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vbAwol: Are project contributors getting special privileges?


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vbAwol, a question for you.  In the controversial thread regarding dayz evolved, it was noted that several of the dev team members are running their dayz epoch servers with donor stores.  I seem to remember a post stating that it is not ok to do this.


However, it seem to me a blind eye is turned towards those who run these stores and "contribute to the community"



Macca/DayzLauncher's Donor store selling in game items: http://i.imgur.com/4lYYkQx.png

Cen's Donor store selling in game items: http://i.imgur.com/5fWMe4a.png



It appears that this behavior is allowed so long as one contributes.  So in your opinion, I ask how many lines of code do I need to contribute before I am allowed to open up my own donor store and sell in game items?

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vbAwol, a question for you.  In the controversial thread regarding dayz evolved, it was noted that several of the dev team members are running their dayz epoch servers with donor stores.  I seem to remember a post stating that it is not ok to do this.


However, it seem to me a blind eye is turned towards those who run these stores and "contribute to the community"



Macca/DayzLauncher's Donor store selling in game items: http://i.imgur.com/4lYYkQx.png

Cen's Donor store selling in game items: http://i.imgur.com/5fWMe4a.png



It appears that this behavior is allowed so long as one contributes.  So in your opinion, I ask how many lines of code do I need to contribute before I am allowed to open up my own donor store and sell in game items?

Cen isnt involved u idiot. Again lacking facts...

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How can awol do anything about what people do on their own servers? Epoch is open source, end of story. That means I can do anything I want with that code, within the bounds of the dayz license. 

oh but it does violate the license.



I'm flattered you consider me a dev :D


I'm nowhere near the level of maca/zupa/mcd. 


In fact I don't script at all, I provide help on the forums, sure, but that's about as much as I can do!


you're right.  I see your name so much I just assumed you were contributing.

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I can answer for him.
1. No
2. Read the following


This project isn't run by Maca; he's one contributor among several


And the Following.


What he does in his own time is his own business, but it won't be promoted or supported by our project. He's aware of this and has no problem with that state of affairs, so I don't see why anyone else should have either.


3. Cen isn't even apart of the team.

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I can answer for him.


1. No


2. Read the following




And the Following.




3. Cen isn't even apart of the team.


I'll ignore #3 since I addressed that already.



#1 & #2 your dev macca is monetizing works derived from DayZ as well as Epoch.  How can you trust him to say he won't monetize evolved if he can't even honor the agreement with epoch?

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vbAwol, a question for you.  In the controversial thread regarding dayz evolved, it was noted that several of the dev team members are running their dayz epoch servers with donor stores.  I seem to remember a post stating that it is not ok to do this.


However, it seem to me a blind eye is turned towards those who run these stores and "contribute to the community"



Macca/DayzLauncher's Donor store selling in game items: http://i.imgur.com/4lYYkQx.png

Cen's Donor store selling in game items: http://i.imgur.com/5fWMe4a.png



It appears that this behavior is allowed so long as one contributes.  So in your opinion, I ask how many lines of code do I need to contribute before I am allowed to open up my own donor store and sell in game items?



Well........ they say it isn't, but obviously it must be, or it really depends on which way they flip flop on any given day.

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vbAwol, a question for you.  In the controversial thread regarding dayz evolved, it was noted that several of the dev team members are running their dayz epoch servers with donor stores.  I seem to remember a post stating that it is not ok to do this.


However, it seem to me a blind eye is turned towards those who run these stores and "contribute to the community"



Macca/DayzLauncher's Donor store selling in game items: http://i.imgur.com/4lYYkQx.png

Cen's Donor store selling in game items: http://i.imgur.com/5fWMe4a.png



It appears that this behavior is allowed so long as one contributes.  So in your opinion, I ask how many lines of code do I need to contribute before I am allowed to open up my own donor store and sell in game items?

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I'll ignore #3 since I addressed that already.



#1 & #2 your dev macca is monetizing works derived from DayZ as well as Epoch.  How can you trust him to say he won't monetize evolved if he can't even honor the agreement with epoch?


The witch hunt is real!


I challenge anyone to provide one ounce of proof that maca/ccg has made a dime of "profit" off of the selling of in-game items.


My guess if you have NO idea what his monthly costs of running are. I do :)

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The witch hunt is real!


I challenge anyone to provide one ounce of proof that maca/ccg has made a dime of "profit" off of the selling of in-game items.


My guess if you have NO idea what his monthly costs of running are. I do :)


Then you wouldn't mind sharing the paypal transaction ledger then?  I'm no accountant but I can add and subtract.  post the CSV and let us take a look at it since you have access to it after all.

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I never said I have access to anything like that, clearly you can't read and comprehend simple sentences.

you said:


The witch hunt is real!


I challenge anyone to provide one ounce of proof that maca/ccg has made a dime of "profit" off of the selling of in-game items.


My guess if you have NO idea what his monthly costs of running are. I do  :)

Maybe I'm assuming too much when you speak.  So what are macca's gross monthly donations and what are his expenses?  If you can't back it up with hard data you're just blowing hot smoke regardless of what he tells you
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Monthly running costs and gross donations are two entirely different things.


I never stated I had any clue the amount of donations he receives is.


OK since you clearly have no idea what he takes in or what his server costs are, mind showing us that you are indeed not turning a profit?

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Then let BIS come after him and stop the flaming...

him? you mean you.  But really though Awol needs to clear this up.



What I'm getting from this thread is that it is OK to have a donor shop as long as you don't advertise on epochmod.com servers section.  Linking your server or website with dono shop is ok if kept in the sig line only.

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him? you mean you.  But really though Awol needs to clear this up.



What I'm getting from this thread is that it is OK to have a donor shop as long as you don't advertise on epochmod.com servers section.  Linking your server or website with dono shop is ok if kept in the sig line only.


Click the link, it doesnt goto CCG i think you will find. Yet another case of being miss-informed

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