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Well Arma 3 Heli DLC just dropped. Wonder if the new helis will be in epoch :P


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I work 7 days a week most weeks, and I can't afford to buy this.

Most gamers I've encountered over the years have been dole wallerers (benefit bums), that just sit and play games for hours upon hours a day, yet they can afford to buy this shit all the time.


Oh poor poor you... I work 5-6 day´s a week and afford this shit + much much more. 


Don´t understand what your post has to do with this at all.

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Oh poor poor you... I work 5-6 day´s a week and afford this shit + much much more. 


Don´t understand what your post has to do with this at all.


Those that it applies to will understand it. 


I run a house with a wife and three kids, my wife doesn't work and I don't have a lot of spare cash to spend on myself. 


I could, if I wanted, buy it now no problem, but I can't justify it when I've cut back our cable TV package to save money. 

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Still not understanding

Yes I'm afraid you don't understand. Dude I'm not mad and I'm not complaining, my friends bought the DLC and I will too eventually. I'm merely stating a fact that as of now, those who paid will have a big advantage over others. They have access to something not cosmetic that is in everyone's game, and no one except them can use it.

That's the concept of pay2win, just to clear that up. Let's move on shall we :rolleyes:

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fuck this dlc.... 12 dollars for 2 choppers ?!? lol... this is stupid ! plz at no one from this shit new helis in epoch ! please !


why people buy this shit ?


zitat from Soren:

Games and DLC are extremely cheap entertainment, if you stop and think about how much entertainment pr hour you get with a DLC like this... Let's do some math :3


1 x DLC 12.5 $ (I believe somebody said) / 24 hrs  = 0.52 $ pr hr if you play for 1 day....


this is bullshit, 12,5 dollars for 2 gay choppers, has nothing too do with hours ingame ( how long u fly this helis or sit in ? )

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Hope they don't continue down this path with a Weapons or Vehicle DLC.



It might severely affect the life of this mod for players who don't like the fact they have to pay between a hundred and two hundred dollars after buying the game and DLC's otherwise they are a bit of a disadvantage.


Bohemia could be shooting themselves in the foot here.




I make really good money at my job.. It's a matter of principle for me so It's a no-sale here.


Maybe it'll go on sale for 5 dollars later one once they realize sales are not to their expectations.

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I got the game for 30$ in alpha ... 25$ for 3 dlc packs (although there werent many choppers in this one) is not a big deal.  And from what I understand they are adding 2 other choppers they just werent ready.  Its your prerogative to not buy the dlc but once again what does it really do to hinder your play?  It makes it so you cant fly ONE helo (I have not seen the Huron yet in game so I dont know if its in).  If not being able to fly ONE helo makes you hate the mod maybe you didnt like it in the first place.


As far as not having the money, its okay, shit happens trust me I know.  But like I said not being able to fly one of the choppers is no reason to make it so the rest of us cant use what we did purchase.  Honestly this feels like kindergarten mentality.  I cant use X toy so I dont want Johnny to be able to use it either.  Not the way to be and (especially if you have children) not the way to teach them to be.  Eventually I'm sure you all will purchase the content (might be when the price drops) but I'm sure you can see the point I'm trying to make here.


As a side note this topic originally started as an excited post anticipating what the dlc content and the other content added with it would bring to Epoch.  You have turned it into a petty quibble about how much you have to pay for a dlc pack.  Not cool.  If you want to complain about the price or the content found in this pack I would suggest going to Bohemia's website.  Im sure you would have better luck talking with the company that made the pack than with the people that are trying to enjoy the Epoch mod.

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I would say, it is ok when you don't have the dlc, that you can't fly them, but you should be able to be a passenger!


We found a CH-67 Huron on CPC HC server, but right now a don't have the dlc :(, I'll by it in the near future, but right now, I need my money for other stuff.

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I work 7 days a week most weeks, and I can't afford to buy this.

Most gamers I've encountered over the years have been dole wallerers (benefit bums), that just sit and play games for hours upon hours a day, yet they can afford to buy this shit all the time.


I don't know who you hang out with online, but 90% of the gamers I've encountered and all the ones I know on a personal basis work for a living. Sometimes we have to wait a few weeks to make a purchase fit into our budgets and sometimes we have expendable money on hand when something like a new game or DLC becomes available. Typically when I see something new I want I skip something like having a drink with my meal when I go out to dinner with friends or making a sandwich for lunch instead of buying lunch. 

You can afford to buy it, it's what you are willing to give up to buy it that is the point. You obviously have a computer(that is good enough to play ARMA III), and internet, and that means you are not piss poor. Other than the intial investment in a computer, video games are cheap entertainment and if you wait I bet they will have a sale on the DLC at some point in time like they did ARMA III itself. 

We are slowly getting rid of the stereotype of Video Gamers living in their parent's basement and being socially awkward recluses, can we not perpetuate the other one of them being jobless benefit receivers who do nothing else? Most of us work and have lives outside the internet.

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They have though, back at the very start playing BHD I was brought into a group of 3, all potheads, only 1 worked. My presence evened it up.

When I first played Dayz Epoch, a few of the players I regularly played with were all unemployed.

The frequency of encounters with dole dossers may be heightened because I play during the small hours once I'm home from work. The only people that play at those times are shift workers or dossers.

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 It makes it so you cant fly ONE helo (I have not seen the Huron yet in game so I dont know if its in).  If not being able to fly ONE helo makes you hate the mod maybe you didnt like it in the first place.


The Huron is in, so there are two types of helicopters, the Taru and Huron. There are also several versions of the Taru, right now I have three Tarus at my base right now. There are at least 4 Tarus (regular, bench, cargo, transport) and 1 Huron per server, so it is more like you can't even fly half of the helis on the server, since there is 1 Orca, 1 Mohawk and 2 hummingbirds that everyone can fly. 

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They have though, back at the very start playing BHD I was brought into a group of 3, all potheads, only 1 worked. My presence evened it up.

When I first played Dayz Epoch, a few of the players I regularly played with were all unemployed.

The frequency of encounters with dole dossers may be heightened because I play during the small hours once I'm home from work. The only people that play at those times are shift workers or dossers.


So you are basing your summation off of a sample size of less than 30 players? :) What time and in what timezone? Was it during what would be business hours in your area of the world? Since you use "dole" I'm assuming Western European or Australian/New Zealander. 

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Hey Nic.  Yeah I just recently found the huron as well.  What would be nice, and I believe bohemia is working on this since this was just the preliminary release of the dlc, is when the modules for the taru become detachable we will have 1 Taru and will be able to find the modules on the map scattered around.  Make them rare of course but it would be nice.  And I have noticed that the Taru does spawn multiple variants on the map at the same time as well. 


I think the real issue however is the advanced flying model.  The base helos are getting sold more often than not rather than being flown which makes it hard to steal / find them. 


Anyway aside from that helos are nice on epoch but lets face it half the time if you are flying you cant do anything else.  Recently Ive taken to hiding Helos and just going out on foot as I tend to have more fun with the group of guys that I play with.  I guess what Im trying to say is epoch is more about the ground game anyway and helos make things quicker but they arent useful all the time so not having one isnt that big of a deal.

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So you are basing your summation off of a sample size of less than 30 players? :) What time and in what timezone? Was it during what would be business hours in your area of the world? Since you use "dole" I'm assuming Western European or Australian/New Zealander. 



Yes of course, I'm not that popular to have played with more than 30 players on a regular basis. I guess if I played at 5PM onward I would be among people that did hold down a job. Nevertheless, from my own experiences, I've encountered a lot of dole dossers and pot heads in this hobby. 

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