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Smoke at event clearing

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On our Epoch server with DZMS and DZAI, when a DZMS event is cleared a red smoke spawns over the crate.

We would like to disable this but I can't find it in the config for DZMS or the scripts.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?


That isn't in the default DZMS....

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Interesting - we haven't added any events so I don't think that is it, but maybe Epoch is doing something weird with the boxes.


Can you send me a mission file of the mission that does this?


When you complete the mission it should log in the RPT what mission file it was (Minor SM6 etc)

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You guys might wanna check your ban.txt and hacklog.txt files and unban poor fellas who cleared missions. I got 4 bans yesterday after someone reported how awesome red smoke feature was was... I was like dafuq is he on about? Emailed hacklog to Chris, today's AH update fixes this (thanks bud).


Look for this entry in hacklog, it's false positive:

 BIS_Effects_globalEvent modified
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We figured it out - infistar antihack was detecting the crate as a possible hacked box and marking it with a smoke when someone opened it.


Look for approximately line 1885 in ah.sqf and rem out or delete the following lines:


_smoky = 'SmokeShellRed' createVehicle _pos;

_smoky attachTo [_object, [0,0,2]];


I've also had people banned when purchasing a vehicle from a trader:


2014-07-20 17:07:07 infiSTAR HackLog | jesse (XXXXXXXXX) | LocalVehicle: VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1 @062075 (BANNED)   |Instance: 11|


I can only assume it's database lag when the vehicle is created in the world and the player hops in the vehicle before it has a chance to synch with the database.  Infistar picks it up as a hacked in vehicle, bans the player, and removes the vehicle.  After the server resets the vehicle is sitting in the trader.


I haven't traced down a fix for it yet.

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Look for approximately line 1885 in ah.sqf and rem out or delete the following lines:


_smoky = 'SmokeShellRed' createVehicle _pos;

_smoky attachTo [_object, [0,0,2]];


I've also had people banned when purchasing a vehicle from a trader:


2014-07-20 17:07:07 infiSTAR HackLog | jesse (XXXXXXXXX) | LocalVehicle: VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1 @062075 (BANNED)   |Instance: 11|


I can only assume it's database lag when the vehicle is created in the world and the player hops in the vehicle before it has a chance to synch with the database.  Infistar picks it up as a hacked in vehicle, bans the player, and removes the vehicle.  After the server resets the vehicle is sitting in the trader.


I haven't traced down a fix for it yet.


Chris is fixing this as of last night.

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Btw if people what smoke at the box you can use this code.
1) in the mission file right after the line that says

diag_log format["WAI: Mission [MISSION NAME] Ended At %1",_position];

add this block

if(wai_crates_smoke) then {
	_dropPosition = getpos _box;
	_effectSmoke = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle _dropPosition;
	_effectSmoke attachto [_box, [0,0,0]];

2) In  missionCfg.sqf add 

wai_crates_smoke = true

3) add this to the end of private[] in the top of the mission

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Just a follow up to this since it relates to mission crates and Infistar AH. The AH was picking up my mission crates and spamming the log files for possible Hackedboxes. To eliminate the unneeded logs for valid objects I modified my mission system crates with the following variable so that Inifistar would stop detecting them.


_loot_box setVariable ['HBC',3, true];


I found it better for me to do it this way, rather than altering his code.


I am currently using Infistar version 332E.


Hopefully someone else may find this useful.

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