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Anyway to auto kick those with sub 100 bandwidth?


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I've looked into it and I can#t find anything within the Arma engine to do this, does anyone know of any tools/addons that can?

When players dip below 100 bandwidth it pretty much lags the server out, menus don't work, red chain, players can't join etc. When kicked it all returns to normal, and we're manully kicking those and temp banning repeat offenders.

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I couldn't find anything either :(


Only "solution" i could think of:

Use rcon to get the players IP addresses and use a network monitoring tool to check their bandwidth.


I dont think there is anything that can link with rcon/be to auto kick though?

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Ill keep an eye out for this on my server as well to see if its linked for me also.


Its a shame BEC does not have the option like it does for ping

It is a known issue with ArmA2 that has existed for like a year or more, if I recall correctly. When I was looking into what bandwidth meant I came across the bug report system for ArmA2 that has it detailed and someone from BIS responded saying they were working to fix it. The gist of the issue it is that people with below 100 to 150 bandwidth (depending on what is happening on the server) tend to cause everyone on the server to experience delayed responses and removing those players resolves the problem.

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No, there's still nothing. Epoch is such a bandwidth whore because of the amount of database items that are needed to be streamed to all players. There is a config you can put in your server launch batch file for an alternative bandwidth


This is the issue https://dev.withsix.com/issues/27001


The new beta builds of Arma 2 address this but are not compatible with Epoch code currently and cause a lot of errors.

[111759]  Fixed: Reduced bandwidth usage in MP.

In game, when someone drops to 62 62 62 or near there, either because they're synching a device, downloading a torrent/Netflix etc, or anyone on their connection, it stops any new players joining, causes blackscreens and seagull outbreaks.


As I see it, either Epoch/DayZ gets coded to work with newer Arma 2 builds, the buildables in game are consolidated, such as when 100 base items are built the database stores it as 1 item or some form of bandwidth kick can be implemented.

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