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Contacted Bohemia still can't fix problem


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Ok so I really need help I'm trying to play overpoch with my friend but my game is not working right. When I join a server I still have the arma cursor but I cannot click on ok disconnect the player role thing or the other option in the bottom left. I have contacted Bohemia and tried a few things that got the game working for the amount of time it took for my server to restart twice and then it just stopped again. I have reinstalled my game multiple times deleting the Bohemia folders in regedit and it goes back to the exact same state that it was in before I deleted it. Luckily for me there seems to be no one who has this problem or has posted about it anywhere so if anyone has had this problem could you please help me.

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sorry but I have no idea how to use it. I also have a problem that appears then I have the original dayz mod installed the server I guess is trying to use that instead of overwatch and epoch because it gives me the name of every file in the @DayZ folder and says that the file is not signed by a key accepted by the server please remove them. I have the correct parameters put into dayz commander and have checked them with multiple friends and it only seems to let me into the game if I uninstall dayz mod from dayz commander. I also have what I believe to be the correct expansions accepted I have also checked with friends.

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Usually you can find your client RPT here

C:\Users\(USERNAME)\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT

Replace username with yours and type directly into the address bar since AppData is a hidden folder and you cannot navigate to it with the gui.

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Your client log showed nothing.


It looks like you are running a dual monitor setup, have you always had the game window on monitor 2?


The behavior it's showing is like the window for Arma2 has lost focus.


Since you have contacted Bohemia support and they are unable to help I would research Desktop Window Manager and any known issues with your graphics card.


If it was me, if not currently running latest drivers for your 770, I would upgrade them. If running the latest drivers for the 770 I would try the next version lower and test, if it worked I'd roll with it until next driver release if it exhibits same behavior I'd drop one more driver down. If it still exhibits the behavior you can possibly rule out driver issue.



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Dayz Commander is a bit broken atm and is having trouble connecting/ finding servers. I have a similair issue with my server but i know a easy way to join the server anyway.


In the video i can see that the servers name is the ip, rather than a name and you got a very high ping. What seems to work for me:


Use DayZ Launcher,




-  Open dayz commander and go the server you're trying to join.

-  As you can see the server's IP is showing, rather than its name so, refresh the server every 3/5 minutes.

-  If you refeshed it multiple times and its still not showing up, try restarting DayZ Commander and try again.

-  Join the server when you see the server's Name rather than the IP and when the ping is not red and 1000, but when its green/ yellow.\


And if all of that isn't working, your files might be corrupted (i think).


Check at the install/ update tab on dayz commander, if its saying if there are any corrupted files. (a mods name will apear red and will say if its corrupted)


If nothing is corrupted, try a reinstall of the mods. Dont just hit the reinstall button, but go to the settings tab on dayz commander. There will be a something like this;




Its a path to a file, in this file all of your DayZ addons (Epoch/ Overwatch/ Origins etc.) will be saved.

Open the file, i believe you can just click the link to open the file.

Once in the file, delete the mod that the server you're playing on, is using.

Go back to dayz commander, install the mod that the server is using and try join the server again. Use the steps above to join.

^meaning, join the server only when you see the servers name and not the ip.


Let me know if this helped you out and if all of that isn't working, we'll try to find a solution ;)





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i would try to remove all the extra folders from your arma 2 OA root folder , remove the mods , and any other folders u have added in there launch arma OA make sure the game it self is working not dayz then enable the mods one by one , checking in expansions that no mods that u do not want on are enabled , this is one thing that always fucks with me even now


also make sure your using the right launch perameters for overpoch



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ok so I removed dayz folders and pmc and baf and just launched arma 2 OA and clicked on multiplayer and the game freezes and then it crashes if I  click around the screen



PMC Lite & BAF Lite are part of Operation Arrowhead.


And from the last startup line in your RPT from above you have Overwatch and Epoch loading TWICE.

== E:\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe
== "E:\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe" -connect= -port=2350 "-mod=E:\steam\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2;Expansion;E:\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ_Epoch1051;E:\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayzOverwatch;" -mod=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;

I gather you have enabled them in the Expansions tab within A2OA and are loading them via a -mod line. 

You don't need to do both, one or the other will do.

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I have been trying to find a fix for this problem with the loading screen freeze and hearing the game sounds in the back ground. I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything. I have verified and ran then before I ran the lates version of DayZ Launcher.


Now I don't know how you guys do what you do but if you could PLEASE just tell me or just let me know what you need so I can get this issue fixed. I have not been able to play since the gamespy problem, so with that being said any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Is this problem only happening on a specific server?

If so, the server owner did something wrong on the server's side, EI added a script to the server and forgot something.


Let me know,





For my self it happens on any server I try to join. I have tried pretty much everything I know to fix it, and I have no idea how to get the rpt or pbo files to see or know what I am looking for. I have asked the admin of my favorite server to just delete everything that was tied to that character in game and uninstalled everything including steam and now waiting for someone to come up with something to fix this. I have had this problem since Aug, contacted BI and was told that they cant help me, so I have pretty much just givin up on Dayz at the moment.


I just wanted some help on how to fix it, and like I have said I know absoutly nothing about programing or scripting, and having a extreamly hard time trying to get someone to help or just point me in the right direction.

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