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Now that we are in Open Alpha can we rent servers?

Shadow Moses

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It was said that only certain hand picked server admins and GSP's (Game Server Providers) will have the server files, they'll need to agree not to modify the server files in any way.

This is so that server admins don't make a cock up whilst trying to modify the files, they must remain vanilla so any bug reports are real bugs and not some guy who made a mistake editing his self actions file or any other change.

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It was said that only certain hand picked server admins and GSP's (Game Server Providers) will have the server files, they'll need to agree not to modify the server files in any way.

This is so that server admins don't make a cock up whilst trying to modify the files, they must remain vanilla so any bug reports are real bugs and not some guy who made a mistake editing his self actions file or any other change.

Thats fine with me. I just want to be able to pay someone money to stand up a server near me. That way we get more servers out in the wild. I dont have to play on crappy ping servers in Texas or in Europe. We need more servers. :D

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I have talked to the guys at GTX and as of now, they have not heard anything about the dev team giving them the server files. But since its just a couple of hours ago they open this for the public i hope its just a matter of days before they do.

As for the no editing the files, that is extremely ok with me, I would just want more servers up and running.... :D

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I have talked to the guys at GTX and as of now, they have not heard anything about the dev team giving them the server files. But since its just a couple of hours ago they open this for the public i hope its just a matter of days before they do.

As for the no editing the files, that is extremely ok with me, I would just want more servers up and running.... :D

Same here. Would love to see some more official servers. The only thing is that it might be some work trying to maintain them all.

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They haven't given the server files to anyone.  The servers that are up now are hosted on dedicated boxes provided by the sponsors.  The dev team then remote into those boxes via remote desktop and copy whatever files are needed to run the servers.  The server files aren't passed out to any other individuals or companies, and won't be until they are released to the general public.  

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