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Tips for catching Dupers... Please help


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I run a server that is pretty well populated and I believe I have a duping issue. There are maybe three groups of people who I suspect of duping. Their bases initially raised my suspicion and some of them are beginning to be ratted out by players they used to roll with. I've received a few messages from people that tell me how they were in Teamspeak with certain individuals and listened as they explained how to dupe while doing it in game.


Here is just one example of maybe 5-10 bases on my server that I have to call bullshit on.




This base was about 1/4 the size as of a couple days ago. The individual built his own personal runway with 66 metal floors and the main structure that was built on top of the water has about 60-80 metal floors itself. The kicker is that there was not one single safe or lockbox anywhere near this base. 


I have a bandit stronghold that does provide players with a good amount of cinder and metal floors, but NOT THIS MUCH. I have since removed all the building supplies from this stronghold to see if these bases continue to grow. 


Prior to a certain group showing up, we've had a mix of wood/cinder bases but nothing too crazy, but now it seems in a span of one week we have full castles that need maps to navigate.


Are there any tricks or ways to catch people duping? Also what should I be looking for?


I've never duped items before so I literally have no clue what to look for. 

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There is a way in Epoch to dupe Backpacks, one of my friends found out how. But it was quite hard so i cant remember how he did it. Maybe i can catch him and ask him how.
Will ofc post it here if i get the answer.

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Axeman, I don't know anything about debug codes. I will look into it though and learn. That's a strong possibility. 


So many scripts but yes we have a take clothes script, I don't remember if its Zabns. I vaguely know the backpack dupe and the losing connection one while someone is in their safe, but determining if someone is duping based on their base is extremely hard. I don't like to ban without some kind of proof. A three/four story complete cinder castle can indeed be made, but to farm materials needed like that would take FOREVER on my server. Knowing where that threshold is is the hard part for me and my team.

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Here's a little script you can put in your fnSelfActions to troll those dupers. It's hilarious to watch their aircraft exploding in mid air and their huge bases going down with a boom. After a bit of fun and ignored drama, they start realizing what's going on and leaves the server, no strings attached.

We had a ton of laugh with this:


// paste at end of the file
_weapons = [currentWeapon player] + (weapons player) + (magazines player); // this particular variable serves me extra purpose, but w/e, you get the idea

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0000000","1111111","2222222","3333333"] ) then {  //admin player IDs
if ("ItemObsidian" in _weapons) then {
if (s_player_admin < 0) then {
        s_player_admin = player addAction ["<t color=""#F6FF00"">" +("killCursorTarget")+"</t>", "custom\adminKill.sqf"];
} else {
    player removeAction s_player_admin;
    s_player_admin = -1;


if ( (alive cursorTarget)) then
cursorTarget setDamage 1;
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Here's a little script you can put in your fnSelfActions to troll those dupers. It's hilarious to watch their aircraft exploding in mid air and their huge bases going down with a boom. After a bit of fun and ignored drama, they start realizing what's going on and leaves the server, no strings attached.

We had a ton of laugh with this:


// paste at end of the file
_weapons = [currentWeapon player] + (weapons player) + (magazines player); // this particular variable serves me extra purpose, but w/e, you get the idea

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0000000","1111111","2222222","3333333"] ) then {  //admin player IDs
if ("ItemObsidian" in _weapons) then {
if (s_player_admin < 0) then {
        s_player_admin = player addAction ["<t color=""#F6FF00"">" +("killCursorTarget")+"</t>", "custom\adminKill.sqf"];
} else {
    player removeAction s_player_admin;
    s_player_admin = -1;


if ( (alive cursorTarget)) then
cursorTarget setDamage 1;


What exactly does this script do? When they dupe an item they die? Is the admin UIDs there to prevent admins from being caught up in this script?

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What exactly does this script do? When they dupe an item they die? Is the admin UIDs there to prevent admins from being caught up in this script?


Those UIDs are for the players (admins) who can use that script on another player.  It's a pretty basic and flawed script to be honest, as it doesn't do any checking, you could occidentally kill the wrong player or destroy the wrong vehicle with this script.  In short , it has nothing to do with catching dupers, it's just some admin have a laugh at others expense with hacks ...


I wouldn't recommend using that script, it will just get you a bad rep regardless of whether you use it just against dupers or not.

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It basically destroys whatever you are looking at when triggered. I agree, don't use it..


Diag_log (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/diag_log) is the command to log from the server. There are also good admin tools out there that will allow you to follow the suspected players and see how they are duping.


It does look likely you have a duping issue, is going to be one of the addons that are causing the exploit. What exactly do you have extra on your server?

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Self BB

Crack Safe

Lift Tow Load

Rearm Refuel Repair

Take Clothes

Choose Spawn Location

Vehicle Key Changer

Craft Elevators

Extended Base Building

Deploy Vehicles from Toolbox

Booby Trap Bodies

Strongholds with loot crates that appear each restart

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Well I'm using the first atm which has knocked out all of it but, my admins think they may have found a way around it which we are currently testing.


As soon as I have more info on that I'll post back to Buddy's thread.


Quick tip, looking at building materials is a bit flawed, especially if you have building payouts in the AI mission crates. What I look for is a high number of very rare items on my server. MAAWS and their rockets, M107's and their mags, hotwire kits etc. etc. depending on how you have configured your server....


What we were doing (until Buddy's excellent script) was to keep an eye out for a player losing connection in the bottom left of the screen and then spectate that player as they come back in. If they're stood in front of storage and swapping back packs around then they're a definite suspect. But, they will do it again 99 % of the time. So, now you go invisible and get near them and when they're logged out, check the safe. If it has a back pack in it. Take it out, then laugh as they come back in and hunt around for it. (Also if you use infiSTAR, it notifies you of a player losing connection near storage)


At this point most dupers I have come across admit to it when you challenge them in direct chat whilst still invisible. If they don't, you only need to then check the backpack they're wearing for proof as it will have the same contents in it as the one you are now wearing form the safe.


We have a simple system which, if anything is too lenient. Strip all their safe gear down to 2 bc's, 1 m107, 2 mags and 5 of everything else. Also at this point tell them that if you catch them again they get a perm ban. Take a note of their unique ID at this point, PUID or GUID. Because if they do it again, they'll do it under a new name.


Still, get Buddy's script on and you'll see this problem vanish .....for now :)

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I've been primarily doing my bans through the RCon tool I use. I've noticed that infistar only tempBans. 


How can I manually add GUIDs and IPs to my ban list? I run a vilayer server and have a ban.txt file that logs every ban I do from the RCon, but when I manually put in the GUIDs and IPs they don't save in the ban.txt and after the next restart it goes back to the ones I've done through the RCon. 


Does anyone have a solution for this?

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yes, you need to install the additional files from infistar. I think it's called experienced users....this will make the bans through infi persistent.


Failing that just write the PUID's into the bans.txt file.

Edited by ReDBaroN
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I've been primarily doing my bans through the RCon tool I use. I've noticed that infistar only tempBans. 


How can I manually add GUIDs and IPs to my ban list? I run a vilayer server and have a ban.txt file that logs every ban I do from the RCon, but when I manually put in the GUIDs and IPs they don't save in the ban.txt and after the next restart it goes back to the ones I've done through the RCon. 


Does anyone have a solution for this?

Ban.txt in root folder is infistar perma bans, only contains PUIDs

Bans.txt in Battleye folder (together with filters) is for BE bans, contains GUID and IP bans.

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