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How would I prevent gemstones spawning in veins?



It may be a simple issue, but I have no idea where to look in the server files/code for this and was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction at least. I've built and implemented a little endgame currency system on my server that is based on rubies, and I don't want players being able to extract rubies from mining veins as this would sortof ruin the system.


Does anyone know how to prevent them from spawning in veins?


Thanks for any assistance.

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Can probably change this around somehow:
remove.sqf, line 211
if (_isMine) then {
if((random 10) <= 4) then {
_gems = ["ItemTopaz","ItemObsidian","ItemSapphire","ItemAmethyst","ItemEmerald","ItemCitrine","ItemRuby"];
_gem = _gems select (floor(random (count _gems)));
_selectedRemoveOutput set [(count _selectedRemoveOutput),[_gem,1]];


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Can probably change this around somehow:
remove.sqf, line 211
if (_isMine) then {
if((random 10) <= 4) then {
_gems = ["ItemTopaz","ItemObsidian","ItemSapphire","ItemAmethyst","ItemEmerald","ItemCitrine","ItemRuby"];
_gem = _gems select (floor(random (count _gems)));
_selectedRemoveOutput set [(count _selectedRemoveOutput),[_gem,1]];



Awesome, well now i can chose which gems spawn, im wondering if

((random 10) <= 4)

would be the percent chance of spawn?

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