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DayZed and Confused about A3 Epoch


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Ok so its a bad pun...and I beg for forgiveness for using it...


I'm a bit confused here and I could use some clarification as I go about giving my impressions and feedback.


I should tell you upfront I've been an Arma guy for a few years so DayZ, Wasteland, Arma 2 and 3 are not new to me. I have over a 1000 hours in those two games..alot of it in the editor mind you.


Now for A3 Epoch...


I have joined 5 different A3 Epoch servers now. Some with no players and some almost full. The performance of the mod/ Arma 3 is pretty much what we have come to expect across the years. Its Arma and its never gonna churn out 100 FPS with no desync.


The spawn / teleport system is strange to me. A series of shacks with guys running around in our underoos then beaming in ala Star Trek via a trash can lid on the ground....thus lumping fresh spawns into three locations. 


I then began exploring...liked the clean empty interface. Keeps the action where it should be without an interface screaming for attention. 


I ran to several different places..opened a 1000 structures and found nothing. I did see 1 vehicle drive away and never saw another one...not even a damaged one or a burned out hulk. I then decided to head to a storage container 4.5 km away and tried more looting along the way. Found clothing. Got fatiqued..no loot...walked awhile..ran some more..got to the storage container and found 3 backpacks. Oh I forgot I saw 2 dogs and goat. No beasties or zombies or whatever...didnt even hear one when I was running through a major ton. 


So I'm confused...is the loot table turned way down?  Are there vehicles, loot, zombies..scratch that..beasties? 


My whole 1.25 hour experience has felt more like I'm running around an empty map in the editor. I'm clearly not getting the "A3 Epoch" experience although one player in game did take the time to tell me, "This isnt Arma 2 Epoch...its very different." 


I'm sure I'm missing something but I'm not getting any sense of danger, no sense of purpose in the game.  I get that the devs are trying to do something different here and not just port over Epoch for A2 but I'm not getting it.



Someone help me out...from what Ive seen so far  I can't figure out what the game is....and that's the jist of my feedback. I dont get it. Teleporting to a spawn location then exploring an empty lootless world isnt going to keep very many people entertained or engaged for long.  Maybe this is just the current server setup..loot table and beasties turned down / off?


Help. I was / am really looking forward to this....now not so much but I hope it gets better or that I'm missing the big picture.

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When you spawn head for the houses, small towns, large towns and start exploring.


On a busy server don't follow the crowd and you're likely to fund more loot.


Use the T key to trash loot piles, try it out on different objects, you will see when they collapse.


The loot is there, we're just not putting big signs or scroll wheel options on everything in this brave new world.


Loot is being worked on, along with everything else. Follow those points though and you will soon be experiencing Epoch. 


Thanks for the feedback.

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Played maybe 10h tops the last 4 day´s and have found multiple vehicle´s every day, geared to the teeth about 4 times. Got in a lot of fights with players and Ai, the creatures have made me soil my undies a couple of times i think..


I´m really impressed and was pleasantly surprised that Epoch had come this far in development, exciting times ahead..

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Churches are the best places to find waepon cases (lol don't ask me why the devs put them esp. there..).


It is pretty easy to gear up indeed.


This is Epoch, not dayz, so (apart from the sappers) there are no zombies. But there are antagonists, drones that spawn AI on you, dogs that chase you for miles to bite you, sharks, snakes, and of course the exploding sappers.

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What they all said ^^^^^^.

Also, Ax, you can hit a military installation and find nothing, but on another day the very same place can turn out loads of loot.

In fact, you can run into a building and find nothing, and your friend 10 metres behind can run into the building and find stuff.

Being with friends spawns more stuff indeed !!! Confirmed 100%

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Looting with friends yields a higher loot spawn rate. If you are solo and not finding any loot, run away about 100 meters and wait there a couple mins and than come back, loot should spawn. Small towns and big towns have the same chances of spawning loot, try not to go the the big towns everyone goes to and hit up several smaller towns that are likely to have not been looted yet. 

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Looting with friends yields a higher loot spawn rate. If you are solo and not finding any loot, run away about 100 meters and wait there a couple mins and than come back, loot should spawn. Small towns and big towns have the same chances of spawning loot, try not to go the the big towns everyone goes to and hit up several smaller towns that are likely to have not been looted yet. 

Nic speaks the truth. Last night we tested this. We got four guys and ran around. I have never seen so much loot spawns. We walked into one of the the two story houses there were two chairs, a love seat, peg board,fridge,bed and a coffee table. This was on the server that got wiped yesterday too. 

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As much as a person shouldn't be told the secrets of creation, sometimes during desperate times such as yours, you just need a little guidance.

Do as these people have mentioned. Go to non populated towns. Give loot a chance to spawn. For the buildings that did not spawn loot, go back to them after a while.

The loot system is amazing and allows ANYONE to grab some loot. As for vehicles, if you have trouble finding them on the map, loot for a while, go to traders and search for the perfect buy. The vehicles are somewhere, you just need to be active and search (country roads and traders).

If its antagonists you want to see, be on foot in towns squishing and looting. I guarantee you will be overwhelmed.

This mod is not something that allows a player to become superior in a matter of minutes. It takes hours and tons of effort to gather the best goodies and create the OP base.

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When I am join a new server, I need 10-60min to find enough to say I am equiped, I do not need the "best" weappon, or the best backpack. Maybe you got bad luck, or you are looking in the wrong places. Cars are rare, I know some places where they spawn, but if I'm a lone wolf, I do not need a car, when I play with my mates, I use a car to pick them up, or they pick me up, then we hide the car or I sell it. Two days ago, we found after a couple mins a Orca and flew around the map for about 2 hours.

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