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People who want to play sign here!


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I am a Single Player but just recently met 2 Fine Players who are awesome players and we would like to play and test the Epoch Mod. I am a Normal player from Arma 2 Overpoch and Epoch Servers. I love everything about Arma 3 and Epoch that I cant even go back to Arma 2 b/c yall have done a More then Fantastic job!!! Thank You for what yall do b/c my life is positive again playing Arma...

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Hello, we are a group of 6 players and would like to play with you. 
2 of us were already white lists with you and us, it has also made ​​mega fun but now we are not so with you on the server :( 
it would be nice if we can play with you resist and let her get us the password would 
Translated the whole thing with the google translator-
Original Text in Deutsch
Hallo, wir sind eine gruppe von 6 spielern und würden gerne bei euch spielen.
2 von uns waren auch schon bei euch whitelistet und uns hat es auch mega spass gemacht doch jetzt kommen wir ja nicht bei euch auf den server :(
es wäre schön wenn wir wider bei euch spielen dürfen und ihr uns das passwort zukommen lassen würdet 
Übersetzt wurde das ganze mit dem googleübersetzer 
MFG Zween


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Hi, well im one of them who would love to get a password.


But is this a good way to get one? I have looked over all the pages and there is no comment from any of the dev team members here.


So as I see it, this thread is just started by one of us who also wants a password.


But hey, im still trowing my name in the pot :P

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Hi, we are a group of 5 players  from France, 25+, we would like play and also test A3 Epoch. We liked and built a lot in Arma 2 Epoch. We really want try the base building of A3 Epoch.

Thank you for the developement ! And good job 

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For earlier'm sorry, but I know English is very bad, so I use a translator. My name is Andrey, I am 30 years old, I'm from Ukraine and I love ARMA and modes of BP. Was looking forward to Epoch and really want to play on the official servers and rezhie hardcore. I love roleplaying role and always recoup alone. Could you please send me the password for the server as you want high quality and fair play. I would be very grateful to you.

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Hi im 18 years old and loved to play dayz epoch.

I have a team of 6 players. We want to play on the offical server because we want to play and help test stuff like Groupinteraction and building bases. We have 2 twitchstreamer and we would love to get the password!


Thx for read.

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Guys, BMRF servers are open to the public AND they are officially supported by the epoch mods. Get whitelisted at BMRF.me. I've played on BMRF servers for years and I can tell you these guys are arguably the best hosts I've ever encountered in arma/dayz. Extremely transparent, fair and will NEVER abuse their rights.

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Its such a shame people hack into servers and ruin it for the real players. I'm a 30yo lad and I don't cheat I play the game. even bought the Tee Shirt I'm such a fan from watching the development of this Mod. Hope this little shit with his threats gets what he deserves. Who the hell does he think he is really? Anyway all the Best Epoch team. Maybe have to keep it strict like The Arma 3 Life Mod. Look forward to giving your mod hours upon hours of game play. Azzarma Australia Group of 4!  

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I apologize for the bad English that I practice. We are a groups of 8 regular player mods epoch since arma 2. 
we currently play on unofficial server but we are 100% convinced that this one is destined for a great future. That is why we would like to have the chance to participate in development is by testing it on official server. 
I also yours to say that we Avont a chain or twitch Avont we already praised epoch ^^ 
Thank you in advance 
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Hi all,


230+ hours in arma 3

Ukrainian/Russian little group 5-6 peoples ages 25+ (my age is 31) almos everyone from our group have 250+ hours in arma 3, 100+ in dayz SA.

Guys, mod is really awesome, we played few hours when it was public, and have a lot of fun!

it's really sad, that it closed for now from public. Is there any chance to get access?

Thanks :)


Kindest Regards,


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