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How do you set up custom loot tables with



I am running Epoch Using information in this thread, I have tried to get a custom loot table working in I previously had it working in 


I downloaded the loot tables from here: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/tree/master/SQF/dayz_code/Configs/CfgLoot and put them in a folder called loottables in my mission file. I edited my description.ext file to have these lines just below "enableItemsDropping=0;"

#include "loottables\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"
#include "loottables\CfgLootSmall.hpp"
#include "loottables\cfgLoot.hpp"

I edited my custom variables.sqf file. I don't copy over the variables.sqf for custom edits, but rather, I call a second variables.sqf in my init.sqf, so it only contains the lines that need to be changed:

dayz_baseTypes = getArray (missionConfigFile >> "loottables\CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass")

I edited the CfgBuildingLoot.hpp to spawn only a med box inside of a grocery store to attempt to confirm that the server is loading the new loot tables. When I joined the server, just the normal loot spawned in the grocery store.


So, obviously I'm not loading the new modified loot tables. What am I doing wrong?

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Ok, so I moved the #include "loottables\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp" line to the top of the description.ext file. The other #include lines were already in their proper place. The server starts and zeds and loot spawns, but I don't think the custom loot tables are being read because I edited the CfgBuildingLoot.hpp file as a test. I changed the supermarket loot to this:

class Supermarket: Default {
lootChance = 0.6;
minRoaming = 12; //2
maxRoaming = 16; //6
zombieChance = 1.0; //0.3
zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","zZombie_Base","z_teacher","z_suit1","z_suit2"};
lootType[] = {

The only thing is should spawn is keymaker kits and it should spawn a lot of zeds, but when I go to a supermarket, it's got the regular loot.


To recap:


In description.ext, at the very top, I have #include "loottables\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"

#include "CfgLoot.hpp" is at the very top of myCfgBuildingLoot.hpp and #include "CfgBuildingPos.hpp" at the bottom of my CfgBuildingLoot.hpp.

#include "CfgLootSmall.hpp" is at the very top of my CfgLoot.hpp.

I have DZE_MissionLootTable = True; in my init.sqf, under the other Epoch variables.


Is there another way for me to verify the custom loot tables are working? Are items for the supermarket pulled from another place besides the CfgBuildingLoot.hpp?




What I think is going on is you didn't change the lootTypeSmall group that appears right under the lootType group. So if the loot chance of the Supermarket is 0.6 (which is what yours is set to

) then there is a chance the lootType will not spawn, and because you probably still have your lootTypeSmall under that, it spawned it the generic small crap like it always does. If you want to run a test to see if it is working then change the chance to 1, get rid of all but on thing in your loottypesmall except for one thing, that way if the one item from loottypesmall or loottype spawns in you know it is working.

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What I think is going on is you didn't change the lootTypeSmall group that appears right under the lootType group. So if the loot chance of the Supermarket is 0.6 (which is what yours is set to

) then there is a chance the lootType will not spawn, and because you probably still have your lootTypeSmall under that, it spawned it the generic small crap like it always does. If you want to run a test to see if it is working then change the chance to 1, get rid of all but on thing in your loottypesmall except for one thing, that way if the one item from loottypesmall or loottype spawns in you know it is working.


Nope, I deleted loottypesmall for testing purposes.

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Nope, I deleted loottypesmall for testing purposes.

I cannot think of a logical reason for this, I'd suggest changing the loot chance to 1, and maybe trying a different it like "assaultrifles", "cfglootweapon", 1.0 } just to make sure it's not something screwy with that one item.

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I cannot think of a logical reason for this, I'd suggest changing the loot chance to 1, and maybe trying a different it like "assaultrifles", "cfglootweapon", 1.0 } just to make sure it's not something screwy with that one item.


I already set the chance to 1.0 for the keymakers kit. 

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Download all these files: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/tree/Release_1.0.5.1/SQF/dayz_code/Configs/CfgLoot


Put them somewhere in your mission.pbo.


Open up description.ext and paste this line:

enableItemsDropping = 0;
#include "PATHTO\NEWLOOTFOLDER\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"

Then open up init.sqf and paste the following variable:

DZE_MissionLootTable = true;


Thanks, but this is not working for me.. when i made it exactly as you suggest, and i try to connect to server, it freezes on "waiting on server". I have server hosted by Vilayer, is here someone who have server also hosted by Vilayer and have custom loot table? I would really appreciate any help. Thanks guys!

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So nobody have custom loot tables on Vilayer server? Anyone?  :unsure:


Running custom loot on is easy.


This thread is an old one, where there were confusion after the update, which contained changes to the way item chance are set in the custom loot files. 

There are many threads about setting up custom loot for Epoch, for Overpoch and the likes... but if you are just interested in getting the files, setting it up and have it working from the start, you can grab my version here: https://github.com/forumtech/Overpoch-CustomLoot


Note: I am not the author of these files, and will give credit to the author if I can figure out where I got them originally. This is just set up to make sure people looking for Overpoch Custom Loot Tables dont spend hours fixing something that should take 5 min max.

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Got this issue to with self configured tables any ideas


I assume you read the first page and then posted that you had issues as well? 

Have you tried following the instructions I posted? If yes, do you have any particular errors or RPT logs to share? 

Please note that the majority of posts in this thread was after the 1.0.5 release that changed things around for custom loot. 

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