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[REQUEST] Vehicle Smoke Grenades



In multiple vehicle types there is an option to launch smoke grenades (the seat to get this option varies depending on the vehicle). If you press "R" then it "fires" the smoke grenades playing a grenade launcher sound but nothing happens, if you scroll wheel you also get the option to "Add AMMO to Smokes". Example Vehicles: LAV, Jackal, m113, aav, vodnik bppu, btr 90, and etc etc. I've looked now for quite some time on multiple forums and found next to nothing. I've seen vehicles have this feature on DevilDogGamers channel in one of his older videos (LINKS HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjUBfyINPJY#t=1284). If anyone knows how to activate this please let me know it is much appreciated If that is not do able would it be possible to write a script that when you fire the smoke grenades it spawns "X" amount of smoke grenades "X" amount away from the vehicle? Again thank you all ahead of time for any help provided it is much appreciated and doesn't go unnoticed, cheers!

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Any ideas on how this could work guys? I think it would change a lot of aspects of game play so its not just a "gun em' down" kinda strategy but would encourage players to use more gorilla warfare and stealth. If activating the smoke grenades isn't a feasible feat. then would spawning smoke grenades at a certain distance be possible? My server has infistar anti hacks installed and latest update made all loot crates spawn smoke grenades above them(displaying as a hacker box) after the mission was complete, this said could a similar script be made except the smoke spawns x amount of feet away from the vehicle or hell even on top the vehicle. I really appreciate any help and thanks everyone for taking the time to read this!

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Anyone, anyone at all? Any sort of script that is already out there that does something like this or similar? Maybe something that can make a smoke grenade spawn on top the vehicle when you fire it or a certain distance away? anything helps guys even a simple "this can't be done" just so I'm not looking for the imposible. Thanks as always appreciate all you guys are doing, keep up the great work!

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It's not possible to change this without having to change the main config.hpp of epoch thus making it into a version of the mod that would everybody on your server would need to download.

I find this so unnesscessary of the epoch team to do this... why remove SMOKE SCREENS, WHY? :C
It's actually helpful thing in certain situations and it's not a weapon. -.-'

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The ammo and magazine classnames are


SmokeLauncher SmokeLauncherMag SmokeLauncherAmmo

You "may" be able to add it like this  (I never tried adding smoke, only weapons)


In server_monitor.sqf  under

clearWeaponCargoGlobal  _object;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _object;


change HMMWV_TOW to whatever class you want to have smoke

if (_object isKindOf "HMMWV_TOW") then { 
_object addWeapon "SmokeLauncher";
_object addMagazine "SmokeLauncherMag";
_object addMagazine "SmokeLauncherMag";
_object addMagazine "SmokeLauncherMag";
_object addMagazine "SmokeLauncherMag";

They will NOT spawn with this so spawn the vehicle then restart server then  they should have the smoke. to get them to spawn with added  smoke you need to add the same to server_publishVehicle2.sqf to get them to spawn  without restart needed

If this does not work for you I have another Idea..

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