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search all files for a word (maybe a simple answer) I hope



is there any program that would search all files in a directory for any files containing  a particular word


like say I wanted to find  what files have the word "DZAI_dynAISpawns"


it would search all my files for the word DZAI_dynAISpawns


I remember long ago I could serach any text file for a word and it would list  all the files with that word in it .







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Notepad++ has this feature.

I figured it did but I cant see how, without actually opening the file and cclicking search or the binocs..

how do I  ask it to search unopened files ???



I figured out how to add extensions to widows search  Indexing, and its working now. however I would love to know how with notepad ++

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CTRL + F --> Search in files --> Search for: "YOUR SEARCH", Replace with: "Keep blank", Filters: "Keep blank",Folder: The folder where you want to search (DZMS folder).

thankz for that....

just trying to find out of dzms,dzai and WAI  whats spawning roaming AI that roam around and kill my whiny ass playerz

I personally like the constant fear. but I feel it may be scaring away alot of my playerz....

unfortunately only found in dzai to disable them

DZAI_dynAISpawns = false;


nothing in wai or dzms to disable them


and I always need to find certain words in  folders soo this will help.. thanz for the help.......

now I dont have to open every file to find certain words 

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