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Noob no idea what to do


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Are there any complete guides for epoch around I could read? I'm pretty lost on some things.


Like how do you keep your money after you die?

What is the point of having traders at the spawn if you don't respawn with your cash?

What other custom keys are there besides the i key and what do they do?

How rare are vehicle spawns?

Where is the best loot?




Also I was going to make a new post for this but ill just post this here

While playing I went to a lot of houses in Agios Dinoysios and marked what houses had loot and what houses where empty. I was planing on going to every house in the city but ended up getting into a gun fight and fled.


I don't know if this will at all be interesting to anyone as I know the loot system is dynamic but here



black dots - empty houses

Red skulls - loot

Purple icon - special loot (I found a gun case in the church with a lynx sniper rifle)


Looks like loot is hard to find. Spent a hour going to house to house.

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Vehicle spawns are pretty rare.

The traders are all dynamic meaning that if someone sold something to it then you can of course buy it back.

You can't keep your money yet but you can always go back and see if you can pick it up off the ground(looks like an iphone on the ground)

Those traders are spawn points but people do trade at them.

Best loot is depending on what you like in terms of a gun. NVG's are popular because of night time and all the attachments for the guns. I think there is a really good armor called "Juggernaut"(Not too sure if its Epoch arma 3 or not). 


Using the search function also helps as well.

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There is no official guide, yet.


To answer your questions:


You don't keep your money after death, yet. You have to go back to your body and hope that the person that killed you or anyone for that matter didn't pick up your "PDA" for your krypto.


The point is having somewhere safe to go that you cannot die (safe trader). 


not sure what you mean by custom keys. Key bindings can be configured in the options menu 


Currently there are 100 vehicle limit on the map. They can be in traders or on map. You can find them on side of roads (country roads are the best) or in traders inventory. You can also find the ones hidden in the reeds that players are storing. 


With the way that the loot works so far, there is no "Best" place for loot. Loot spawns per person, depending on what you have and what the game thinks you need. it will spawn randomly 40m in a shot gun blast, picking out buildings. You literally can find loot everywhere, if you are patient enough. More loot will spawn when you are in groups or when others are in the same place as you. 

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Thanks for the reply's guys, I tried to use the search but could not find any guides except construction guides.


You guys are saying that you can't keep your money on death yet so does that mean it will be possible to do in the future?


With custom keys I mean like to access the trader you need to press I, and I read on the wiki that you can setup a custom key to surrender, I was just wondering if there where any other keys of that sort that could be useful, like a Key  to bring up a menu or something,


Also its really good to know that there are no loot hotspots and the vehicle limit is at 100. Very useful! I'll have to keep my eye out for that Juggernaut armor as well. Thanks again for the reply's. If you guys got any more tips for a noob like myself feel free to share :D

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Some tips (I am new as well)


-Follow the stars and moon for general direction if it's dark. A MUST on hardcore.


-When you hear a dog, just sit down (check key bindings), no matter how far away you hear it. I find that increases my chances, at the moment. Still testing.


-If you see a creepy thing at a distance, do not lay your last rounds into it. Wait for it to get a little closer, to increase your chances of survival.


-In a town that you are unfamiliar with, If you feel you're alone, open ALL doors, so you know what you've checked already.


-If you don't feel alone, close the door, so you may hear someone else enter.


-If you see a vehicle, triple check your surroundings.


-Ditto at traders


-Make use of all walk/run speeds. You can regen stamina during slow walking. You can toggle run/slow walking.


-Remember +1 SOIL for every "T" lootable pile. It adds up far faster than you will ever find a wet nap!


-To the above... imo a gun, any gun is first priority, then pockets to carry stuff. Once you have that the game starts!

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Is there a more general guide for noobs?  I've been watching the forums for a while and quite excited to see that it is in open alpha, but when I play, I find myself searching for loot for long periods of time and finding absolutely nothing.  I've found very few instances of couches or some sort of cabinet where I've found smoke or junk clothes, but endless houses in big cities are completely empty.  I'm an avid DayZ SA player so I know what it's like to feel like you're on an empty server and then suddenly I'll get killed by a geared person, which I'm fine with and feels the same here, but just confused as to how anybody even begins to gear themselves up when I've spent so much time searching so many buildings and finding nothing.


DayZ doesn't give you any advice, but at least you find a melee weapon here or there, food here or there, etc.  It seems like there is no loot anywhere.  Please don't troll this post, I'm just a noob and struggling with how to get started or what to do in the game.  Are there certain things I should be looking for that aren't obvious?  Should I just be going in every building I see and looking for loot laying on the ground, or is all loot in some sort of container?


Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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It seems there are loot hotspots after all, at least that is what I have come to believe. Military cargo towers and military bases seem to have the greatest amount of loot. In one cargo tower I found two gun cases and three other lootable objects. Sometimes towers don't have anything in them though. Also churches seem to have a high loot spawn rate.


But I guess it does not matter now with the hacker fest and locked servers, which will probably last months because the dev says they need BI to fix the exploit which is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

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have the same problem, just started playing. made 2 question posts regarding the lack of info. the custom key thing is bugging me as well. its enough that i have my own personal key binding setup, but the extra keys, that conflict with my own and are not listed anywhere is really frustrating)

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