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[Release] Safezone AI shield.

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This should do it to:

private ["_pos","_range"];

//_pos = [123,456,789];

_pos = getMarkerPos "MarkerName";

_range = 1000;


if(!(isAgent _x)) then {

deletevehicle _x;


} count (_pos nearEntities ["CaManBase", "Man", "zZombie_base", _range]);

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This should do it to:

private ["_pos","_range"];

//_pos = [123,456,789];

_pos = getMarkerPos "MarkerName";

_range = 1000;


if(!(isAgent _x)) then {

deletevehicle _x;


} count (_pos nearEntities ["CaManBase", "Man", "zZombie_base", _range]);


first off, i dont think thats how isagent works, second you need to loop it so it continues to do this as long as the player is in the safezone, third you only need to search for "zZombie_base" last but not least all zeds are agents!

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