Tower_F", [2474.7505, 5657.1978, -1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehicle_2 = _this;
_this setPos [2474.7505, 5657.1978, -1.5258789e-005];
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Yes you can use a custom addon to load scripts. Just throw this (https://seafile.zombieapo.eu/f/50e38c2094/) addon in your @EpochHive/addons folder and your buildings will spawn ;)


Testing the following PBO file with scripts.


Vanilla mission and server PBO files.









Please check post #1 for download, and screenshots.

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Prove it

Take your Missionfile, create a init.sqf, write following code in it:


diag_log format ["CODE EXECUTED @ %1", time];
Save it, start your Server... look how often your Server and your client throws this line in the rpt-log. In your theorie the server should spam the log now every few seconds, in reality your client will write the log once every time you get from the lobby into the game, your server rpt will show the line once or twice when the server starts, then never again till the mission restarts.
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Updated the mainbase.sqf for more camo nets, and more loot spawns.


Oh and a broken down plane on the runway.



** Update your mainbase.sqf in your PBO from the the following link **





Just updated - Please update again. /10:30pm EST

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