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Lock & release


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I know the urge to addd "just one more fix", but its time to lock the sprint and release it. Believe me I know the temptation, but the rolling change log has got way too many peoples attention waiting for release before they build new bases.

Time to hit that deploy key and start planning the next release.

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They could just be making sure they work out any bugs on the list they have now and not adding more.  They haven't added anything to the list in days.  I wouldn't be surprised if they're just polishing what they have now. Looks to be a great patch and I'm willing to wait as long as it takes.

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I think if you're really that concerned about it and obviously familiar with the repo- check it out and load it yourself. 


Otherwise, I'd much rather AWOL releases when he's ready. 


Did you even read my last post ?  :huh:

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Things take time.
None of the developers get paid to work on this. They do it on their own accord and on their own time.
They do a fantastic job at what they do.
The donations they get are put towards web hosting and other server costs.

I have worked on my fair share of mods, websites, and projects without pay.

So, while you wait, you can sing The Beatle's "Here Comes the Sun"

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I've already successfully added few changes from the .4 RC4 build (like horizontal build) and the tests went nice =) The only thing now is what's bothering me.. a network problem on the physical host is hindering me/our team to play >_< ..well.. we'll come back ^^


But yeah, nice job what vbawol is doing~ there were/are some problems he/they went into.. so it wouldn't be wise to release a version with bugs~  here applies "it's done when it's done"

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