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First time dying to a Mad Monk


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Have you seen one? They have a really cool attack I think And new FX to go along. 


I've seen at least one new attack, screen went red, and I started bleeding? Definitely shocked and confused me the first time. I'd like it if they did both type of attacks. Was able to run away from one while I was out of ammo, and seemed like I could stay out of range of his "psychic" powers. The fireball used to work well while staring em down, they couldn't move but they'd still send a fireball at you from a decent range. It wasn't perfect (sound would bug, usually easy to dodge) but aesthetically it was great.

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I've met a crazy cultist only one time, in the middle of Kavala, in the middle of the night. I had no NVG and it was very dark except a few street lights, when suddenly I heard this weird sound and my eyes started to bleed! At first I was like WTF is happening to me!? Until I turned around and saw him just standing there across the street, staring right into my soul. I fired a few shots at him but he wasn't impressed so I tried to run away but he was sucking my stamina and I was slow like hell. I turned around another time and bam! he was standing right next to me! Seemed like he was only moving when I looked away. Well I pumped the rest of my mag into him and he finally went down. Phew!

Nice work on the monks, their psycho attack is great, their movement too if it really works like I think it does. I wonder what happens when they come in hordes... I guess it's just run and hide and take them out one by one from afar.

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