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A few things that could use some minor tweeks...


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The majority of the Epoch mod(that which i dont mention) has been fun and entertaining...Thank you and well done! With that said, I have been playing and having a lot of fun, pretty much daily for the last 3-4 months, but there are some things I feel could be tweeked a little bit to the benefit of everyone.


**Lockboxes- In the time i have been playing, i have literally come across only 1 lockbox personally, and our group of 8-10 has only found 3 total. I have been told "well you can also find them in vehicles now". Well hundreds of vehicles later, the stats i just stated still remain. I/we dont expect them to be as common as a backpack, but considering that they are almost required to be able to build effectively, they should be a bit more easily found. Without a lockbox you are pretty much forced to store building mats in a hidden vehicle and hope that someone with a heli doesnt come by and find your stash with radar, causing you to start all over. Even with 6-8 people, building mats arent normally common enough to be able to build a base without having stored materials for a few days until you have enough to build, so its obvious how essential the lockboxes become.


**Building time/effort required vs. Raiding time/effort required- This seems to be really out of whack in my experience. For the amount of work it takes to construct a base/building, it seems much too easy to destroy them. Either increasing the amount of explosives it takes to destroy building objects, or increasing the rate at which building mats can be found would work towards evening out the equation. You already have to deal with decay/maintenance on top of possible destruction, so why not make it a bit easier to build and keep a base in a mod that was created centered around building? When it takes days(even weeks) to build something that can be destroyed in such a small frame of time, it becomes almost counter-intuitive to spend your time/effort doing so.


Overall, my main issue is that currently, its very difficult to realistically see long term. Im not playing just to run around and shoot people>die>respawn>repeat>etc. There is something about longevity that is appealing to players like myself. I need something that makes the game/server feel like home...like i am actually accomplishing something long term rather than just chasing my tail repeatedly. I think these small suggestions would help encourage more people like myself to build and rebuild, while also giving those people who want to constantly raid and pillage a larger field of targets to keep them occupied.


Once again, thanks for all the work you guys are doing!

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Lucky bastard, my group of about 8 hasn't ever seen a lockbox in the few months we've been playing. 


I do agree with you about the building, too hard to build for the ease it take to destroy building pieces.

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* Lockboxes: They are rare, yes, but they hold -alot- of items. I personally think it's a good thing that lockboxes are hard to find. There's other storage solutions but they require you to construct a secure base since anyone can access them. This allows players to raid bases since lockboxes are not unlockable by  raiders. ( found 4 lockboxes in 1 month )


Hint: All lockboxes i found were in cars, destroy any car you find to make them spawn on the server with more loot. or sell to trader + kill trader.


*  Basebuilding vs. destroying: Totally agree here, explosives are way too common compared to building materials.

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Hi guys,


I've only recently came back to the Arma & Epoch side of things. (RL to blame). Nice job so far with Epoch!


I do also agree on the points regarding base building / raiding etc. It's a very fine line between things. Effort vs Reward is very important. It's a game after all and you need to try and keep people hooked instead of being annoyed.


*Shoutout to all the old Epoch coders & server groups still around*

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my group found 2 lock boxes within 10 mins of each other, but to be fair they are the only 2 we have found after hours and hours of playing. i agree lock boxes are essential to every group. its only now we have one we are starting to attempt to build a base, before it was just as said run gun die repeat

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i like the rate of lockboxes right now. they should be rare otherwise it would create too much lag with people just finding them and saving crap everwhere. It all depende on how you loot. me and my friend recently changed our server and within a week or two we have found 2 lockboxes. one in a raft the other under a bed. the best way to compensate without a lockbox which is what we do is to build a teepee somewhere hidden to save stuff and get a jammer up as soon as possible. after you do all this you most likely will have found a lockbox if you loot right. i do agree that the building materials are destroyed too easily. You should have to organize and plan an raid on a base not just find one explosive and get in. but over all enjoying the game its mostly other players that ruin the game for me sometimes not the game itself.

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I think that an increase in lock boxes it good. But in the same they should unlock if not opened by the owner after x days (x being a variable the server owner can set) and then after so many more if not touched then they delete. 


I remember some A2 Epoch servers had this feature, and it was great to go around and just find tons and tons of gear in abandoned safes. Obviously lockboxes aren't as common, but I would really love this feature. 

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