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Looking for a server with good admins

Dave Caffeine

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Myself and my group of friends (around 8) have been trying unsuccessfully over the past week to find everything we want in an epoch server along with good admins.


Things we'd like:


24/7 day

trader safe zones (big ones)

self blood bagging

heli lifting

vehicle towing


AI bandits/ heroes


clothing stripping

a modified map with added buildings is preferable



If your server or one you play on has all or most of these features please let me know.

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You guys are more than welcome to come check out my server. It is most popular on the weekends and from around 12-6 pm PST during the day. We have everything on your list except for towing and clothing stripping. Towing however will be added soon. If nothing else keep us in mind for future reference ;)




Best of luck to you guys,



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We at DMIK provide almost every script you want and we are active admins.


The server has:



24/7 day

trader safe zones (big ones)

self blood bagging

heli lifting

vehicle towing


a modified map with added buildings


We also provide a teamspeak 3 server you can join and you can PM us if you want a private channel!


Come check our server out, server info in my signature. :)

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As a non server owner, or server admin, may I suggest an excellent server I've recently found myself playing on....it's called ArmageddonGameServers and it has all the features you mentioned.


Another server I play on which has all the above apart from AI is.... MoneyGrabbingTrolls or MGT.


Incidentally, the ArmageddonGameServers server has the exact same custom map as MGT, which does suggest they've copied the mission files from the MGT server. Naughty.

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I play on Stakeland.net's server. Server information is


They're working on quite a few unique experiences. They already have a Walking Dead style prison setup. There are Base Domes to keep your bases, for the most part, intact. They've reset the server 2 days ago, so there's no real power gap between people. Here's a list of everything you can expect:



Custom AI

Custom locations (IE NEAF, Balota Prison, etc)

Optional Base Domes with Care Packages

Trader Safe Zones

Custom intro

Stakeland Teamspeak


They're working on several other goodies as well.

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Myself and my group of friends (around 8) have been trying unsuccessfully over the past week to find everything we want in an epoch server along with good admins.


Things we'd like:


24/7 day

trader safe zones (big ones)

self blood bagging

heli lifting

vehicle towing


AI bandits/ heroes


clothing stripping

a modified map with added buildings is preferable



If your server or one you play on has all or most of these features please let me know.

Hi Dave


Im running a server which is new or rather not advertised, i have all the mods you are looking for, we have some regular players , our server is "pve encouraged" but we need some bandits


more than welcome to join in - search commander for last stand uk ip , 


most of our players on during the UK evening

log on and give me a poke -



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Try and check us out:

Dayz Epoch - TPG ( VETERAN|DAY|280+Vehicles!|IndestructibleBases|AI Missions|Limited Safezone|Custom Buildings|CustomTraders|SelfBloodbagLow|SupplyDrops|10mNameTags|Custom AH|Teamspeak|Sidemissions|Dogs [TPG]





Current features:
Indestructible bases
280+ dynamic vehicles.
Weapons Cache Missions
Supply Drops
Limited safezones.
Custom buildings.
Custom Antihack
AI Sidemissions
Dogs are tameable.
Self bloodbag (3.5k health per, 250sec wait between, 90sec completion time.)
Our server is regularly full around this time with 30+ people on weekdays and full on weekends. Always adding new content, weapons, vehicles, etc. We're very popular, populated, and we've only been up two weeks - so check us out.
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As a non server owner, or server admin, may I suggest an excellent server I've recently found myself playing on....it's called ArmageddonGameServers and it has all the features you mentioned.


Another server I play on which has all the above apart from AI is.... MoneyGrabbingTrolls or MGT.


Incidentally, the ArmageddonGameServers server has the exact same custom map as MGT, which does suggest they've copied the mission files from the MGT server. Naughty.

Or maybe MGT used public map addons and ArmageddonGameServers just happen to have the same?

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